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Game on October 6, 2024 at 00:41, 1 player
1. 76 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeorsz   H4    50    50   zeroes
 2. ?aemopr   8A    92   142   camporee
 3. ?aemotv   4F    92   234   mazeltov
 4. abdeior   C7    84   318   amberoid
 5. aiinotu  14A    72   390   audition
 6. aenrsxy   J4    71   461   larynxes
 7. aeeglwy  15G    50   511   wyle
 8. denorst  13G    85   596   rodents
 9. bcfnotu  A10    42   638   confab
10. deiiluw   3C    31   669   wiled
11. aeegiln   M2    80   749   inveagle
12. deiikuv  14J    38   787   kue
13. aghnouv   2J    42   829   having
14. aailopt   O1    33   862   igapo
15. achiluu  15L    44   906   chia
16. dilqstu   D1    50   956   quids
17. fgiijlt   8L    33   989   flit
18. gijlrtu   1D    42  1031   quilt

Remaining tiles: gjrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7154 Filesunshine12  1  1:41  -955   76     1.7154 sunshine12  1  1:41  -955   76 

On 1st draw, ZEROES H4 50 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other moves: ZEROS H4 48, ZOEAE H4 48, ZOEAS H4 48, RAZEES H3 32, RAZEES H4 32

On 2nd draw, (C)AMPOREE 8A 92 --- CAMPOREE a gathering of Boy Scouts [n]
Other moves: RAMPO(L)E G5 82, PAM(P)ERO G5 81, (M)AMPOER G5 81, (P)AMPERO G5 81, EMPOR(I)A G6 80

On 3rd draw, MAZE(L)TOV 4F 92 --- MAZELTOV used to express congratulations [interj]
Other moves: OVE(R)TAME 5A 74, OVE(R)TAME 5F 74, OVERMA(S)T 6E 72, OVERMA(S)T F5 72, OVERTAM(E) 6E 72

On 4th draw, AMBEROID C7 84 --- AMBEROID a synthetic amber [n]
Other moves: OVERBID M3 36, ARDEB 3C 33, AMBROID C7 32, EMBRAID C7 32, ADVERB M2 30

On 5th draw, AUDITION 14A 72 --- AUDITION to give a trial performance [v]
Other moves: ANTI B11 20, UNAI B11 20, UNTO B11 20, INIA D12 19, TAUON 3C 19

On 6th draw, (L)ARYNXES J4 71 --- LARYNX an organ of the respiratory tract [n]
Other moves: PYREX D8 63, PYXES D8 56, YEX 15H 54, SEXY 15G 50, YEX 15G 50

On 7th draw, WYLE 15G 50 --- WYLE to beguile [v]
Other moves: WYE 15G 47, AGLEY 15H 45, ELEGY 15H 45, LEEWAY 3B 45, YAWL 15H 45

On 8th draw, RODENTS 13G 85 --- RODENT a gnawing mammal [n]
Other moves: SNORTED 3A 79, SNORTED 13F 75, SNORTED 13H 74, ERST 15A 40, SPORED D7 34

On 9th draw, CONFAB A10 42 --- CONFAB to chat [v]
Other moves: FOB B10 35, FUB B10 35, FON B10 31, FUN B10 31, CONFUTE 5B 30

On 10th draw, WILED 3C 31 --- WILE to entice [v]
Other moves: PILED D8 30, DEW D10 29, WE 14J 29, LEW D10 26, OWLED 12C 26

On 11th draw, INVEAGLE M2 80 --- INVEAGLE to cajole [v]
Other moves: GALENITE L7 70, ENSILAGE 11H 68, LINEAGES M6 61, AGENISE 11E 32, EVANGEL M3 28

On 12th draw, KUE 14J 38 --- KUE the letter Q [n]
Other moves: VIED 4A 35, VLEI 8L 33, DEKE 5E 31, DUKE 5E 31, SKIVED 11J 28

On 13th draw, HAVING 2J 42 --- HAVE to be in possession of [v] --- HAVING possession [n]
Other tops: HOVING 2J 42
Other moves: HOGAN 2F 39, HAO B10 36, HOAING 2J 36, HONG 2F 36, HOG 2F 35

On 14th draw, IGAPO O1 33 --- IGAPO a flooded forest [n]
Other tops: GALIPOT O2 33
Other moves: TAPA 12F 31, APO 12G 30, TAPALO 1E 29, ALAP 12E 28, APIOL 1G 28

On 15th draw, CHIA 15L 44 --- CHIA a Mexican herb [n]
Other tops: CHAI 15L 44, CHAL 15L 44
Other moves: LAICH 1G 42, LAUCH 1G 42, LUACH 1G 42, CHIA N5 40, LICH 1H 39
CHILI D1 26 sunshine12

On 16th draw, QUIDS D1 50 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other tops: QUIDS 1F 50, QUILTS 1E 50, QUILTS D1 50
Other moves: QUIST 1G 49, QUID D1 48, QUILT D1 48, QUIST D1 48, QUITS D1 48
QUIDS D1 50 sunshine12

On 17th draw, FLIT 8L 33 --- FLIT to move lightly and swiftly [v]
Other moves: GIFT 12E 27, FOGY 7G 26, LIFT 12E 26, TAJ 6L 26, IF I9 22

On 18th draw, QUILT 1D 42 --- QUILT to stitch together with padding in between [v]
Other tops: QUIRT 1D 42
Other moves: JEU G7 39, GJU 1H 38, JURIST 11F 26, RAJ 6L 26, TAJ 6L 26

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