Game on October 2, 2024 at 09:56, 12 players
1. 227 pts LongJump22
2. 160 pts Inkey
3. 93 pts NNNNNN1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 74 74 


5E 36 110 


6J 45 155 


8D 66 221 


M2 32 253 


O1 62 315 


L1 68 383 


11E 96 479 


L11 34 513 


M12 33 546 


N11 40 586 


15G 39 625 


O8 27 652 


9A 76 728 


A7 36 764 


B6 33 797 


10J 28 825 


14A 76 901 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
LongJump22 3 3:27 -674 227 1.7794 Inkey 2 4:09 -741 160
Inkey 2 4:09 -741 160 2.7471 Mycophot 0 3:05 -841 60
NNNNNN1112 1 3:23 -808 93 3.7591 moonmonkey 0 3:49 -841 60
LLLLLL1112 1 0:55 -833 68 4.7470 sicilianc5 0 0:38 -879 22
MMMMMM1112 1 0:46 -839 62 5.7526 HollyIvy 0 0:56 -879 22
OOOOOO1112 1 1:11 -839 62 Group: novice
Mycophot 0 3:05 -841 60 1.5687 LongJump22 3 3:27 -674 227
moonmonkey 0 3:49 -841 60 2.5656 NNNNNN1112 1 3:23 -808 93
9. -
FFFFFF1144 1 1:58 -856 45 3.5601 LLLLLL1112 1 0:55 -833 68
10. -
GGGGGG1144 1 1:55 -865 36 4.5647 MMMMMM1112 1 0:46 -839 62
sicilianc5 0 0:38 -879 22 5.5693 OOOOOO1112 1 1:11 -839 62
HollyIvy 0 0:56 -879 22 Group: not rated
1. - FFFFFF1144 1 1:58 -856 45
2. - GGGGGG1144 1 1:55 -865 36
On 1st draw, BED(S)ORE H4 74 --- BEDSORE an ulcer due to bed-confinement [n]
Other tops: BERO(B)ED H4 74, BE(G)ORED H4 74, BO(W)ERED H4 74, DEBO(N)ER H2 74, E(N)ROBED H8 74, O(V)ERBED H8 74, REBO(R)ED H2 74, (B)EROBED H8 74, (R)EBORED H2 74, (S)OBERED H2 74
Other moves: BED(S)ORE H2 72, BERO(B)ED H6 72, BE(G)ORED H6 72, BO(W)ERED H6 72, DEBO(N)ER H4 72
On 2nd draw, GRUELED 5E 36 --- GRUEL to disable by hard work [v]
Other moves: BLUDGER 4H 22, BURGLED 4H 22, BEDRUG 4H 20, BLUDGE 4H 20, BLURTED 4H 20
On 3rd draw, FITCH 6J 45 --- FITCH a polecat [n]
Other moves: FAITH 6J 43, FITCH 4J 34, HAFT 6J 34, FACT 6J 33, FAH 6J 33
On 4th draw, DISBOWEL 8D 66 --- DISBOWEL to remove the intestines of [v]
Other moves: WIELDS O4 56, WIELD O4 53, BIELDS O4 50, WIELS O4 50, BIELD O4 47
DISBOWEL 8D 66 LongJump22
On 5th draw, TOXICS M2 32 --- TOXIC a toxic substance [n]
Other moves: OXTERS 10E 31, SIXTH N2 30, STRIG L8 30, OXTER 10E 28, SIXTE 10D 28
OXTERS 10E 31 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112
On 6th draw, VAPORY O1 62 --- VAPORY resembling vapor [adj]
Other moves: PAYOR O4 56, PYRO O5 44, YORP O6 44, YAP O6 41, YIP O6 41
VAPORY O1 62 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, OOOOOO1112, NNNNNN1112
On 7th draw, ZETA L1 68 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: NAZE L1 59, AZO L2 55, ZA L3 51, ZO L3 51, VANE L1 44
ZETA L1 68 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112
On 8th draw, PERSONA 11E 96 --- PERSONA a character in a literary work [n] --- PERSONA the public role that a person assumes [n]
Other moves: PADRONES D6 72, PERAEONS 10D 64, PERAEONS 10G 64, PERSONAE 10A 64, PERSONAE 10G 64
On 9th draw, LAKED L11 34 --- LAKED subjected to the process of laking [adj]
Other moves: TALKED L9 32, TALKED 12A 31, LATKE L11 30, TALAK 12K 30, AKED L9 28
On 10th draw, MIRO M12 33 --- MIRO a tall New Zealand tree [n]
Other tops: MOAI M12 33, MORA M12 33, MOTI M12 33, RAMI M12 33, RIMA M12 33, ROMA M12 33
Other moves: GAM M12 31, GARI M12 30, GIRO M12 30, GORA M12 30, GORI M12 30
On 11th draw, JANE N11 40 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other moves: JEAN N10 39, JOIN N10 39, DOJO 15L 36, JAI N10 31, JEU N10 31
On 12th draw, INTRADOS 15G 39 --- INTRADOS the inner curve of an arch [n]
Other moves: TUNAS O8 34, DOST 15L 27, INS 10J 22, ITS 10J 22, TAS L6 22
On 13th draw, UNCO O8 27 --- UNCO a stranger [n] --- UNCO strange [adj]
Other tops: CIAO O8 27
Other moves: CONIA 12A 24, CONIA 4A 23, CONIA 12B 20, UNCIA 12A 20, UNCIA 12B 20
On 14th draw, WHEA(T)IER 9A 76 --- WHEATY tasting of wheat [adj]
Other moves: WHI(Z)Z 1H 57, HA(F)IZ 1H 48, WA(R)EZ 1H 48, HEE(Z)IE 10F 40, WEE(N)IE 10F 40
WA(R)EZ 1H 48 Inkey
On 15th draw, TOWING A7 36 --- TOW to pull by means of a chain or rope [v] --- TOWING the act of towing [n]
Other tops: TEWING A7 36, TWINGE A8 36
Other moves: OWING A8 33, TWOONIE A8 33, GWINE A8 30, TOWNIE A7 30, TWONIE A8 30
TEWING A7 36 Inkey
On 16th draw, QI B6 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 12D 26, QI 14G 24, YAM 12D 24, YOM 12D 24, QAT I13 22
QI B6 33 Inkey
On 17th draw, OAF 10J 28 --- OAF a clumsy, stupid person [n]
Other tops: ALF 10J 28
Other moves: FLOTA 4A 27, FLAUNT 14B 24, FONTAL 14B 24, LOAF 12C 23, AFT 10K 22
FLOTA 4A 27 Mycophot, moonmonkey
FLAT 12C 20 Inkey
On 18th draw, UNVITAL 14A 76 --- UNVITAL not vital [adj]
Other moves: UNVAIL C2 35, ANVIL C3 33, UNLIT C3 27, UNTIL C3 27, VALI C3 25
ANVIL C3 33 Mycophot, moonmonkey
VAIN C4 23 Inkey
VIN C5 22 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
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