Game on October 3, 2024 at 05:32, 5 players
1. 118 pts sunshine12
2. 88 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 87 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H2 74 74
2. 9D 72 146
3. 8A 37 183
4. A8 83 266
5. K9 77 343
6. 12H 48 391
7. H11 45 436
8. 14J 40 476
9. O12 42 518
10. C1 84 602
11. 4E 82 684
12. 1A 54 738
13. 2G 76 814
14. 1J 53 867
15. B4 57 924
16. 5B 36 960
17. B12 35 995
18. 10I 37 1032
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7101 sunshine12 1 2:04 -914 118 1.7101 sunshine12 1 2:04 -914 118
2.7521 GLOBEMAN 1 2:52 -944 88 2.7521 GLOBEMAN 1 2:52 -944 88
3.7121 roocatcher 0 3:06 -945 87 3.7121 roocatcher 0 3:06 -945 87
4. - chunk88 0 1:10 -1010 22 Group: not rated
5. - BadBoyBen 0 1:39 -1022 10 1. - chunk88 0 1:10 -1010 22
2. - BadBoyBen 0 1:39 -1022 10
On 1st draw, RUCTION H2 74 --- RUCTION a noisy disturbance [n]
Other moves: RUCTION H3 70, RUCTION H4 70, RUCTION H6 70, RUCTION H7 70, RUCTION H8 70
On 2nd draw, LEWISIA 9D 72 --- LEWISIA a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: LEWISIA G7 71, LAITIES 5E 28, LWEIS G6 26, SWAIL G6 26, SWAIL I6 26
On 3rd draw, CREAM 8A 37 --- CREAM to select the best from a group [v]
Other tops: CORAM 8A 37
Other moves: EROTEMA 5E 36, AMERCE 8J 35, AMORCE 8J 35, CAMEO 8A 35, COMAE 8A 35
On 4th draw, COLINEAR A8 83 --- COLINEAR lying in the same straight line [adj]
Other tops: CREOLIAN A8 83
On 5th draw, STANDER K9 77 --- STANDER one that stands [n]
Other tops: ENDARTS K3 77, STARNED K9 77
On 6th draw, QUANT 12H 48 --- QUANT to propel through water with a pole [v]
Other moves: QUART 15H 45, QUATCH 4D 40, QUARTE 14F 37, QUATRE 14F 37, QUIRT 6F 36
On 7th draw, SQ(U)IB H11 45 --- SQUIB to lampoon [v]
Other moves: POSTFI(X) 5E 44, FORBI(D)S 15I 42, FORPI(T)S 15I 42, QOP(H) H12 42, Q(U)IP H12 42
On 8th draw, BEHOOF 14J 40 --- BEHOOF use, advantage, or benefit [n]
Other moves: HOOF I4 34, PHOEBE C3 32, HOOP I4 30, REBOP 15K 30, BEHOOF 7D 29
On 9th draw, HAFT O12 42 --- HAFT to supply with a handle [v]
Other tops: HEFT O12 42
Other moves: HUE 15M 40, VETTURA 5E 40, HA 15N 35, HE 15N 35, THREAVE C2 34
On 10th draw, RUNELIKE C1 84 --- RUNE a letter of an ancient alphabet [adj] --- RUNELIKE like a rune [adj]
Other moves: CLUNKIER 4H 80, KNURLIER 2A 78, KNURLIER B1 78, URNLIKE N6 70, KNURLIER 2E 66
On 11th draw, JONCA(N)OE 4E 82 --- JONCANOE a boisterous rhythmic dance [n]
Other tops: JO(N)CANOE 4E 82
Other moves: REJON(E)O 2H 58, R(E)JONEO 2H 58, A(D)JOIN G5 42, JAROO(L) 1A 39, JAR(G)OON 1A 39
On 12th draw, SPRITZ 1A 54 --- SPRITZ to spray [v]
Other moves: ZAPS M1 47, ZEPS M1 47, ZIPS M1 47, ZAPS 3K 43, ZEAS M1 43
On 13th draw, DREAMIER 2G 76 --- DREAMY full of dreams [adj]
Other moves: ADEEM B10 39, ARETE 5E 34, LEAM 5C 34, ELIAD 5B 33, METRED 5F 33
On 14th draw, POGOED 1J 53 --- POGO to jump up and down to music [v]
Other moves: POOPED B1 49, POOD 1L 41, OOPED 1K 40, GLOOP 5B 38, PEON 1L 38
On 15th draw, DEX B4 57 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other moves: AX B5 52, EX B5 52, EX G12 48, AX 5E 45, AXED 5J 45
DEX B4 57 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 16th draw, ELVAN 5B 36 --- ELVAN a granular rock [n]
Other tops: LYNAGE 10A 36
Other moves: AY 5E 33, YANG 5K 28, AVO M12 27, VEGA M9 27, VEILY 6F 27
AYE B13 26 roocatcher
AY B13 22 chunk88
AY 14A 10 BadBoyBen
On 17th draw, YEW B12 35 --- YEW an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other tops: UEY G11 35
Other moves: FY B13 31, FEW 5K 30, FEY 5K 30, WEY 5K 30, WIFEYS 11C 30
FY B13 31 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 18th draw, FYTTE 10I 37 --- FYTTE a division of a poem or song [n]
Other moves: UEY G11 35, YUFT 5J 33, FEY 5K 30, TYTE 10I 30, YETI 6E 27
FEY 5K 30 roocatcher, sunshine12
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