Game on October 3, 2024 at 10:59, 1 player
1. 242 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. 6B 76 100
3. 4G 24 124
4. E3 30 154
5. I6 66 220
6. L2 62 282
7. 12C 106 388
8. H12 47 435
9. 3J 35 470
10. 2I 39 509
11. B4 64 573
12. A11 40 613
13. M7 76 689
14. 14J 45 734
15. 1D 39 773
16. O10 57 830
17. A7 59 889
18. A1 35 924
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7162 Chelsea 0 8:00 -682 242 1.7162 Chelsea 0 8:00 -682 242
On 1st draw, HOSTA H4 24 --- HOSTA a plantain lily [n]
Other tops: GAVOTS H4 24, HOAST H4 24
Other moves: GATHS H4 22, GAVOT H4 22, GAVOTS H3 22, GAVOTS H7 22, GAVOTS H8 22
On 2nd draw, BLU(F)FEST 6B 76 --- BLUFF having a broad front [adj]
Other moves: OUTF(A)BLE 5H 74, BLUF(F)EST 6B 68, TABLEFU(L) 8G 66, TAB(L)EFUL 8G 66, TUBEF(U)L G8 64
On 3rd draw, SHEBEAN 4G 24 --- SHEBEAN a place where liquor is sold illegally [n]
Other tops: BANSHEE 4D 24, BEENAHS 4C 24, BESEEN G3 24, BOEPS 5G 24
Other moves: BEENAH 4C 22, BEEPS G5 22, HEBENS 4H 22, PHENES 4G 22, SHAPEN 4G 22
On 4th draw, WAQ(F) E3 30 --- WAQF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other moves: WANE 3I 28, WOON 3I 28, WAE 3I 25, WAN 3I 25, WEAN 3K 25
On 5th draw, TILERIES I6 66 --- TILERY a tile factory [n]
Other moves: TILERIES 7H 63, LEIRS 7A 31, RESILE N2 29, EISEL N2 27, OSIER 5H 23
On 6th draw, OVATIONS L2 62 --- OVATION an expression or demonstration of popular acclaim [n]
Other moves: VISON N2 33, VISTO N2 33, TOONS 7A 31, IONS 7B 30, OONS 7B 30
TOONS 7A 31 Chelsea
On 7th draw, GA(L)LIZED 12C 106 --- GALLIZE to add water and sugar to wine [v]
Other tops: GAL(L)IZED 12C 106
Other moves: GALLIZ(E)D C3 88, GALLIZ(E)D C4 79, Z(O)OID 2J 68, ADZI(N)G 1H 59, DAZI(N)G 1H 59
DAZ(E) H12 52 Chelsea
On 8th draw, ZOIC H12 47 --- ZOIC pertaining to animals or animal life [adj]
Other moves: OXY M6 45, NIXY 8L 42, DEOXY 2J 40, COX 13B 39, CYLIX F10 39
NIXY 8L 42 Chelsea
On 9th draw, ADVEW 3J 35 --- ADVEW to view [v]
Other moves: WROTE 2J 32, ADVERT 3J 31, WATER M7 27, WATE M7 26, WETA M7 26
VAW 3L 22 Chelsea
On 10th draw, AFOOT 2I 39 --- AFOOT on foot [adv]
Other moves: FOOT 2J 38, AFT 5J 31, FEAT D1 31, FOOT D1 31, OFT 5J 31
FOOT D1 31 Chelsea
On 11th draw, NEBULIUM B4 64 --- NEBULIUM a hypothesized element now discredited [n]
Other moves: NEUM 1L 38, LUMINE 1D 29, UNLIME 1D 29, ILEUM 1E 25, LINUM 1E 25
UNLIME 1D 29 Chelsea
On 12th draw, EPROM A11 40 --- EPROM a type of computer chip [n]
Other moves: NEMN 1L 38, EPROM A1 37, PROEM A1 37, MOPER A11 36, MOPER A1 35
MOPER A1 35 Chelsea
On 13th draw, OUTRATE M7 76 --- OUTRATE to surpass in a rating [v]
Other tops: OUTRATE 1C 76
Other moves: OUTRATE M9 69, TRUGO C9 24, OATER A1 23, OTTAR A1 23, OTTER A1 23
On 14th draw, VERDIN 14J 45 --- VERDIN a small bird [n]
Other tops: VEINED 1D 45, VENDER 14J 45
Other moves: VERDIN 1D 44, NEVE 1L 41, NEVI 1L 41, VENIRE 1D 41, DERIVE 1D 38
On 15th draw, PARRED 1D 39 --- PAR to shoot in a standard number of strokes in golf [v]
Other moves: NEAP 1L 38, REPAND O10 36, NERD 1L 35, NAPED A1 33, PANED A1 33
On 16th draw, YIKING O10 57 --- YIKE to squabble [v]
Other moves: KEYING O10 54, KYANG O11 51, YLIKE 8A 51, EIKING O10 48, KYNE O12 48
On 17th draw, YEX A7 59 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: EXO B13 44, AX A8 42, EX A8 42, EX B13 38, OXYGEN 14A 38
On 18th draw, HOGAN A1 35 --- HOGAN a Navaho Indian dwelling [n]
Other moves: CHAO A1 33, HONAN A1 32, ANCON A1 29, CANON A1 29, HOGAN C10 28
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