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Game on October 3, 2024 at 01:02, 1 player
1. 433 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abiklr   H4    84    84   kilobar
 2. aaegirt   I5    27   111   tirage
 3. dnoostv   J8    37   148   sov
 4. aefnnsy  11C    37   185   faynes
 5. aceimnt   K2    78   263   emicant
 6. eimnnop  12A    35   298   poem
 7. ?adeosu   A7    80   378   mousepad
 8. defnoot   L1    36   414   feod
 9. aadeerr  13C    33   447   rared
10. eehiltu   M3    32   479   lethe
11. aiilnow   1L    30   509   fawn
12. eorttwx  14E    56   565   exo
13. giilnor  15G    81   646   ligroin
14. aiinptu   L8    24   670   input
15. agiostz  15A   102   772   sitz
16. aehijtu  14K    39   811   thuja
17. cdeinow  O10    39   850   windac
18. beioqru   B4    37   887   roque
19. aegiloy   A1    38   925   agley

Remaining tiles: biov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7094 Filesunshine12  3  8:49  -492  433     1.7094 sunshine12  3  8:49  -492  433 

On 1st draw, KIL(O)BAR H4 84 --- KILOBAR a unit of atmospheric pressure [n]
Other moves: BALKI(E)R H4 80, KIL(O)BAR H8 80, BALKI(E)R H2 76, BALKI(E)R H3 76, BALKI(E)R H6 76

On 2nd draw, TIRAGE I5 27 --- TIRAGE drawing wine from a barrel before bottling [n]
Other moves: AGATE G6 24, GATER G7 22, AREG I6 21, GATE G7 21, RAGE I7 21

On 3rd draw, SOV J8 37 --- SOV sovereign [n]
Other moves: SNOD J7 28, TONDOS 11C 27, NODS J8 26, TODS J8 26, NOD J8 25

On 4th draw, FAYNES 11C 37 --- FAYNE to feign [v]
Other moves: FAYS 11E 33, FEYS 11E 33, FAS G7 32, FAYNES K3 30, FANES 11D 29

On 5th draw, EMICANT K2 78 --- EMICANT sparkling [adj]
Other moves: MILITANCE 6F 73, BASCINET 8H 39, CAME 12B 34, BASANITE 8H 33, MINAE 10B 31

On 6th draw, POEM 12A 35 --- POEM a composition in verse [n]
Other moves: PENMEN 2J 32, MOP J2 31, PENNI 10B 31, P*M J2 31, IMPONE L8 30

On 7th draw, (M)OUSEPAD A7 80 --- MOUSEPAD a flat pad on which a computer mouse is used [n]
Other tops: U(N)SOAPED A7 80
Other moves: A(R)OUSED L8 74, A(R)OUSED 13D 64, SEA(H)OUND F5 62, AUD(I)OS 13A 36, ODEU(M)S 13A 36
BASTA(R)DS 8H 33 sunshine12

On 8th draw, FEOD L1 36 --- FEOD a feudal estate [n]
Other moves: FED J2 35, FETED 2J 34, FET J2 33, DEF L2 31, DOF L2 31
FED J2 35 sunshine12

On 9th draw, RARED 13C 33 --- RARE to be enthusiastic [v]
Other tops: DARER 13C 33, DARRE 13C 33, EARED 13C 33
Other moves: DEARER M3 32, AREAD 13A 31, RADAR 13C 31, DEARE M3 30, READER M3 30
REREAD M3 30 sunshine12

On 10th draw, LETHE M3 32 --- LETHE forgetfulness [n]
Other moves: ETH B8 31, HEEL 14F 31, HEIL 14F 31, HELE 14F 31, HETE 14F 31
EH 14E 28 sunshine12

On 11th draw, FAWN 1L 30 --- FAWN to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v]
Other tops: FLAW 1L 30, FLOW 1L 30, FOWL 1L 30
Other moves: AW J1 27, OW J1 27, AIOLI L6 23, AIOLI N4 23, FAIL 1L 21
FLOW 1L 30 sunshine12

On 12th draw, EXO 14E 56 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: EX 14E 52, EXO 8M 39, EXTORT L8 36, OXTER L8 34, EXTORT N6 33
EXO 14E 56 sunshine12

On 13th draw, LIGROIN 15G 81 --- LIGROIN a flammable liquid [n]
Other tops: ROILING 15G 81
Other moves: LIGROIN B2 73, ROILING B3 66, LIGROIN B3 65, LIGROIN N7 62, ROILING N7 62
ORIGIN 15F 35 sunshine12

On 14th draw, INPUT L8 24 --- INPUT to enter data into a computer [v]
Other tops: INAPT L8 24, PAINT B6 24
Other moves: PAINT 14K 22, TUPIK 4D 22, UPTAK 4D 22, TIPUNA B2 21, UP J1 21
PAINT 14K 22 sunshine12

On 15th draw, SITZ 15A 102 --- SITZ a type of hip bath [n]
Other moves: SAZ 15A 69, STAIG 15A 58, ZOIST 13I 56, STAG 15A 54, STOAI 15A 54
SITZ 15A 102 sunshine12

On 16th draw, THUJA 14K 39 --- THUJA an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: HAJI 14L 35, HAJ 14L 33, HAJ M11 33, THUJA N7 33, THUJA B3 32
JAI B6 29 sunshine12

On 17th draw, WINDAC O10 39 --- WINDAC a windlass [n]
Other moves: WOAD O12 36, WINDOCK 4B 34, CODEINA O8 33, COWAN O11 33, WEAN O12 33
WEAN O12 33 sunshine12

On 18th draw, ROQUE B4 37 --- ROQUE a form of croquet [n]
Other moves: QUIRK 4D 36, QI B6 32, QUBIT 5E 32, REQUIT 5D 30, OUREBI B2 29

On 19th draw, AGLEY A1 38 --- AGLEY with a turn or twist to one side [adv]
Other moves: WYLE N1 31, YAGI M9 30, YGOE A1 30, YOGA A1 30, YOGA M9 30

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