Game on October 6, 2024 at 02:12, 1 player
1. 118 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. 10D 45 73
3. 5E 98 171
4. 7D 63 234
5. 11B 29 263
6. 8A 56 319
7. B1 74 393
8. 1A 84 477
9. 8K 34 511
10. 12A 36 547
11. N8 78 625
12. A12 45 670
13. 13C 48 718
14. O12 52 770
15. 4K 24 794
16. O1 45 839
17. D1 28 867
18. N1 33 900
19. B10 26 926
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7145 sunshine12 1 5:38 -808 118 1.7145 sunshine12 1 5:38 -808 118
On 1st draw, HOTROD H4 28 --- HOTROD a car modified for high speeds [n]
Other moves: HOORD H4 26, TOROTH H7 26, HOTROD H7 24, TOOTH H8 24, TROTH H8 24
On 2nd draw, BIZE(S) 10D 45 --- BIZE a cold wind in Switzerland [n]
Other moves: J(E)EZ G5 44, (S)IZEL 10H 43, JE(E)Z G5 42, (S)IZE 10H 42, (S)EZ 10H 41
ZO(M)BIE 5G 32 sunshine12
On 3rd draw, DAKO(I)TIS 5E 98 --- DAKOITI robbery by Indian gangs [n]
Other tops: A(N)TISKID E4 98, DAKOIT(I)S 5E 98, DAK(O)ITIS E4 98, TAI(L)SKID E4 98
Other moves: SKAITH(E)D 4C 80, A(N)TISKID E7 74, DAK(O)ITIS E6 74, TAI(L)SKID E8 74, STI(N)KARD 7B 66
SHAK(E)D 4G 26 sunshine12
On 4th draw, ALGORISM 7D 63 --- ALGORISM the Arabic system of arithmetic notation [n]
Other moves: OMITS 6E 33, GLOAM 6B 31, MISO 11C 31, OMIT 6E 31, AMIGOS 4J 30
GLOAM 6B 31 sunshine12
On 5th draw, ARENA 11B 29 --- ARENA an enclosed area for contests [n]
Other tops: ANOA 11D 29, EOAN 11D 29
Other moves: EINA 11C 27, RANA 11C 27, ANA 11D 25, ARENA 8A 23, NAE 11E 23
ARENA 11B 29 sunshine12
On 6th draw, FETWA 8A 56 --- FETWA a religious decree of death [n]
Other moves: FATWA B10 38, FACET B10 36, WAFT 8A 36, WEFT 8A 36, CAFE 8A 33
On 7th draw, PERENTIE B1 74 --- PERENTIE a large Australian monitor lizard [n]
Other moves: PREEN 12A 37, PEEN 12A 32, PIET 12A 32, PREE 12A 32, TREEN 12A 29
On 8th draw, OPAQUER 1A 84 --- OPAQUE impervious to light [adj]
Other moves: OPAQUE 1A 81, AQUAE 8K 76, AQUAE 4J 45, QUARE 4K 45, AQUA 4J 43
On 9th draw, EDICT 8K 34 --- EDICT an authoritative order having the force of law [n]
Other moves: CIEL 12A 32, CEILED 4A 30, CADET B10 28, CADIE B10 28, CALID B10 28
On 10th draw, WREN 12A 36 --- WREN a small songbird [n]
Other moves: WALER B10 32, WANLE B10 32, WEANEL 4A 31, WEN 12B 29, ALEW 4L 26
On 11th draw, CARPOOLS N8 78 --- CARPOOL to take turns driving a group of commuters [v]
Other moves: POSTORAL O5 61, PSORA 13C 32, PARLOR B10 28, PAROLS B10 28, PARRAL B10 28
On 12th draw, WYCH A12 45 --- WYCH a European elm [n]
Other moves: CHINE 13B 43, CHUSE 15K 42, CHIN 13B 41, CHE 13B 39, CHI 13B 39
On 13th draw, VEINY 13C 48 --- VEINY full of veins [adj]
Other moves: YEVING 13A 47, VEGAN 13C 38, VINY 13C 38, AVISE 15K 36, GEYAN 13C 34
On 14th draw, FIAT O12 52 --- FIAT an authoritative order [n] --- FIAT to sanction [v]
Other moves: FAST 15L 33, FIST 15L 33, FAT O13 31, FETIAL 4A 31, FIT O13 31
On 15th draw, BELLE 4K 24 --- BELLE an attractive woman [n]
Other moves: BELEE 4A 23, BELLE 4A 23, LEBEN 4K 22, GIBE M7 21, LEGLEN 4A 21
On 16th draw, MIXENS O1 45 --- MIXEN a dunghill [n]
Other moves: MIXEN O1 42, MIXES O1 42, GOXES O1 39, NIXES O1 36, NOXES O1 36
On 17th draw, QUOD D1 28 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: DELO N2 27, DOLE N2 27, GOLE N2 27, DEL N2 23, DOL N2 23
On 18th draw, UGALI N1 33 --- UGALI (Swahili) an African type of stiff porridge [n]
Other moves: MEVING K7 24, GAL N2 23, DOVING L8 22, MEOUING K7 20, DIVAN L8 18
On 19th draw, JAR B10 26 --- JAR to vibrate from an impact [v]
Other moves: JUVES L1 23, JIN M7 22, GROOVE 3A 20, JEED 4A 20, JONES L1 20
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