Game on October 5, 2024 at 10:10, 6 players
1. 395 pts Chelsea
2. 294 pts LongJump22
3. 172 pts OOOOOO1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 100 100
2. 14E 29 129
3. 11E 86 215
4. 15A 38 253
5. 15G 53 306
6. 10J 47 353
7. 12K 47 400
8. I1 66 466
9. G3 73 539
10. 5C 110 649
11. B10 34 683
12. 1G 45 728
13. O5 58 786
14. 4A 39 825
15. A8 37 862
16. J5 50 912
17. N1 55 967
18. C3 28 995
19. A1 33 1028
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7228 Chelsea 1 11:47 -633 395 1.7228 Chelsea 1 11:47 -633 395
2.5683 LongJump22 4 4:28 -734 294 Group: novice
3.5586 OOOOOO1112 3 4:21 -856 172 1.5683 LongJump22 4 4:28 -734 294
4.5732 LLLLLL1112 0 1:12 -998 30 2.5586 OOOOOO1112 3 4:21 -856 172
5.5518 MMMMMM1112 0 1:31 -998 30 3.5732 LLLLLL1112 0 1:12 -998 30
6.5443 NNNNNN1112 0 1:51 -998 30 4.5518 MMMMMM1112 0 1:31 -998 30
5.5443 NNNNNN1112 0 1:51 -998 30
On 1st draw, UTI(L)IZE H7 100 --- UTILIZE to make use of [v]
Other tops: TUI(L)ZIE H8 100, U(N)ITIZE H7 100
Other moves: TUI(L)ZIE H2 82, TUI(L)ZIE H3 82, TUI(L)ZIE H4 82, TUI(L)ZIE H6 82, TUI(L)ZIE H7 82
On 2nd draw, OUTRIG 14E 29 --- OUTRIG to equip (a boat) with outriggers (projections having floats) [v]
Other moves: RAGOUT 14H 27, RIGOUT 14H 27, TRAGI 14G 26, TRIGO 14G 26, TRUGO 14G 26
On 3rd draw, DRAISINE 11E 86 --- DRAISINE an old bicycle [n]
Other tops: SARDINE 15A 86
Other moves: RANDIEST 8A 83, DAINES 15C 81, DENIS 15D 81, DINES 15D 81, SNIDER 15H 80
RAS 15F 64 Chelsea
On 4th draw, TEMPO 15A 38 --- TEMPO the rate of speed of a musical piece [n]
Other moves: MEOW 12L 34, MEW 10J 31, MOW 10J 31, PEW 10J 31, POW 10J 31
QI J10 31 Chelsea
On 5th draw, A(S) 15G 53 --- AS a Norse god living in Asgard [n] --- AS a ridge left by a glacier [n] --- AS an old Roman coin [n] --- AS to the same degree [adv]
Other tops: E(S) 15G 53, I(S) 15G 53
Other moves: UTI(L)IZER(S) H7 48, WHE(N)WE B10 44, HAW(K)IE 10J 41, HAW(S)E 10J 40, HAWE(D) 10J 38
On 6th draw, KAYLE 10J 47 --- KAYLE a ninepin [n]
Other moves: KAY 10J 43, KEY 10J 43, YAK G7 41, ALECK 12K 38, KANE 10J 38
KEY 10J 43 Chelsea
On 7th draw, TWIRP 12K 47 --- TWIRP a small impudent person [n]
Other moves: PAW 12J 46, DAWT 12J 45, DAW 12J 43, RAPID 12J 42, WARP 12L 42
WRAP 12L 42 Chelsea
On 8th draw, FLINDER I1 66 --- FLINDER a small fragment [n]
Other moves: UNRIFLED 7H 64, URNFIELD 7H 64, FELINE B10 34, FERINE B10 34, FERLIE B10 34
FLINDER I1 66 LongJump22
FE 14B 24 Chelsea
On 9th draw, ANEROID G3 73 --- ANEROID a type of barometer [n]
Other moves: ORDAINED 5B 70, ORDAINED 5G 70, ORDAINED E4 70, ORDAINER F4 65, FRIANDE 1I 36
ANEROID G3 73 LongJump22
DEAF 1F 24 Chelsea
On 10th draw, HACIENDAS 5C 110 --- HACIENDA an estate [n]
Other moves: CHAINS O5 46, CHINAS O5 46, NACHAS O5 46, CHAIS O6 43, CHIAS O6 43
HACIENDAS 5C 110 LongJump22
CHINAS O5 46 Chelsea
On 11th draw, HEALEE B10 34 --- HEALEE someone who is being healed [n]
Other moves: HEAL 4A 31, HEEL 4A 31, HALF 1F 30, AAH J4 29, H**L*HAOLE 12A 27
AH J5 26 Chelsea
On 12th draw, DEFOAM 1G 45 --- DEFOAM to remove foam from [v]
Other tops: VOEMA A8 45
Other moves: AMOVED A6 44, VOEMA C9 43, MAAED A8 42, MOVED A7 41, AMOVE A6 35
DEFOAM 1G 45 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112
On 13th draw, ROQUES O5 58 --- ROQUE a form of croquet [n]
Other moves: ROQUES A5 50, ROQUE A7 49, ROQUE A6 47, DEFOAMERS 1G 45, CEROUS O5 37
ROQUES O5 58 OOOOOO1112, Chelsea
On 14th draw, COOF 4A 39 --- COOF a dolt [n]
Other moves: COOF A8 37, FOOT 4A 31, COOF A9 29, ELF 2H 29, OAF J4 29
COOF A8 37 Chelsea
On 15th draw, BUOY A8 37 --- BUOY to mark with a buoy (a warning float) [v]
Other moves: BUOYANT A9 36, BAYOU A6 35, BOYAU A6 35, BUNYA A6 35, BUNYA A9 32
On 16th draw, AX J5 50 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EX 6I 50
Other moves: EXACT A1 42, EXEC A1 39, PLEX O12 39, EX 13H 34, EXEAT N2 34
On 17th draw, BEGNAW N1 55 --- BEGNAW to gnaw [v]
Other moves: BESAW N2 51, GNAW N3 31, SWAB M1 31, SWAGE M1 31, SWANG M1 31
On 18th draw, JOHN C3 28 --- JOHN a toilet [n]
Other moves: JIG 3L 22, BENJ 8A 21, PING O12 21, EL O1 20, EN O1 20
On 19th draw, EVICTS A1 33 --- EVICT to expel by legal process [v]
Other moves: SALVE 12A 32, EVICT A1 30, SALTIE 12A 30, SAVE 12A 27, EST 13K 24
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