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Game on October 7, 2024 at 17:11, 11 players
1. 185 pts LongJump22
2. 134 pts Pacific
3. 114 pts OOOOOO1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aegstz   H2   102   102   gaziest
 2. aeimory   I1    36   138   moya
 3. ?hiootu   J2    34   172   ought
 4. adenrvv   3H    30   202   ayurveda
 5. acilors   8A    83   285   calorist
 6. aaenors   E5    28   313   serrano
 7. dfhiikl   O1    54   367   khaf
 8. adeinpu   C6    76   443   paludine
 9. efiimtw   F2    39   482   metif
10. aeiotvw   L1    30   512   vivat
11. eelnorw  D12    28   540   enew
12. aeeiitw  B11    27   567   tawie
13. deioruu  15D    30   597   weirdo
14. elnpuxy  14F    52   649   xu
15. abilrst   J9    74   723   tribals
16. begilor  12G    78   801   globbier
17. dgnopuy  N10    34   835   porgy
18. ceijnou   O6    46   881   juice
19. delnnoq   N2    23   904   ode

Remaining tiles: dlnnnq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.5651 FileLongJump22  2  2:34  -719  185     1.9965 Pacific     2  3:13  -770  134 
  2.9965 FilePacific     2  3:13  -770  134            Group: advanced
  3.5433 FileOOOOOO1112  1  3:15  -790  114     1.7733 Inkey       1  1:43  -836   68 
  4.5631 FileLLLLLL1112  2  2:29  -811   93     2.7620 moonmonkey  0  0:23  -884   20 
  5.7733 FileInkey       1  1:43  -836   68     3.7395 Mycophot    0  0:41  -884   20 
  6.5463 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:45  -850   54     4.7485 HollyIvy    0  1:00  -884   20 
  7.5543 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:54  -876   28     5.7501 queen66     0  1:21  -884   20 
  8.7620 Filemoonmonkey  0  0:23  -884   20            Group: novice
  9.7395 FileMycophot    0  0:41  -884   20     1.5651 LongJump22  2  2:34  -719  185 
 10.7485 FileHollyIvy    0  1:00  -884   20     2.5433 OOOOOO1112  1  3:15  -790  114 
 11.7501 Filequeen66     0  1:21  -884   20     3.5631 LLLLLL1112  2  2:29  -811   93 
                                             4.5463 NNNNNN1112  1  1:45  -850   54 
                                             5.5543 MMMMMM1112  1  1:54  -876   28 

On 1st draw, GAZ(I)EST H2 102 --- GAZY given to gazing [adj]
Other moves: GAZ(I)EST H4 86, GAZ(I)EST H3 84, GAZ(I)EST H6 84, GAZ(I)EST H7 84, GAZ(I)EST H8 84
GAZ(I)EST H2 102 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, MOYA I1 36 --- MOYA a volcanic mud [n]
Other moves: ZIRAM 4H 32, RIMA I1 30, ROMA I1 30, YA I3 29, YO I3 29

On 3rd draw, OU(G)HT J2 34 --- OUGHT to owe [v]
Other moves: OU(P)H J2 31, TU(S)H J2 31, OU(S)T J2 28, OU(P) J2 27, OU(S) J2 27

On 4th draw, AYURVEDA 3H 30 --- AYURVEDA a Hindu system of medicine [n]
Other moves: EARD K5 22, HAVEN 5J 22, HAVER 5J 22, EARN K5 20, HANDER 5J 20

On 5th draw, CALORIST 8A 83 --- CALORIST a person who believes in the caloric theory [n]
Other moves: CALORISE 6A 64, SECTORIAL 6G 63, CARL(I)SH 5D 32, ASOCIAL O3 30, SODAIC N1 30
CALORIST 8A 83 LongJump22

On 6th draw, SERRANO E5 28 --- SERRANO a small hot pepper [n]
Other moves: OR(I)SHA 5F 26, AEONS K5 22, AEROS K5 22, EARNS K5 22, ANEARS O3 21

On 7th draw, KHAF O1 54 --- KHAF a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: DHAK O1 51, KHALIF O1 51, FLAK O1 48, KHADI O1 45, KIF F4 33
FLAK O1 48 Pacific

On 8th draw, PALUDINE C6 76 --- PALUDINE of marshes [adj]
Other moves: UNPAINED 10D 69, ADIEU N2 31, PAINED D1 29, PAVED L1 28, PAVID L1 28

On 9th draw, METIF F2 39 --- METIF a child of a white and a quadroon [n]
Other moves: METIF K5 36, MEW K5 32, WIFIE D1 32, FEH 2M 29, WIFIE D2 29

On 10th draw, VIVAT L1 30 --- VIVAT an expression of applause [n]
Other moves: VIVA L1 28, VIVE L1 28, VIVO L1 28, WAVE L1 28, WIVE L1 28

On 11th draw, ENEW D12 28 --- ENEW in falconry, to plunge the quarry into water [v]
Other tops: ENOW D12 28
Other moves: LOWER B11 25, LOWNE B11 25, LOWE B11 23, LOWN B11 23, ODE N2 23

On 12th draw, TAWIE B11 27 --- TAWIE docile [adj]
Other moves: ADIT N2 25, EDIT N2 25, WAITE 15D 24, AWEE B12 23, DEAWIE N3 23

On 13th draw, WEIRDO 15D 30 --- WEIRDO a very strange person [n]
Other moves: WEIRD 15D 27, WIDER 15D 27, WIRED 15D 27, WRIED 15D 27, ODE N2 23

On 14th draw, XU 14F 52 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: YUNX F10 37, YEX F10 36, XYLEM 2B 34, XYLENE 3A 32, YELP F10 32
XU 14F 52 Pacific

On 15th draw, TRIBALS J9 74 --- TRIBAL a member of an aboriginal people of India [n]
Other tops: TRIBALS 14I 74
Other moves: ORBITALS 11E 70, ADITS N2 31, BALTIS J10 27, BLARTS J10 27, BRAILS J10 27

On 16th draw, GLOBBIER 12G 78 --- GLOBBY full of globs [adj]
Other tops: GLOBBIER 12F 78
Other moves: OBLIGER M5 65, GOBBIER 12H 28, GOBBLER 12H 28, GIBBER 12H 26, GLIBBER 12F 26

On 17th draw, PORGY N10 34 --- PORGY an American sea fish [n]
Other moves: OY A14 32, PORNY N10 32, DURGY N10 28, POGEY M9 28, PYNED M9 28
PORGY N10 34 Pacific

On 18th draw, JUICE O6 46 --- JUICE to extract the juice (the liquid part of a fruit or vegetable) from [v]
Other tops: JUNCO O6 46
Other moves: JEUNE M11 44, JUCO O7 43, JEON O8 39, JOIN O8 39, JUNCO B2 38
JUNCO O6 46 Inkey

On 19th draw, ODE N2 23 --- ODE a lyric poem [n]
Other tops: DIOL 11I 23
Other moves: NOD 11M 22, EON K5 20, OD A14 20, JUICED O6 19, OD 11N 19
NOD 11M 22 Inkey
OD A14 20 moonmonkey, Mycophot, HollyIvy, queen66

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