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Game on October 1, 2024 at 23:06, 1 player
1. 278 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acefmrv   H4    30    30   faver
 2. deiortu   8A    80   110   outrider
 3. ?aehntt   E5    90   200   antithet
 4. aaekost   D8    32   232   resoak
 5. ?adeilo  14A    78   310   deasoil
 6. afghirt   4G    86   396   affright
 7. aeegnny  A12    36   432   yede
 8. cilnosu   C2    77   509   linocuts
 9. aaimnou   N2    30   539   automan
10. eosstwz  H12    77   616   zest
11. adeinrw   O5    48   664   dewani
12. abdegqr  N10    42   706   badger
13. benoprr  15J    33   739   reborn
14. ilotuvx  I11    49   788   vox
15. cemnosu   J1    66   854   mucrones
16. giijlqt   O1    38   892   jig
17. iilpqty   D1    38   930   pity
18. iilpqrw   1H    33   963   wimp

Remaining tiles: illqr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7062 Filesunshine12  1 10:04  -685  278     1.7062 sunshine12  1 10:04  -685  278 

On 1st draw, FAVER H4 30 --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: FACER H4 28, FARCE H4 28, FRAME H4 28, VAREC H4 28, CARVE H4 26

On 2nd draw, OUTRIDER 8A 80 --- OUTRIDER a mounted attendant who rides before or beside a carriage [n]
Other moves: OUTFIRED 4E 74, OUTDRIVE 6B 66, OUTRIDE G7 66, ETOURDI G8 63, ETOURDI I8 63

On 3rd draw, ANTI(T)HET E5 90 --- ANTITHET an instance of antithesis [n]
Other tops: ANTITHE(T) E5 90, AN(T)ITHET E5 90, HE(S)ITANT E5 90
Other moves: EA(R)THNUT B2 86, UNHATTE(D) B8 86, HE(B)ETANT 7G 74, HE(B)ETANT G7 74, ANT(I)THET C1 72
HENT 7G 21 sunshine12

On 4th draw, RESOAK D8 32 --- RESOAK to soak again [v] --- SOAK to saturate thoroughly in liquid [v]
Other moves: ATOK D12 30, ATTASK 12C 30, SOAK D12 30, ATOKS 13A 29, KATAS 13A 29
SKAT I2 20 sunshine12

On 5th draw, DEA(S)OIL 14A 78 --- DEASOIL motion in the same direction as the sun [n]
Other moves: FOLIA(G)ED 4H 76, FOLIA(T)ED 4H 76, FO(R)ELAID 4H 76, DIALO(G)UE B2 70, ODALI(Q)UE B2 70
LO(S)ED 14B 28 sunshine12

On 6th draw, AFFRIGHT 4G 86 --- AFFRIGHT to frighten [v]
Other tops: AFFRIGHT 4F 86
Other moves: FIGHT 15F 43, FAITH 15F 40, FIRTH 15F 40, ARIGHT 15G 35, FAITH D1 35

On 7th draw, YEDE A12 36 --- YEDE to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: GENNY 3C 35, ANY 15A 34, DAY F8 34, EYED F5 33, GANDY A11 33

On 8th draw, LINOCUTS C2 77 --- LINOCUT a print made from a design cut into linoleum [n]
Other moves: CONSUL O1 47, COUSIN O1 47, SCION O4 44, SONIC O4 44, SULCI O4 44
CONS O1 41 sunshine12

On 9th draw, AUTOMAN N2 30 --- AUTOMAN a maker of automobiles [n]
Other moves: NOMA 5K 28, OUMA 5K 28, MAA 3K 27, ONIUM 15E 27, MAHONIA M2 26
MAA 3K 27 sunshine12

On 10th draw, ZEST H12 77 --- ZEST to fill with zest (invigorating excitement) [v]
Other moves: ZONE 8L 69, TOWZES O7 65, TOWZE O7 59, TOWZES 15F 58, TOWZE 15F 55
WEST O7 32 sunshine12

On 11th draw, DEWANI O5 48 --- DEWANI the office of dewan [n]
Other moves: WAINED O7 47, WAIRED O7 47, WARNED O7 47, DAWEN O5 45, DEWAN O5 45
WIDEN O5 45 sunshine12

On 12th draw, BADGER N10 42 --- BADGER to pester or harass [v]
Other tops: BARGED N10 42
Other moves: BADGE N10 40, BEGAD N10 40, BARDE N10 38, BARED N10 38, BARGE N10 38
QI 10N 31 sunshine12

On 13th draw, REBORN 15J 33 --- REBORN born again [adj]
Other moves: REBOP B1 32, BONER D1 31, UPTORE 7C 28, ZONER 12H 28, BORE 15L 27
REBORN 15J 33 sunshine12

On 14th draw, VOX I11 49 --- VOX voice [n]
Other moves: LOX I11 46, OX I12 45, OX O1 36, VOXEL B11 31, VOX 6H 29

On 15th draw, MUCRONES J1 66 --- MUCRO a sharp point at the end of certain plant and animal organs [n]
Other moves: MUCUS 3K 39, ZOOMS 12H 32, OZONES 12G 30, COMAS 11K 29, CUM 3M 28

On 16th draw, JIG O1 38 --- JIG to bob [v]
Other moves: QI O1 35, JILGIE K10 28, LIMIT 1H 24, QAT G3 24, QI B3 24

On 17th draw, PITY D1 38 --- PITY to feel pity (sorrow aroused by another's misfortune) [v]
Other moves: THY M3 33, TYMP 1H 33, PHT M3 32, Y*D F6 30, LIMY 1H 27

On 18th draw, WIMP 1H 33 --- WIMP a weak or ineffectual person [n] --- WIMP to act like a wimp, as in the phrase to wimp out [v]
Other moves: ZORIL 12H 28, PRIMI 1G 27, LIMP 1H 24, PLIM 1G 24, PRIM 1G 24

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