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Game on October 5, 2024 at 08:42, 6 players
1. 237 pts Chelsea
2. 142 pts LongJump22
3. 70 pts LLLLLL1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehilrsw   H4    32    32   wisher
 2. adnootu   7D    64    96   aunthood
 3. deeinsu   9G    62   158   uredines
 4. adeirrt   4F    74   232   tawdrier
 5. aegnoor   8A    32   264   orange
 6. aelnoxy   M2    48   312   larynx
 7. deinotz   B8    74   386   rozited
 8. ?aeejor   6J    58   444   jeaned
 9. ?cgiioo   N8    74   518   isogonic
10. elmoppt   O1    42   560   mopped
11. bfgmnou  A13    32   592   fob
12. aacegnt  15L    33   625   caca
13. hilnstu  11G    74   699   hustling
14. aiklntv   3C    41   740   tilak
15. beiqrst   2B    38   778   biters
16. aeglrvw   1A    37   815   vaw
17. eeflnrv  C11    37   852   fere
18. lmnquvy   9A    25   877   moy

Remaining tiles: glnquv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7194 FileChelsea     3  6:04  -640  237     1.7194 Chelsea     3  6:04  -640  237 
  2.5683 FileLongJump22  2  2:13  -735  142            Group: novice
  3.5732 FileLLLLLL1112  2  2:04  -807   70     1.5683 LongJump22  2  2:13  -735  142 
  4.5443 FileNNNNNN1112  1  0:47  -844   33     2.5732 LLLLLL1112  2  2:04  -807   70 
  5.5586 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:05  -844   33     3.5443 NNNNNN1112  1  0:47  -844   33 
  6.5518 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:43  -844   33     4.5586 OOOOOO1112  1  1:05  -844   33 
                                             5.5518 MMMMMM1112  1  1:43  -844   33 

On 1st draw, WISHER H4 32 --- WISHER one that wishes [n]
Other tops: WHILES H3 32, WHILES H4 32, WHIRLS H3 32, WHIRLS H4 32
Other moves: SHREW H8 30, WELSH H4 30, WELSH H8 30, WERSH H4 30, WERSH H8 30

On 2nd draw, AUNTHOOD 7D 64 --- AUNTHOOD the state of being an aunt [n]
Other moves: DOONA G5 24, ONTO I4 20, WANDOO 4H 20, AUTO G6 19, DAUT G5 19

On 3rd draw, UREDINES 9G 62 --- UREDO a skin irritation [n]
Other moves: DUDEENS K5 36, NEDDIES K5 36, NUDDIES K5 36, DESINE 8A 31, NEEDS 8A 31

On 4th draw, TAWDRIER 4F 74 --- TAWDRY gaudy [adj]
Other moves: TARDIER 10A 64, TIDDIER K5 36, DARTRE 8A 31, ADIT 8L 26, AIDER 8A 26

On 5th draw, ORANGE 8A 32 --- ORANGE a citrus fruit [n] --- ORANGE the colour of an orange (a fruit) [adj]
Other moves: ORANG 8A 27, ANGER 8A 26, AREG 8A 26, GEASON 6E 26, GONER 8A 26

On 6th draw, LARYNX M2 48 --- LARYNX an organ of the respiratory tract [n]
Other moves: YEX 8M 46, YEX 9A 45, ANOREXY M1 42, AXONAL C8 42, ONYX 10J 37

On 7th draw, ROZITED B8 74 --- ROZIT to rosin [v]
Other moves: SIZE 6H 69, ZEIN 6J 67, ZO 6J 65, AZOTED C8 52, AZIONE C8 50
SIZE 6H 69 Chelsea

On 8th draw, JEANE(D) 6J 58 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [adj] --- JEANED wearing jeans [adj]
Other tops: JO(I)NER 6J 58
Other moves: JE(U)NE 6J 57, SOJA 6H 57, JA(I)LER 2J 56, JA(I)LOR 2J 56, JO(W)LER 2J 56
JEANE(D) 6J 58 Chelsea

On 9th draw, ISOGO(N)IC N8 74 --- ISOGONIC a line indicating the earth's magnetic field [n]
Other moves: C(R)Y 5K 30, SCOOG(S) N9 28, COOLI(E) 2J 26, COIL(S) 2J 24, COOL(S) 2J 24
(D)OC A13 16 Chelsea

On 10th draw, MOPPE(D) O1 42 --- MOP to wipe with a mop (an implement for cleaning floors) [v]
Other moves: LOPPE(D) O1 36, METOL A11 36, TOPPE(D) O1 36, POMPELO 12H 32, MOPPET 3B 31
MOPPE(D) O1 42 Chelsea, LongJump22

On 11th draw, FOB A13 32 --- FOB to deceive [v]
Other tops: GUMBO 6B 32
Other moves: BUFO O10 30, BUNCO 15K 30, BUMF 6B 29, FOB C13 29, FOG A13 29
FOB A13 32 Chelsea

On 12th draw, CACA 15L 33 --- CACA excrement [n]
Other tops: CECA 15L 33
Other moves: NAGA C11 32, AGEN C12 30, CAECA 15K 30, AGA C12 28, AGE C12 28
CACA 15L 33 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112
FENCE 13A 20 Chelsea

On 13th draw, HUSTLING 11G 74 --- HUSTLE to hurry [v] --- HUSTLING the act of hustling [n]
Other moves: SHIN 10H 34, SH*T 10H 34, LITHS 10D 28, NITS C11 28, SLIT 10H 28

On 14th draw, TILAK 3C 41 --- TILAK a mark worn on the forehead by Hindus [n]
Other moves: VAKIL 3C 31, TAK C13 30, KNIVED K2 28, LAKIN 12D 28, TAKIN 12D 28
VAKIL 3C 31 LongJump22

On 15th draw, BITERS 2B 38 --- BITER that which bites [n]
Other moves: QIS 6B 35, QATS F2 33, TRIBES 2A 33, QAT F2 32, BISTER 2A 31

On 16th draw, VAW 1A 37 --- VAW the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: AWE C12 36, UVEAL H11 36, WAG C13 36, WAE C13 34, WAR C13 34
WAG C13 36 LongJump22

On 17th draw, FERE C11 37 --- FERE a companion [n] --- FERE able [adj]
Other moves: FEEL 4A 35, FEEN 4A 35, FLEE 4A 35, FREE 4A 35, EREV C12 32
FERE C11 37 LLLLLL1112

On 18th draw, MOY 9A 25 --- MOY a measure [n]
Other tops: MYNA O12 25
Other moves: MOLY 9A 23, MONY 9A 23, YOM 9A 23, SUQ I11 22, UNLIVED K1 22

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