Game on October 5, 2024 at 20:51, 10 players
1. 616 pts LongJump22
2. 584 pts sunshine12
3. 213 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 72 72
2. 5E 102 174
3. 4K 37 211
4. N1 72 283
5. O7 50 333
6. N10 106 439
7. 15J 45 484
8. 14J 57 541
9. 4A 34 575
10. 1J 36 611
11. M11 30 641
12. K4 80 721
13. 2D 65 786
14. J9 64 850
15. B2 38 888
16. A7 85 973
17. 6E 30 1003
18. 1E 36 1039
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5498 LongJump22 5 7:52 -423 616 1.7118 sunshine12 7 14:02 -455 584
2.7118 sunshine12 7 14:02 -455 584 2.7638 moonmonkey 2 3:33 -826 213
3.7638 moonmonkey 2 3:33 -826 213 3.7424 Mycophot 2 4:52 -826 213
4.7424 Mycophot 2 4:52 -826 213 4.7974 lazy.lion 0 1:55 -981 58
5.7974 lazy.lion 0 1:55 -981 58 5.7777 bumpkin 0 1:09 -984 55
6.5522 NNNNNN1112 1 1:47 -982 57 Group: novice
7.7777 bumpkin 0 1:09 -984 55 1.5498 LongJump22 5 7:52 -423 616
8.5689 LLLLLL1112 0 0:35 -1009 30 2.5522 NNNNNN1112 1 1:47 -982 57
9.5559 MMMMMM1112 0 0:56 -1009 30 3.5689 LLLLLL1112 0 0:35 -1009 30
10.5585 OOOOOO1112 0 1:44 -1009 30 4.5559 MMMMMM1112 0 0:56 -1009 30
5.5585 OOOOOO1112 0 1:44 -1009 30
On 1st draw, BORRO(W)S H4 72 --- BORROW to obtain on loan or trust [v]
Other moves: BORRO(W)S H2 68, BORRO(W)S H3 68, BORRO(W)S H6 68, BORRO(W)S H8 68, BORRO(W)S H5 66
BORRO(W)S H4 72 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, APHONIES 5E 102 --- APHONY loss of voice [n]
APHONIES 5E 102 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, WIFED 4K 37 --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: WIFED 4A 35, FEOD 6J 33, WIFIE 4K 33, WIFIE 4A 32, WIFES L1 30
WIFED 4K 37 LongJump22
On 4th draw, GRUE(L)LED N1 72 --- GRUEL to disable by hard work [v]
Other moves: GRUEL(L)ED N1 68, (M)AULGRED E4 68, (S)PLURGED F4 65, GU(I)LDERS 10A 63, I(N)DULGER J5 63
(M)AULGRED E4 68 LongJump22
DRUDGE O4 27 sunshine12
On 5th draw, TELARY O7 50 --- TELARY web-spinning [adj]
Other tops: REALTY O7 50
Other moves: EARLY O8 45, RAYLET O7 41, ELYTRA O8 39, YUGA 1L 36, EARLY O7 35
REALTY O7 50 LongJump22, sunshine12, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 6th draw, ZONER N10 106 --- ZONER one that zones [n]
Other moves: ZONE N10 71, ZO N10 64, NERTZ 4A 41, TREZ 4B 37, ZOSTER 10F 37
ZONER N10 106 sunshine12
ZO N10 64 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 7th draw, AMIDST 15J 45 --- AMIDST in the middle of [prep]
Other moves: MAST 15L 42, MIDST 15K 42, MIST 15L 42, DIDST 15K 39, MAIST 15K 39
MAST 15L 42 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot
MIST 15L 42 sunshine12
On 8th draw, JET 14J 57 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other tops: JOT 14J 57
Other moves: JA 14J 54, JO 14J 54, TAJ 14H 51, JANTEE 13I 42, JETON 4A 42
JET 14J 57 LongJump22, Mycophot, sunshine12
JOT 14J 57 moonmonkey, NNNNNN1112
On 9th draw, CLEIK 4A 34 --- CLEIK a kind of golf club [n]
Other tops: CLEEK 4A 34
Other moves: KAE M11 31, ALECK 4A 30, CAGE 1L 30, ICELIKE J5 29, KI M7 27
CLEEK 4A 34 sunshine12
CAGE 1L 30 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112
On 10th draw, UNCAGE 1J 36 --- UNCAGE to release from a cage [v]
Other moves: ACCENT A3 30, CAGE 1L 30, UNLACE B2 28, CAN M11 25, CAT M11 25
UNCAGE 1J 36 sunshine12
CAGE 1L 30 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112
On 11th draw, DOM M11 30 --- DOM a title given to certain monks [n]
Other moves: MOD M11 29, CODLIN A4 27, NOM M11 27, T*MTOM M11 27, MON M11 25
LIMO 2H 24 sunshine12
DO 3C 14 LongJump22
On 12th draw, WEALTHIER K4 80 --- WEALTHY having valuable possessions [adj]
Other moves: ETHERIAL C1 74, LATHIER 2D 68, AEROLITH 8E 65, ETHERIAL C4 63, ARCHLET A2 36
CHAIR A4 30 sunshine12
ART 3B 14 LongJump22
On 13th draw, TOTANUS 2D 65 --- TOTANUS a bird [n]
Other moves: CONATUS A4 27, NOCTUAS A2 27, OCTANTS A3 27, OUTCAST A1 27, TOUCANS A1 27
COTTAS A4 24 sunshine12
NA 3C 10 LongJump22
On 14th draw, OXY J9 64 --- OXY containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: BOLIX B2 60, OX J9 55, FIX M7 39, FOX M7 39, VOX M7 39
OXY J9 64 sunshine12
OX J9 55 bumpkin
FE C3 10 LongJump22
On 15th draw, BELIVE B2 38 --- BELIVE immediately [adv]
Other moves: VIBE 1A 33, VIBIER 6C 33, BEARE 6E 31, BIVIA 6B 31, CAVIE A4 30
CAVIE A4 30 lazy.lion
BEE C3 10 LongJump22
On 16th draw, APOGEAN A7 85 --- APOGEAN relating to an apogee [adj] --- APOGEE the point in the orbit of a body which is farthest from the earth [adj]
Other moves: APOGEAN C7 77, AGAPE 1D 45, GAPE 1E 36, GAPO 1E 36, NAPA 1E 32
PONGA A7 28 lazy.lion, sunshine12
OO 8G 2 LongJump22
On 17th draw, FIAR 6E 30 --- FIAR the holder of a type of absolute ownership of land under Scottish law [n]
Other tops: FAIR 6E 30
Other moves: FIG M7 27, FOG M7 27, FA 1G 26, FA 6J 26, IF J5 26
FA 1G 26 sunshine12
OO 8G 2 LongJump22
On 18th draw, WINO 1E 36 --- WINO a drunken down and out who drinks cheap wine [n]
Other moves: QIS 10F 32, VOW M7 31, AVOWING 12A 28, VIG M7 27, WIG M7 27
WINO 1E 36 sunshine12
OO 8G 2 LongJump22
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