Game on October 5, 2024 at 12:28, 12 players
1. 220 pts LongJump22
2. 207 pts Pacific
3. 135 pts LLLLLL1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 48 48
2. 7B 63 111
3. E5 102 213
4. 13B 26 239
5. A11 40 279
6. D11 42 321
7. 14A 41 362
8. J5 78 440
9. 10G 65 505
10. 8J 39 544
11. O10 39 583
12. B1 42 625
13. F4 57 682
14. 1A 42 724
15. 11H 24 748
16. K2 28 776
17. 14J 28 804
18. 15G 46 850
19. 1A 42 892
20. A8 45 937
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.5683 LongJump22 2 2:57 -717 220 1.9857 Pacific 1 4:50 -730 207
2.9857 Pacific 1 4:50 -730 207 Group: advanced
3.5732 LLLLLL1112 1 4:40 -802 135 1.7692 Inkey 1 1:51 -871 66
4.6916 ArcticFox 1 2:55 -831 106 Group: intermediate
5.7692 Inkey 1 1:51 -871 66 1.6916 ArcticFox 1 2:55 -831 106
6.5586 OOOOOO1112 0 1:03 -907 30 2.6395 ShotPut22 0 0:58 -917 20
7.5443 NNNNNN1112 0 1:25 -907 30 3.6198 Javelin22 0 1:17 -917 20
8.5518 MMMMMM1112 0 1:49 -907 30 4.6673 Discus22 0 1:32 -917 20
9.6395 ShotPut22 0 0:58 -917 20 5.6587 BBBBBB1112 0 1:52 -917 20
10.6198 Javelin22 0 1:17 -917 20 Group: novice
11.6673 Discus22 0 1:32 -917 20 1.5683 LongJump22 2 2:57 -717 220
12.6587 BBBBBB1112 0 1:52 -917 20 2.5732 LLLLLL1112 1 4:40 -802 135
3.5586 OOOOOO1112 0 1:03 -907 30
4.5443 NNNNNN1112 0 1:25 -907 30
5.5518 MMMMMM1112 0 1:49 -907 30
On 1st draw, JU(M)BY H4 48 --- JUMBY a ghost [n]
Other moves: JOT(T)Y H4 44, JO(L)TY H4 44, JO(N)TY H4 44, JO(T)TY H4 44, JUT(T)Y H4 44
JO(N)TY H4 44 Pacific
On 2nd draw, NANOTUBE 7B 63 --- NANOTUBE a microscopic tube [n]
Other moves: BUTANONE 7H 62, JOTUNN 4H 26, JAUNT 4H 24, JETON 4H 24, JOTUN 4H 24
On 3rd draw, FOOTWE(A)R E5 102 --- FOOTWEAR collective term for boots, shoes, socks etc. [n]
Other tops: WOOFTER(S) E5 102
Other moves: FOREW(E)NT D1 86, FOR(E)WENT D1 86, TWOFER(S) J1 82, FOR(E)WENT B1 80, FORWA(S)TE C3 78
WOOFTER(S) E5 102 LongJump22
On 4th draw, OOPS 13B 26 --- OOP to bind with thread [v] --- OOPS used to express mild apology, surprise, or dismay [interj]
Other tops: APOS 13B 26, APSO 13C 26, APT F5 26, PAIS 13B 26, PIAS 13B 26, PIONS D4 26, PISO 13C 26, POAS 13B 26, POIS 13B 26, POONS D4 26, POOS 13B 26, PSOAI J6 26
Other moves: PSOAI D1 25, JIAOS 4H 24, OPS 13C 24, PAS 13C 24, PIS 13C 24
On 5th draw, RAHED A11 40 --- RAH to cheer on a team or player [v]
Other tops: HAIRED A10 40, HEADER A8 40, HEIRED A10 40
Other moves: HEAPED D10 38, AHED A12 37, EHED A12 37, HARED A11 37, HEARIE A10 37
On 6th draw, ZAP D11 42 --- ZAP to kill or destroy instantaneously [v]
Other tops: ZEP D11 42
Other moves: ZEA 8A 40, ZEL 8A 40, ZERO B10 37, ZA 8A 35, (M)AZER 6H 35
ZEA 8A 40 LongJump22
ZEL 8A 40 Pacific
On 7th draw, EYES 14A 41 --- EYE the organ of sight [n] --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other moves: EASY F9 35, ARTIES F5 30, JASEY 4H 30, ERES 14A 29, TIERS F7 29
On 8th draw, UNSPEAK J5 78 --- UNSPEAK to unsay [v]
Other moves: UNKEPT F2 35, JAKES 4H 32, JAUKS 4H 32, JUKES 4H 32, JUNKS 4H 32
UNSPEAK J5 78 LongJump22, Pacific
On 9th draw, MELANOID 10G 65 --- MELANOID a dark pigment [n]
Other moves: EMODIN K9 36, INDOLE K8 35, MILDEN K10 34, MOILED K10 34, MONIED K10 34
On 10th draw, PACIER 8J 39 --- PACEY keeping a fast pace (rate of speed) [adj] --- PACY pacey [adj]
Other tops: PICARA 8J 39
Other moves: CARATE 8A 36, ARNICA K8 34, EWT F5 32, CARAT 8A 31, CARET 8A 31
On 11th draw, SEADOG O10 39 --- SEADOG a fogbow [n]
Other moves: DOGATE 8A 37, DOSAGE 12H 34, SEADOG 12J 34, GODET 8A 32, AKED 11I 27
On 12th draw, REFLOWN B1 42 --- REFLY to fly again [v]
Other moves: REFLOWN D1 38, FEW N12 36, WEFT F4 36, FEW 8A 34, FIKE 11H 33
On 13th draw, TEXT F4 57 --- TEXT the main body of a written or printed work [n] --- TEXT to send a text message (mobile phone) [v]
Other moves: EXITED H10 45, KEX 11J 41, NIXED K10 38, DOXIE D1 35, NIXE K10 34
EXITED H10 45 Pacific
On 14th draw, GRAVEL 1A 42 --- GRAVEL to pave with gravel (a mixture of rock fragments) [v]
Other tops: GRAVER 1A 42
Other moves: GRAVE 1A 39, GRAV 1A 36, ALNAGER K8 30, ALNAGE K8 28, LAKER 11H 28
On 15th draw, TIKA 11H 24 --- TIKA a red forehead mark on a Hindu woman [n]
Other moves: AITU N12 20, AUGITIC L2 20, KAI 11J 20, NAG K10 20, TATU N12 20
TIG N12 19 ArcticFox
On 16th draw, CRIME K2 28 --- CRIME a violation of the law [n] --- CRIME to convict over a breach of regulations [v]
Other tops: CROME K2 28
Other moves: COME K3 26, CORM K2 24, CREM K2 24, CRIM K2 24, MICRO K2 24
WEM 9E 20 ArcticFox
On 17th draw, BLOTTO 14J 28 --- BLOTTO drunk [adj]
Other moves: TUB L4 24, LIB N12 23, LOB N12 23, BIO N12 21, BIT N12 21
BIT N12 21 ArcticFox
On 18th draw, QADI 15G 46 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: AHA C1 27, QAID 15I 27, QAT M12 24, AHI 13K 23, AHI 15K 23
QADI 15G 46 ArcticFox
CHAD 2K 20 ShotPut22, Javelin22
CHID 2K 20 Discus22, BBBBBB1112
On 19th draw, GRAVELING 1A 42 --- GRAVEL to pave with gravel (a mixture of rock fragments) [v]
Other moves: HIRING 3I 28, ICHING 2J 28, VICING 2I 28, VIRGIN 3I 28, VIRING 3I 28
On 20th draw, HURRAHED A8 45 --- HURRAH to cheer [v]
Other moves: URCHIN 2I 29, CHIV 2K 24, CHIRU 2K 20, CHURN 2K 20, HI 15L 20
CHIV 2K 24 Inkey
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