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Game on October 2, 2024 at 20:28, 1 player
1. 553 pts Inkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beostvw   H7    30    30   bestow
 2. adeiirt   7B    64    94   diatribe
 3. eefgirw   8A    44   138   wife
 4. ?ahilnv   6I    71   209   halving
 5. aeortxy   L6   108   317   vexatory
 6. ?eoortu   O3    71   388   outgoers
 7. acdgnov   E4    34   422   cantdog
 8. aeijmps  K11    55   477   james
 9. gilmnoq   H7    45   522   bestowing
10. aeloort   A8    86   608   waterloo
11. adeknrs  15J    45   653   askers
12. adgrsuy  11A    40   693   eyras
13. alnopqu  G13    48   741   qua
14. filnopu   4A    28   769   folic
15. cdeeglp   K5    33   802   cleep
16. dehinpt   M9    40   842   hied
17. bennpuv   M3    22   864   venin
18. bgilmtu   A1    33   897   bumf
19. dgilnpu   2A    26   923   unplug

Remaining tiles: diitz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7742 FileInkey       6 16:29  -370  553     1.7742 Inkey       6 16:29  -370  553 

On 1st draw, BESTOW H7 30 --- BESTOW to present as a gift [v]
Other moves: BESTOW H4 28, BOWETS H4 28, BOWES H4 26, BOWET H4 26, BOWSE H4 26

On 2nd draw, DIATRIBE 7B 64 --- DIATRIBE a bitter and abusive criticism [n]
Other moves: IRISATED 9E 61, AIRTED I6 24, TIDIER I6 24, RADII G6 21, RADII I6 21

On 3rd draw, WIFE 8A 44 --- WIFE a woman married to a man [n] --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: RIFE 8A 35, GIF 8A 29, GOWFER 11G 26, GREWED B2 26, REF 8A 26

On 4th draw, HALVIN(G) 6I 71 --- HALVE to divide into two equal parts [v]
Other moves: BESTOWAL(S) H7 39, BESTOWIN(G) H7 39, HALOIN(G) 11E 36, VALONI(A) 11E 36, V(A)LONIA 11E 36
BESTOWIN(G) H7 39 Inkey

On 5th draw, VEXATORY L6 108 --- VEXATORY causing annoyance [adj]
Other moves: OX(G)ATE O4 39, ANOREXY N5 33, TAXER I9 33, TAXOR I9 33, YA(G)ER O4 33
OX(G)ATE O4 39 Inkey

On 6th draw, OUT(G)OER(S) O3 71 --- OUTGOER someone who is outgoing [n]
Other moves: OUTROWE(D) 12C 70, OUT(P)OWER 12C 70, OUT(T)OWER 12C 70, OU(T)TOWER 12C 70, EURONOT(E) N2 64
OXTER 8K 36 Inkey

On 7th draw, CANTDOG E4 34 --- CANTDOG a device used to move logs [n]
Other moves: AVOID M3 27, DONGA K11 27, GONAD K11 27, AGON K10 25, CANID M3 25
GONAD K11 27 Inkey

On 8th draw, JAMES K11 55 --- JAMES a short crowbar [n]
Other moves: JAMS K11 53, JAMES 11A 52, JAPES 11A 52, JAM K11 51, JAMS 11B 50
JAMS K11 53 Inkey

On 9th draw, BESTOWING H7 45 --- BESTOW to present as a gift [v]
Other moves: IMINO M6 32, LOMING N2 29, MIG M9 29, MOG M9 29, MIL M9 27

On 10th draw, WATERLOO A8 86 --- WATERLOO a decisive defeat [n]
Other moves: LARE M9 23, LATE M9 23, LORE M9 23, LOTE M9 23, RALE M9 23
RATE M9 23 Inkey

On 11th draw, ASKERS 15J 45 --- ASKER one that asks [n]
Other tops: ESKARS 15J 45
Other moves: DESK 11C 42, SKEAN 15K 42, SKEAR 15K 42, SKENS 15K 42, SKERS 15K 42
KAS 11C 38 Inkey

On 12th draw, EYRAS 11A 40 --- EYRA a wild cat of tropical America [n]
Other moves: ARSY 11C 38, EGADS 11A 38, YAGS M9 37, YARD M9 37, AYS 11C 36
EYRAS 11A 40 Inkey

On 13th draw, QUA G13 48 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QUAIL M3 33, QUOIN M3 33, ULPAN K5 29, QUOLL K2 28, AQUA D11 26
QUA G13 48 Inkey

On 14th draw, FOLIC 4A 28 --- FOLIC a type of acid [n] --- FOLIC derived from folic acid [adj]
Other moves: FA J14 26, FE 14J 26, UNCLIP 4C 26, FOU 14M 23, INPOUR N10 23
FOLIC 4A 28 Inkey

On 15th draw, CLEEP K5 33 --- CLEEP to call [v]
Other moves: CEE M13 30, GEED M9 29, GELD M9 29, GLEED K5 28, CLEF A1 27
CLEF A1 27 Inkey

On 16th draw, HIED M9 40 --- HIE to hurry [v]
Other moves: PIED M9 36, HET M9 34, HIE M9 34, HIT M9 34, PIET M9 34
HIED M9 40 Inkey

On 17th draw, VENIN M3 22 --- VENIN a toxin found in snake venom [n]
Other moves: ENUF A1 21, BA J14 20, BE 14J 20, NEB 3B 20, NEP 3B 20
NEB 3B 20 Inkey

On 18th draw, BUMF A1 33 --- BUMF paperwork [n]
Other moves: GLIFT A1 27, ALBUM D11 24, GULF A1 24, ALGUM D11 22, BUNGLE 14F 21
GULF A1 24 Inkey

On 19th draw, UNPLUG 2A 26 --- UNPLUG to take a plug out of [v]
Other moves: PION B2 24, UNGILD 2A 24, PUNGLE 14F 21, APING D11 20, PA J14 20
UNPLUG 2A 26 Inkey

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