Game on October 4, 2024 at 09:53, 1 player
1. 175 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 100 100
2. 4D 24 124
3. 3E 32 156
4. J1 64 220
5. 1F 51 271
6. 5A 46 317
7. B2 82 399
8. A1 37 436
9. A8 48 484
10. 10E 25 509
11. C9 27 536
12. 11I 66 602
13. O6 45 647
14. N10 40 687
15. 15I 39 726
16. E10 34 760
17. 5G 39 799
18. N2 35 834
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7185 Chelsea 1 5:57 -659 175 1.7185 Chelsea 1 5:57 -659 175
On 1st draw, (E)XHUME(R) H3 100 --- EXHUMER someone who exhumes [n]
Other tops: EXHUM(E)(D) H3 100, EXHUM(E)(R) H3 100, EXHUM(E)(S) H3 100, HUM(I)(D)EX H6 100, (E)XHUME(D) H3 100, (E)XHUME(S) H3 100
Other moves: EXHUM(E)(D) H2 92, EXHUM(E)(R) H2 92, EXHUM(E)(S) H2 92, HUM(I)(D)EX H4 92, (E)XHUME(D) H2 92
On 2nd draw, LATEX 4D 24 --- LATEX a milky liquid of certain plants [n]
Other tops: TELEX 4D 24
Other moves: TELIA I1 22, AIA I3 20, LIE I3 20, TAE G3 20, TEA G3 20
On 3rd draw, DEF(E)CT 3E 32 --- DEFECT to desert an allegiance [v]
Other moves: BETH 5E 30, BOTH 5E 30, DOTH 5E 26, FOB 5C 26, BODE 5C 24
On 4th draw, INTERIMS J1 64 --- INTERIM an interval [n]
Other moves: MISER 10F 33, RIMES 10D 31, MISE 10F 30, REDEF(E)CTS 3C 30, SEMI 10H 30
On 5th draw, OUTWISH 1F 51 --- OUTWISH to surpass in wishing [v]
Other moves: SUQ 10H 50, QUOIST 1G 48, QUOITS 1G 48, SOWTHS 8J 48, QUIST 1H 45
On 6th draw, YAPOK 5A 46 --- YAPOK the South American opossum [n]
Other moves: PADKOS 10C 41, PASH 5E 39, SPAYDS 8J 39, KAYOS 10D 38, OKAY 5B 38
On 7th draw, FILAGREE B2 82 --- FILAGREE to adorn with intricate ornamental work [v]
Other moves: REEFY A1 45, REIFY A1 45, FERLY A1 36, FIERY A1 36, REFLY A1 36
On 8th draw, RELAY A1 37 --- LAY to deposit as a wager [v] --- RELAY to put down new flooring [v] --- RELAY to send along by using fresh sets to replace tired ones [v]
Other moves: ANTLER A7 31, ATONER A7 31, ETALON A7 31, ORNATE A7 31, ANTLER A8 29
On 9th draw, ADZ A8 48 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: WADI A8 41, WAID A8 41, WOAD A8 41, DIAZO 10B 39, DIAZO C9 39
On 10th draw, NOOSE 10E 25 --- NOOSE to secure with a type of loop [v]
Other tops: AEONS 10D 25
Other moves: ANES 10E 24, EANS 10E 24, EONS 10E 24, GOOSE 6B 24, NAOS 10E 24
On 11th draw, GALOP C9 27 --- GALOP to dance a galop (a lively round dance) [v]
Other moves: THORP 5G 26, GALOP 11B 24, GAPO 11D 24, HAPLONT L1 24, SLOGAN 8J 24
On 12th draw, NOUNIER 11I 66 --- NOUNY having many nouns [adj]
Other tops: REUNION 11I 66
Other moves: PREUNION 13C 62, DEF(E)CTION 3E 28, IRONE D11 22, SENIOR 8J 21, SINNER 8J 21
On 13th draw, DIETARY O6 45 --- DIETARY a system of dieting [n]
Other tops: DENTARY O6 45, TINDERY O6 45
Other moves: DENARY O7 42, EYLIAD 11A 41, TYNDE 12K 40, DAIRY O8 39, DEARY O8 39
DEARY O8 39 Chelsea
On 14th draw, DEBONE N10 40 --- DEBONE to remove the bones from [v]
Other tops: EDENIC N9 40
Other moves: CEBOID N2 34, OBIED D11 34, BIOCIDE M7 32, BODICE N1 31, BEND D12 30
BEND N10 28 Chelsea
On 15th draw, CUTOVER 15I 39 --- CUTOVER land cleared of trees [n]
Other tops: UNCOVER 15I 39
Other moves: CORVET 15J 36, CURVET 15J 36, COVEN 15K 33, COVER 15K 33, COVET 15K 33
UNCOVER 15I 39 Chelsea
On 16th draw, NIQABS E10 34 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other moves: QIS 14A 33, NIQAB E10 32, NIQAB N3 27, BANI D12 26, BANS D12 26
QIS 14A 33 Chelsea
On 17th draw, WHARVE 5G 39 --- WHARVE a round piece of wood used in spinning thread [n]
Other moves: TREWS 15A 36, WAVES 15A 36, VAWTE N2 31, WHARE 5G 31, RAWEST 15A 30
WAVES 15A 36 Chelsea
On 18th draw, JIRGA N2 35 --- JIRGA a council of tribal headmen in Afghanistan [n]
Other moves: REJIG L4 30, GJU J13 27, GAJO 13K 24, ITA F12 24, RAJ 4L 24
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