Game on October 4, 2024 at 17:27, 6 players
1. 138 pts ArcticFox
2. 111 pts LongJump22
3. 24 pts MMMMMM1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 48 48
2. 9D 28 76
3. 8F 69 145
4. 10E 55 200
5. 8A 36 236
6. 4G 38 274
7. 3I 25 299
8. L8 72 371
9. 15H 24 395
10. A5 62 457
11. 14H 39 496
12. 13B 88 584
13. 3A 75 659
14. 2F 33 692
15. N10 42 734
16. O8 29 763
17. D11 30 793
18. 6F 78 871
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6937 ArcticFox 1 4:03 -733 138 1.6937 ArcticFox 1 4:03 -733 138
2.5653 LongJump22 2 2:26 -760 111 Group: novice
3.5530 MMMMMM1112 1 1:01 -847 24 1.5653 LongJump22 2 2:26 -760 111
4.5557 NNNNNN1112 1 1:34 -847 24 2.5530 MMMMMM1112 1 1:01 -847 24
5.5746 LLLLLL1112 0 0:52 -847 24 3.5557 NNNNNN1112 1 1:34 -847 24
6.5708 OOOOOO1112 0 1:21 -847 24 4.5746 LLLLLL1112 0 0:52 -847 24
5.5708 OOOOOO1112 0 1:21 -847 24
On 1st draw, ZORIL H4 48 --- ZORIL a small African mammal [n]
Other moves: ZORIL H8 30, ZORIL H5 28, ZORIL H6 28, ZORIL H7 28, IZAR H5 26
ZAG H6 26 ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, FOAMS 9D 28 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other moves: FADOS I7 26, FOAMS I7 26, OAFS 9E 26, ATOMS 9D 25, DAMS 9E 25
FAD I3 25 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, POLLSTER 8F 69 --- POLLSTER one that polls [n]
Other moves: PETROSAL F3 64, POLESTAR F3 64, PROLATES F5 64, POITRELS 7F 63, REPOST 8A 37
PORES 8A 32 ArcticFox
On 4th draw, OX 10E 55 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: COX I3 35, FOXING D9 34, GOX I3 33, COXING 5G 32, EXODIC L8 32
OX 10E 55 ArcticFox
On 5th draw, CAVE 8A 36 --- CAVE to hollow out [v]
Other tops: CIVE 8A 36, VICE 8A 36
Other moves: RAVE 8A 30, RIVE 8A 30, VARE 8A 30, VIAE 8A 30, VIRE 8A 30
On 6th draw, AZYGOS 4G 38 --- AZYGOS an azygous anatomical part [n]
Other tops: VASTY N6 38
Other moves: SAVOY I1 31, SAVOY N8 30, ATOMY G6 29, VOYAGES L3 28, TYGS N5 27
On 7th draw, OATEN 3I 25 --- OATEN pertaining to oats [adj]
Other moves: GRANITE M7 22, GRATINE M7 22, GENTOO 5D 21, AGENT 3J 20, AGONE 3J 20
On 8th draw, EYE(L)INER L8 72 --- EYELINER makeup for the eyes [n]
Other tops: RE(F)INERY M8 72
Other moves: ENTIRE(L)Y K6 70, ENTIRE(T)Y K6 70, ETERNI(T)Y K7 70, EYE(L)INER L6 70, RE(F)INERY 6B 64
RE(F)INERY M8 72 LongJump22
On 9th draw, ANEARED 15H 24 --- ANEAR to approach [v]
Other tops: EANED M10 24, UNEARED 15H 24
Other moves: AND 2H 23, END 2H 23, DAUNER 15G 21, DEANER 15G 21, DENE M12 21
On 10th draw, SUICIDAL A5 62 --- SUICIDAL self-destructive [adj]
Other moves: AULD 2G 24, DIALS 2F 24, DUALS 2F 24, ILIADS 2E 24, SIALID 14E 24
On 11th draw, KOW 14H 39 --- KOW a branch of twigs [n]
Other moves: TOWNEE 14H 38, KNEW 14G 36, KNOW 14G 36, WONTED N10 36, WOTTED N10 36
KOW 14H 39 LongJump22
On 12th draw, ABJURE(S) 13B 88 --- ABJURE to renounce under oath [v]
Other moves: ABJURER(S) 6D 84, ABJURE(D) 3A 81, ABJURE(D) 2C 72, ABJURE(S) 2C 72, JAB(B)ED N10 62
On 13th draw, RIVULET 3A 75 --- RIVULET a small stream [n]
Other moves: RIVULET 2C 68, VIRTUE 3B 23, AIVER 11A 22, AVERT 11A 22, EREV 14L 22
On 14th draw, MIND 2F 33 --- MIND to heed [v]
Other tops: MEND 2F 33, MUID 2F 33
Other moves: MINDED N10 32, MEIN 2F 31, MIEN 2F 31, DERM 2F 29, EMIR 2E 27
On 15th draw, HOUFED N10 42 --- HOUF to go often to a place [v]
Other moves: THIO 14A 37, FOETID N10 36, HOUTED N10 36, HOMO G7 32, FEH 11C 30
On 16th draw, PAID O8 29 --- PAY to give money or something of value in exchange for goods or services [v]
Other moves: APT 5J 27, GAID O8 26, IGAD O8 26, PADI O7 26, PADI K10 25
On 17th draw, REJIG D11 30 --- REJIG to re-equip [v]
Other moves: ENE M13 21, ERE M13 21, AGGER 11A 20, GNAT B6 20, GRUING D1 20
On 18th draw, BERTHING 6F 78 --- BERTH to provide with a mooring [v]
Other moves: BRIGHTEN 6G 70, BIGHT B2 35, THEIN 14A 32, EIGHT B2 31, NIGHT B2 31
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