Game on October 7, 2024 at 12:37, 6 players
1. 292 pts Chelsea
2. 223 pts LongJump22
3. 65 pts LLLLLL1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 24 24
2. 11C 81 105
3. F8 71 176
4. 12A 38 214
5. 12H 53 267
6. 15D 39 306
7. A8 60 366
8. 13C 40 406
9. 13K 42 448
10. O9 42 490
11. 14J 28 518
12. B2 83 601
13. E3 98 699
14. D1 34 733
15. 1D 39 772
16. I6 27 799
17. J4 33 832
18. 4H 30 862
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7291 Chelsea 0 7:04 -570 292 1.7291 Chelsea 0 7:04 -570 292
2.5623 LongJump22 3 4:04 -639 223 Group: novice
3.5631 LLLLLL1112 1 3:03 -797 65 1.5623 LongJump22 3 4:04 -639 223
4.5543 MMMMMM1112 0 2:53 -799 63 2.5631 LLLLLL1112 1 3:03 -797 65
5.5433 OOOOOO1112 0 0:52 -822 40 3.5543 MMMMMM1112 0 2:53 -799 63
6.5463 NNNNNN1112 0 1:15 -822 40 4.5433 OOOOOO1112 0 0:52 -822 40
5.5463 NNNNNN1112 0 1:15 -822 40
On 1st draw, DJIN H7 24 --- DJIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: DJIN H5 24, DJIN H6 24, DJIN H8 24
Other moves: JUD H6 22, JUD H7 22, JUD H8 22, JIN H6 20, JIN H7 20
On 2nd draw, PATIENT 11C 81 --- PATIENT able to endure disagreeable circumstances without complaint [adj] --- PATIENT calm and uncomplaining [adj] --- PATIENT one who is under medical treatment [n] --- PATIENT to make calm and uncomplaining [v]
Other moves: PATIENT G9 72, PANTIE 11F 29, PATENT 11D 29, PATINE 11D 29, PATTEN 11C 29
PAINT 11E 27 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, ANTILEFT F8 71 --- ANTILEFT opposed to leftism [adj]
Other moves: ANTILEFT 9E 63, LEAF I6 34, ALEFT 12C 33, FEAL 12A 30, FEAT 12A 30
LEAF I6 34 Chelsea
On 4th draw, BREW 12A 38 --- BREW to make beer or the like [v]
Other moves: BITER 15D 30, WEBINAR D6 30, WEIR 12A 30, WINTER 15C 30, WREN 12A 30
WINTER 15C 30 Chelsea
On 5th draw, YARDED 12H 53 --- YARD to put in a yard (a tract of ground adjacent to a building) [v]
Other moves: YEARD 12H 49, DAUBERY A9 39, LAYED 12F 38, RAYED 13C 38, LAYER 12F 37
TEDDY 15F 30 Chelsea
On 6th draw, POTAGER 15D 39 --- POTAGER a decorative vegetable garden [n]
Other moves: PAGER 13C 38, GAPER 13C 36, PAREO 13C 36, PEREA 13C 36, POTAGE 15D 36
PEAR 13I 24 Chelsea
On 7th draw, (E)QUABLY A8 60 --- EQUABLE not changing or varying greatly [adv] --- EQUABLY in an equable manner [adv]
Other moves: QU(I)DAM M9 54, (S)QUAMA 8A 51, QUAD(S) M9 48, QUALMY E3 45, QUAL(I)A 8A 45
(E)QUABLY A8 60 LongJump22
QUAY E5 37 Chelsea
On 8th draw, CAMES 13C 40 --- CAME a leaden window rod [n]
Other moves: CAME 13C 36, CAMIS B6 35, SAIM B7 34, AIM B8 33, MEDICS K10 33
CAMES 13C 40 LongJump22
AIM B8 33 Chelsea
On 9th draw, EXITS 13K 42 --- EXIT to go out [v]
Other tops: EXIST 13K 42
Other moves: EXIT 13K 40, OXES 13K 40, EXO 13K 38, EXIT B7 36, XIS 13L 35
OXES 13K 40 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, NNNNNN1112, MMMMMM1112
EXO 13K 38 Chelsea
On 10th draw, WHAISLE O9 42 --- WHAISLE to wheeze [v]
Other moves: WHALES O8 39, WHEALS O8 39, WHILES O8 39, WISHA O11 36, LEWISIA O9 33
WHALES O8 39 Chelsea
On 11th draw, AEON 14J 28 --- AEON a vast age [n]
Other tops: ANON 14J 28
Other moves: EONIAN I4 24, ANION I5 23, UNION I5 23, AEON I6 22, EOAN I6 22
On 12th draw, CO(H)IBIT B2 83 --- COHIBIT to restrain [v]
Other moves: BIOTIC(S) B2 74, CO(H)IBIT E2 72, BOC(K) N8 32, B(L)OC N7 31, TOC(K) N8 30
CO(H)IBIT B2 83 LongJump22
On 13th draw, RHIZOME E3 98 --- RHIZOME a rootlike, underground stem [n]
Other moves: RHIZOME E2 94, CHROMIZE 2B 80, RHIZOME G1 77, RHIZOME I1 77, ZHO C1 41
On 14th draw, VOES D1 34 --- VOE a small bay, creek, or inlet [n]
Other moves: KEROS N6 33, SHROVE 4D 32, YOK 14A 32, KOEL D2 30, OKES D1 30
On 15th draw, VAKILS 1D 39 --- VAKIL a native lawyer in India [n]
Other moves: VAKIL 1D 36, KUIAS N6 33, KULAS N6 33, FLASK N7 32, YAK 14A 32
On 16th draw, GOOD I6 27 --- GOOD having positive or desirable properties [adj] --- GOOD something that is good [n]
Other moves: NID C3 25, DOON I6 23, GOOD N8 23, GOON I6 23, NODE 15L 23
On 17th draw, GRUFE J4 33 --- GRUFE the face [n]
Other moves: URGE J6 31, FUNG J5 30, REF J8 28, RUNG J5 27, GREN J7 26
On 18th draw, VOGUIER 4H 30 --- VOGUEY modish [adj]
Other moves: VIGOUR 4H 28, VOGIER 4H 28, VOGUER 4H 28, VIGOR 4H 26, VOGIE 4H 26
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