Game on October 7, 2024 at 04:58, 2 players
1. 486 pts fatcat
2. 215 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 44 44
2. 5C 70 114
3. 8H 107 221
4. 6J 40 261
5. E4 68 329
6. D8 44 373
7. 11D 74 447
8. H11 42 489
9. 13G 36 525
10. 14H 35 560
11. 15K 57 617
12. 10I 71 688
13. 4H 42 730
14. 12A 42 772
15. D1 34 806
16. N2 42 848
17. 2B 74 922
18. 15A 92 1014
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6378 fatcat 1 13:34 -528 486 1.7039 sunshine12 2 4:23 -799 215
2.7039 sunshine12 2 4:23 -799 215 Group: intermediate
1.6378 fatcat 1 13:34 -528 486
On 1st draw, JO(R)UMS H4 44 --- JORUM a large drinking bowl [n]
Other tops: JUM(B)OS H4 44
Other moves: JOM(O)S H4 42, JO(R)UM H4 42, JUM(B)O H4 42, JUM(P)S H4 42, J(O)MOS H4 42
On 2nd draw, ICESTONE 5C 70 --- ICESTONE a mineral which yields aluminium [n]
Other tops: SEICENTO 5A 70
Other moves: ENTE(R)ICS 6D 67, ENTICE(R)S 6B 67, SCIENTE(R) 6A 67, ENTICES G9 66, CENTESIS 9C 65
JEST 4H 11 fatcat
On 3rd draw, MA(D)ERIZE 8H 107 --- MADERIZE to turn brown -- used of white wine [v]
Other moves: RACE(M)IZE D3 88, (G)RAECIZE D1 88, (R)EA(L)IZER 6H 75, RA(C)EMIZE 8D 69, REA(L)IZES 9A 68
ZEA(S) K2 44 sunshine12
REZ J4 32 fatcat
On 4th draw, FANNY 6J 40 --- FANNY the buttocks [n]
Other tops: FENNY 6J 40
Other moves: A(R)EFY 6G 35, (R)YFE 6H 35, FAYNE 6J 34, JANNY 4H 34, JENNY 4H 34
FANNY 6J 40 sunshine12
QUA 7G 26 fatcat
On 5th draw, DETRITAL E4 68 --- DETRITAL pertaining to detritus [adj] --- DETRITUS particles of rock [adj]
Other moves: DETRITAL O7 60, DAL 9M 24, TRICLAD D2 24, TAD 9M 22, DA 9M 21
DRAIL 4J 19 sunshine12
DIRTY N2 18 fatcat
On 6th draw, QI D8 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUA 7G 26, AECIA D3 24, QIS 4A 24, QATS 9C 23, QAT 9C 22
QI D8 44 sunshine12, fatcat
On 7th draw, FLOORAGE 11D 74 --- FLOORAGE floor space [n]
Other moves: FORAGE C9 38, FOREGO C9 38, FORGE C9 36, FORGO C9 36, FAE 9M 32
FORGE C9 36 fatcat
FOR 9M 32 sunshine12
On 8th draw, RHIME H11 42 --- RHIME a verse with corresponding terminal sounds [n]
Other moves: HEMIC D1 38, DIRHEM 4J 37, DREIGH 4J 37, DRIEGH 4J 37, HOMED F10 36
HOMED F10 36 sunshine12, fatcat
On 9th draw, HIDALGO 13G 36 --- HIDALGO a minor Spanish nobleman [n]
Other moves: JODEL 4H 35, SHALED 9H 35, HADE 12A 34, HOAED F10 34, HOLED F10 34
HOLD F10 29 fatcat
On 10th draw, MOWA 14H 35 --- MOWA a butter tree [n]
Other moves: MAW 14H 32, MEW 14H 32, MOW 14H 32, WALE 12A 32, WANE 12A 32
WANE 12A 32 fatcat
On 11th draw, WEXED 15K 57 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other moves: XERIC D1 50, FEDEX D11 48, DEXIE 15K 46, WEXE 12A 46, FIXED D11 36
ZEX N8 35 fatcat
On 12th draw, TURDION 10I 71 --- TURDION a dance [n]
Other moves: JUNIOR 4H 34, JOTUN 4H 32, JUNTO 4H 32, DORIC D1 26, DUROC D1 26
FOUND D11 22 fatcat
Other tops: JUNKER 4H 42
Other moves: BUKE 12A 36, KUNE 12A 36, BRINK C3 32, KERB 4J 30, KNUB 4J 30
TURKEY N1 26 fatcat
On 14th draw, BOGY 12A 42 --- BOGY a goblin [n]
Other moves: BONY 12A 40, BRAY 12A 40, GABY 12A 40, GOBY 12A 40, GORY 12A 36
BRAY 12A 40 fatcat
On 15th draw, VRAIC D1 34 --- VRAIC a seaweed used as a fertiliser [n]
Other moves: BILOBAR A8 33, VIOLA B10 32, BARIC D1 30, BORIC D1 30, BROIL B10 26
BLOB A12 24 fatcat
On 16th draw, PASPY N2 42 --- PASPY a Breton dance [n]
Other moves: LAKSA K2 40, PAREV 2B 36, PAVS N1 36, VALVES 1A 36, VALVES 1D 36
POPES B11 18 fatcat
On 17th draw, ECRASEUR 2B 74 --- ECRASEUR a surgical instrument [n]
Other moves: CARVES 1A 33, CAUVES 1A 33, CRAVES 1A 33, CRUVES 1A 33, CURVES 1A 33
CRAVES 1A 33 fatcat
On 18th draw, LOVEBITE 15A 92 --- LOVEBITE a mark inflicted by a lover [n]
Other moves: VIOLET B10 34, BOBLET A10 30, BOET 1G 30, BLOOIE B10 28, BOOTIE B10 28
BLOB A12 24 fatcat
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