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Game on October 3, 2024 at 07:50, 2 players
1. 557 pts fatcat
2. 504 pts babsbedi

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ceeimn   H8    76    76   endemic
 2. ?ilnnux  15F    57   133   xis
 3. dnorsuy   I4    27   160   sundry
 4. aadeimn   6F    67   227   amandine
 5. adeefnp  14B    31   258   neafe
 6. aaehotv  15A    46   304   eath
 7. efgosvy   N1    44   348   fogeys
 8. aeglruw  13C    48   396   grew
 9. acelotv   K1    76   472   locative
10. aehiloo   O1    41   513   ahi
11. eiprstu  14H    86   599   cuprites
12. abeinpt   1E    89   688   pintable
13. abikorr  O12    39   727   bosk
14. aiioorv  12H    22   749   moorva
15. adijosu   2B    38   787   judos
16. egilrtw   3C    27   814   rew
17. giilnot   4D    33   847   ingots
18. adilrtu   5A    39   886   trild
19. ailoquz   8K    72   958   equal

Remaining tiles: iloz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6367 Filefatcat      3 15:53  -401  557     1.6367 fatcat      3 15:53  -401  557 
  2.6872 Filebabsbedi    2 17:20  -454  504     2.6872 babsbedi    2 17:20  -454  504 

On 1st draw, EN(D)EMIC H8 76 --- ENDEMIC an endemial disease [n]
Other tops: CEN(T)IME H4 76, CEN(T)IME H7 76, EN(D)EMIC H6 76, MI(O)CENE H4 76
Other moves: CEN(T)IME H2 72, CEN(T)IME H3 72, CEN(T)IME H6 72, CEN(T)IME H8 72, EN(D)EMIC H3 72
MINCE H4 24 babsbedi
C(R)IME H4 22 fatcat

On 2nd draw, XI(S) 15F 57 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: (S)IX 15H 57
Other moves: LINN(S) 15D 45, INN(S) 15E 39, LIN(S) 15E 39, NIL(S) 15E 39, NUN(S) 15E 39
XI(S) 15F 57 babsbedi
N(O)X G11 39 fatcat

On 3rd draw, SUNDRY I4 27 --- SUNDRY miscellaneous [adj]
Other moves: NURDY I5 26, OUNDY I5 26, DONSY I5 25, DRONY I5 25, DRUSY I5 25
COY 14H 16 fatcat
YU G11 14 babsbedi

On 4th draw, AMANDINE 6F 67 --- AMANDINE a protein [n] --- AMANDINE prepared with almonds [adj]
Other moves: AMANDINE 6C 65, MEDINA H1 37, MAINED J5 35, DENIM H1 34, MEDINA 14A 33
MAIMED 12H 22 babsbedi
MIMED 12H 20 fatcat

On 5th draw, NEAFE 14B 31 --- NEAFE the fist [n]
Other moves: FADE H1 30, PEACED 14E 30, DEFEND J6 28, PANED 5K 28, PENED 5K 28
FADE H1 30 fatcat
DEAFEN 5A 22 babsbedi

On 6th draw, EATH 15A 46 --- EATH easy [adj]
Other tops: OATH 15A 46
Other moves: HAET 13C 41, HAVE H1 36, HOVE H1 36, TAHA 15A 34, TAVAHS 4D 32
OATH 15A 46 fatcat
HATE 15A 31 babsbedi

On 7th draw, FOGEYS N1 44 --- FOGEY a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: GYVES N2 42, GYVE H1 39, FY 13C 37, FEY 13D 36, FOY 13D 36
FOY 13D 36 babsbedi
FOGS N3 24 fatcat

On 8th draw, GREW 13C 48 --- GREW to shudder [v] --- GROW to cultivate [v]
Other moves: AW O1 35, LAER 13C 35, WAE 13C 35, AWL 13B 33, GRUFE 1K 30
AW O1 35 fatcat
LAW 13A 27 babsbedi

On 9th draw, LOCATIVE K1 76 --- LOCATIVE a type of grammatical case [n]
Other moves: COVELET 11E 48, VIOLATE K5 40, CAFE 1L 36, COFT 1L 36, CACOLET 14H 34
CAFE 1L 36 fatcat
CLEFT 1K 33 babsbedi

On 10th draw, AHI O1 41 --- AHI a Hawaiian fish (yellowfin tuna or bigeye) [n]
Other moves: AH O1 35, EH O1 35, HOOLIE L8 35, H**L* L8 33, HELIO L8 33
EH O1 35 babsbedi
AH O1 35 fatcat

On 11th draw, CUPRITES 14H 86 --- CUPRITE the ore of copper [n]
Other moves: CREPITUS 14H 78, IMPUREST 12G 74, IMPUTERS 12G 74, CUPRITE 14H 34, EPRIS 8K 30
PERILS 1G 27 fatcat
STRIPE 5B 24 babsbedi

On 12th draw, PINTABLE 1E 89 --- PINTABLE a pinball machine [n]
Other tops: BEPAINTS O7 89
Other moves: BEPAINTS 4B 76, BAPTISE O9 36, PATIBLE 1F 36, PATINA H1 32, BANTIES O8 30
BEST O12 27 fatcat, babsbedi

On 13th draw, BOSK O12 39 --- BOSK a small wooded area [n]
Other tops: BASK O12 39, BISK O12 39
Other moves: BRISK O11 36, BORAKS 4D 34, KAB 13L 32, BARRIOS O8 30, BRIK L12 30
BASK O12 39 fatcat
BRIK L12 30 babsbedi

On 14th draw, MOORVA 12H 22 --- MOORVA a bowstring hemp [n]
Other moves: PARVO E1 20, ARVO 2B 18, RIVA 2B 18, RIVO 2B 18, VIA N10 18
AVI(D) 10E 14 babsbedi
ROVE 11E 14 fatcat

On 15th draw, JUDOS 2B 38 --- JUDO a form of jujitsu [n]
Other tops: JUDAS 2B 38, OUIJAS 2A 38
Other moves: OUIJA 5C 37, JIAOS 2B 36, SIJO 5D 35, SOJA 5D 35, SAJOU 9K 34
JO 11J 31 babsbedi
JUDO 5D 31 fatcat

On 16th draw, REW 3C 27 --- REW regret [n]
Other tops: TEW 3C 27
Other moves: WERGELT 11D 26, EGRET 8K 24, WEN L4 24, WIGLETS 4C 24, WIN L4 24
REW 3C 27 babsbedi
WRITE 5B 18 fatcat

On 17th draw, INGOTS 4D 33 --- INGOT to shape into a convenient form for storage [v]
Other moves: INGO 4D 27, INTI 4D 25, INTO 4D 25, LING 4A 25, LONG 4A 25
TINGLE 11C 14 fatcat

On 18th draw, TRILD 5A 39 --- TRILL to sing or play with a vibrating effect [v]
Other tops: TAULD 5A 39
Other moves: AULD 5B 37, UREDIA 11F 23, POWND E1 22, ELIAD 8K 21, JARUL B2 21
TIDY 5K 13 babsbedi
TRADE 11D 12 fatcat

On 19th draw, EQUAL 8K 72 --- EQUAL having the same capability, quantity, or effect as another [adj] --- EQUAL to reach the same level of quantity or value [v]
Other moves: ZA 3G 44, ZA 11J 37, ZO 11J 37, ZOO J10 32, OUZEL 11E 30
EQUAL 8K 72 fatcat
ZA 11J 37 babsbedi

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