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Game on October 5, 2024 at 02:34, 1 player
1. 48 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eegirvy   H8    30    30   every
 2. defklno   H8    42    72   everyone
 3. adeflst  10B    68   140   deflates
 4. aeehnop   9C    33   173   heap
 5. aceikor   8A    68   241   reck
 6. ?iiostu  11F    72   313   virtuosi
 7. aclnopt   M5    64   377   platonic
 8. aegijor  G13    39   416   jar
 9. ?eeinst   C5    80   496   teschenite
10. adnoqvw  12A    48   544   qaid
11. aegiouw  A12    42   586   quag
12. bdemorx   8J    66   652   dextro
13. efiloor  F14    30   682   fe
14. aimnoty   O4    66   748   myotonia
15. aehilvw   N1    34   782   wheal
16. adiirtu   1J    30   812   tauiwi
17. degrsuv  13J    42   854   guvs
18. bgiinor   B2    24   878   robin
19. deiilmn   2D    70   948   midline
20. bgoorwz   A1    66  1014   bozo

Remaining tiles: grw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7062 Filesunshine12  1  1:35  -966   48     1.7062 sunshine12  1  1:35  -966   48 

On 1st draw, EVERY H8 30 --- EVERY each without exception [adj]
Other tops: VEERY H4 30, VEERY H8 30
Other moves: GRIEVE H8 28, REGIVE H8 28, VEGIE H4 26, VERGE H4 26, VIRGE H4 26

On 2nd draw, EVERYONE H8 42 --- EVERYONE every person [pron]
Other moves: FOLKY 12D 30, DONKEY 12C 28, FORKED 11F 28, YOLKED 12H 28, FONDLY 12C 26

On 3rd draw, DEFLATES 10B 68 --- DEFLATE to release the air or gas from [v]
Other moves: DEFLATES 10G 66, DEFLATES 15B 66, DEFLATES 8B 66, DEFLATES 15G 63, DEFLATES 8G 63

On 4th draw, HEAP 9C 33 --- HEAP to pile up [v]
Other moves: OPAH G12 31, OPAH I12 31, HYPONEA 12G 30, TEOPAN G10 29, APHONY 12C 28

On 5th draw, RECK 8A 68 --- RECK to be concerned about [v]
Other tops: RACK 8A 68, RICK 8A 68, ROCK 8A 68
Other moves: ICK 8B 37, KEFIR D8 34, TEAK G10 31, AKE G12 30, CREAKY 12C 30

On 6th draw, (V)IRTUOSI 11F 72 --- VIRTUOSO a highly skilled artistic performer [n]
Other moves: INUSTIO(N) 14G 68, I(N)USTION 14A 68, TUI(T)IONS 14B 68, UNIO(N)IST 14G 68, UNITIO(N)S 14G 68

On 7th draw, PLATONIC M5 64 --- PLATONIC purely spiritual and free from sensual desire [adj]
Other moves: CONEPATL 15E 63, CACHEPOT C6 36, CAPTION M7 34, PACTION M7 34, POTLACHE C3 32

On 8th draw, JAR G13 39 --- JAR to vibrate from an impact [v]
Other tops: JOE G13 39, JOR G13 39
Other moves: JA G13 36, JO G13 36, JAILER 6J 31, JAILOR 6J 31, JINGO 14F 31

On 9th draw, TESCHENI(T)E C5 80 --- TESCHENITE
Other tops: (T)ESCHENITE C5 80
Other moves: REINET(T)ES 15G 77, RESENTI(V)E 15G 77, RETINE(N)ES 15G 77, RETI(N)ENES 15G 77, SE(R)INETTE 8G 77

On 10th draw, QAID 12A 48 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: STOWND I10 43, STOWN I10 37, WAD I13 35, STAW I10 33, STOW I10 33
QAID 12A 48 sunshine12

On 11th draw, QUAG A12 42 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUAI A12 39, WAG I13 35, WIG I13 35, STAW I10 33, STEW I10 33

On 12th draw, DEXTRO 8J 66 --- DEXTRO turning to the right [adj]
Other moves: OXTER 8K 60, BOXED B2 47, EMBOX D2 43, DETOX 8K 42, BORMED B1 39

On 13th draw, FE F14 30 --- FE a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: FLOOIE D1 30, LIEF B3 30, REIF B3 30
Other moves: FEE B6 29, FIE B6 29, FOE B6 29, REF B4 29, RIF B4 29

On 14th draw, MYOTONIA O4 66 --- MYOTONIA temporary muscular rigidity [n]
Other moves: MINATORY A2 64, MYOTONIA O6 64, ARMY N7 36, STAY I10 33, YO I13 33

On 15th draw, WHEAL N1 34 --- WHEAL a welt [n]
Other moves: STAW I10 33, STEW I10 33, VIEW B3 33, WE I13 33, WICH 12K 33

On 16th draw, TAUIWI 1J 30 --- TAUIWI (Maori) literally "foreign race", the non-Maori people of New Zealand [n]
Other tops: DAWT 1L 30
Other moves: TRIAD B2 29, IDEA 3L 24, AUDIT B2 22, DUPLY 5K 22, TRIPLY 5J 22

On 17th draw, GUVS 13J 42 --- GUV a governor [n]
Other tops: DEVS 13J 42, VUGS 13J 42
Other moves: REVS 13J 40, VERS 13J 40, DEGS 13J 38, DRUSE 13J 38, DUGS 13J 38

On 18th draw, ROBIN B2 24 --- ROBIN a songbird [n]
Other tops: BINGO D1 24, GIB B4 24, ORIGIN B1 24
Other moves: NIB B4 23, RIB B4 23, GROIN B2 22, BINGO 2F 20, BORING 2G 20

On 19th draw, MIDLINE 2D 70 --- MIDLINE a median line [n]
Other moves: MIDLINE G2 64, DIMPLY 5J 28, LIMPLY 5J 26, IMPLY 5K 24, MED A1 23

On 20th draw, BOZO A1 66 --- BOZO a dim-witted fellow [n]
Other moves: ZOBO A1 59, WIZ H1 45, BIZ H1 42, BOZO A3 40, ZOBO A3 40

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