Game on October 5, 2024 at 07:58, 12 players
1. 464 pts fatcat
2. 334 pts Chelsea
3. 249 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 32 32 


8H 101 133 


7K 25 158 


G3 30 188 


4C 76 264 


H1 37 301 


11A 78 379 


O5 66 445 


C6 74 519 


N3 57 576 


14A 96 672 


8A 42 714 


15D 55 769 


A10 33 802 


6J 34 836 


O1 39 875 


A1 92 967 


N10 33 1000 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
fatcat 1 14:54 -536 464 1.7204 Chelsea 2 8:06 -666 334
Chelsea 2 8:06 -666 334 2.7638 moonmonkey 0 2:33 -932 68
LongJump22 3 4:03 -751 249 3.7424 Mycophot 0 0:17 -973 27
moonmonkey 0 2:33 -932 68 4.7516 queen66 0 0:48 -973 27
5. -
GGGGGG1144 1 1:57 -943 57 5.7503 HollyIvy 0 1:03 -973 27
LLLLLL1112 0 1:22 -954 46 Group: intermediate
MMMMMM1112 0 1:51 -954 46 1.6392 fatcat 1 14:54 -536 464
NNNNNN1112 0 1:15 -959 41 Group: novice
OOOOOO1112 0 1:38 -959 41 1.5683 LongJump22 3 4:03 -751 249
Mycophot 0 0:17 -973 27 2.5732 LLLLLL1112 0 1:22 -954 46
queen66 0 0:48 -973 27 3.5518 MMMMMM1112 0 1:51 -954 46
HollyIvy 0 1:03 -973 27 4.5443 NNNNNN1112 0 1:15 -959 41
5.5586 OOOOOO1112 0 1:38 -959 41
Group: not rated
1. - GGGGGG1144 1 1:57 -943 57
On 1st draw, MALADY H7 32 --- MALADY an illness [n]
Other moves: MADLY H8 30, MALADY H4 30, MADLY H4 28, MALADY H8 28, MAYED H4 28
MADLY H8 30 fatcat
On 2nd draw, ALCAHEST 8H 101 --- ALCAHEST the hypothetical solvent sought by alchemists [n]
Other moves: CHASTELY 12A 88, ALCAHEST 10H 71, LATCHES I2 71, SATCHEL G2 71, SATCHEL I2 71
CHESTY 12C 28 fatcat
On 3rd draw, TUBE 7K 25 --- TUBE to provide with a tube (a long, hollow cylinder) [v]
Other moves: OBE 7L 22, OBI 7L 22, OUTBYE 12D 22, TUB 7K 22, UBIETY 12C 22
DEBIT 11H 16 fatcat
On 4th draw, FAITH G3 30 --- FAITH to believe or trust [v]
Other tops: FIRTH G3 30, FRITH G3 30
Other moves: FA 6N 27, HA 6N 27, HAFT G10 27, HI 6N 27, AHINT G9 26
FIRTH G3 30 Chelsea
FA 6N 27 fatcat
On 5th draw, RUINABLE 4C 76 --- RUIN to destroy [adj] --- RUINABLE able to be ruined [adj]
Other moves: UNBRIDLE 11C 72, RUINABLE 10D 64, BLUDIER 11E 40, BUNDLER 11E 40, BIEN H1 29
BIER H1 29 Chelsea
REB H2 20 fatcat
On 6th draw, K(R)ABS H1 37 --- KRAB a steel link used in mountaineering [n]
Other moves: KUD(O) 6J 32, K(I)NDA F2 32, K(I)NDS F2 32, K(R)AB H1 32, BEDU(C)KS M7 30
DA(R)K 5J 19 fatcat
On 7th draw, PREVENED 11A 78 --- PREVENE to precede [v]
Other moves: PREEVES N2 40, ENERVES N2 36, PREEVE C3 30, PREVENES N1 30, PREVENE C3 28
PREEVE C3 30 Chelsea
PERVES N3 19 fatcat
On 8th draw, NORTENOS O5 66 --- NORTENO a North American in contrast to a Latin American [n]
Other moves: NONPROS A8 30, SNOOPER A7 30, OPERON A10 27, NOOPS A8 24, PEONS A11 24
PRONE A11 24 fatcat
ROOPS A8 24 Chelsea
On 9th draw, PORTIERE C6 74 --- PORTIERE a curtain for a doorway [n]
Other moves: PORTIERE E6 60, TRIPPER A8 42, TRIPPER A7 36, POTPIE A8 33, PROPER A8 33
TRIPPER A8 42 Chelsea
PROPER A8 33 fatcat
On 10th draw, GAUJES N3 57 --- GAUJE a fellow [n]
Other moves: RAJES N4 55, JALOP A7 42, JARP A8 39, JARUL 8A 39, JAUP A8 39
GAUJES N3 57 LongJump22, GGGGGG1144
JARL 8A 36 Chelsea, fatcat
On 11th draw, REDOXES 14A 96 --- REDOX a type of chemical reaction [n]
Other moves: RETAXED K5 60, RETAXES K5 56, EXPOSED A9 54, EXPOSER A9 51, VEXED D11 49
REDOXES 14A 96 LongJump22
VEXED D11 49 Chelsea
DEX 3B 35 fatcat
On 12th draw, DARCY 8A 42 --- DARCY a unit of geological permeability [n]
Other moves: DIOECY 15F 41, CARDY 8A 39, CORY 8A 39, YARCO 8A 39, DICEY 15F 38
DIOECY 15F 41 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, moonmonkey
CORY 8A 39 Chelsea
DICEY 15F 38 fatcat
On 13th draw, WILI(S) 15D 55 --- WILI the spirit of a maiden [n]
Other moves: WILI 15D 33, WIL(I) 15D 31, WIL(T) 15D 31, WI(L)I 15D 31, W(I)LI 15D 31
WILI(S) 15D 55 Chelsea, LongJump22
WAWL N11 27 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66, HollyIvy
IWI O1 21 fatcat
On 14th draw, UPDART A10 33 --- UPDART to dart up [v]
Other moves: DAFT M2 30, FOUAT M1 27, PADRI A11 27, AFT M3 26, FID 6J 25
FAD M2 23 fatcat
On 15th draw, QI 6J 34 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: ANION N10 22, INANE N10 22, YONNIE 12H 18, ANN M3 17, QUAI D3 17
QAID A5 14 fatcat
On 16th draw, ZOO O1 39 --- ZOO a place where animals are kept for public exhibition [n]
Other tops: AZO O1 39, ZONA N11 39, ZOON N11 39
Other moves: CAZ J8 34, COZ J8 34, ZONA 3B 34, (R)AZOO 2H 33, AZON 3A 32
ZOO O1 39 fatcat
On 17th draw, IMAGINED A1 92 --- IMAGINE to form a mental picture of [v]
Other moves: ENIGMA N10 30, IMAGE N10 30, AMINE N10 28, IMINE N10 28, MANG M2 28
MEAN M1 22 fatcat
On 18th draw, OWING N10 33 --- OWE to be under obligation to pay or repay [v]
Other moves: MEVING 2A 32, MEWING 2A 32, MOVING 2A 32, MOWING 2A 32, OGIVE N10 31
COWING J8 20 fatcat
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