Game on October 7, 2024 at 21:52, 1 player
1. 223 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 46 46
2. G7 37 83
3. 4H 30 113
4. N2 83 196
5. 8J 45 241
6. M8 26 267
7. I9 73 340
8. 2G 69 409
9. 15G 30 439
10. L10 35 474
11. 14G 56 530
12. O8 77 607
13. 13A 84 691
14. A11 33 724
15. B10 46 770
16. K7 36 806
17. D8 82 888
18. 8A 57 945
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7044 sunshine12 1 7:40 -722 223 1.7044 sunshine12 1 7:40 -722 223
On 1st draw, JER(S)EY H4 46 --- JERSEY a close-fitting knitted shirt [n]
Other moves: JEE(L)Y H4 44, JER(K)Y H4 44, JER(R)Y H4 44, JET(T)Y H4 44, JE(R)RY H4 44
On 2nd draw, EWK G7 37 --- EWK to itch [v]
Other moves: OINK G6 34, KNIFE G9 32, KNOWE G9 32, INK G7 31, KIEF G9 30
On 3rd draw, JUDGER 4H 30 --- JUDGER one that judges [n]
Other moves: JUDGE 4H 28, JAGER 4H 26, DEAR I8 24, DEG I8 24, DERO I8 24
On 4th draw, DI(S)TENT N2 83 --- DISTENT distended [adj]
Other moves: (S)TINTED 10H 78, (S)TINTED N4 78, DENTI(S)T I8 76, DIN(E)TTE F2 71, DINETT(E) F2 70
On 5th draw, BOWATS 8J 45 --- BOWAT a lantern [n]
Other moves: ASWOON O8 36, ASWOON F8 33, BRAW M3 33, WATS 8L 33, WOOS F6 33
On 6th draw, AVITAL M8 26 --- AVITAL ancestral [adj]
Other tops: FAVRILE 5B 26, RIF O1 26
Other moves: RETAIL 5G 25, FAVER 5E 24, FIVER 5E 24, FAIL 3L 23, FAIR 3L 23
On 7th draw, ELOGIUM I9 73 --- ELOGIUM a funeral oration [n]
Other moves: ELOGIUM F1 68, GIMEL L10 31, ILEUM L11 28, GRIM M3 26, GRUM M3 26
On 8th draw, CROPLAND 2G 69 --- CROPLAND farm land [n]
Other moves: COPALM 15D 45, CARPOOL 11E 44, CRAMPON 15F 42, CAMPO 15G 33, CLAMP 15F 33
On 9th draw, LAMINAR 15G 30 --- LAMINA a thin plate, scale, or layer [adj] --- LAMINAR pertaining to a lamina [adj]
Other moves: ALERION 5F 27, ALMAIN 15G 27, AMORAL 15H 27, LAMINA 15G 27, RAILMAN 15E 27
On 10th draw, HEH L10 35 --- HEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: HUH 14H 35
Other moves: HEATH 12K 30, HETHS 10C 30, HEHS 10D 29, HOHS 10D 29, HASH 12L 28
HUH 14H 35 sunshine12
On 11th draw, EAUX 14G 56 --- EAU a river or water [n]
Other moves: DUX 14H 55, TUX 14H 53, PAX K11 40, PAD N10 36, APSE K10 34
DUX 14H 55 sunshine12
On 12th draw, STENOSIS O8 77 --- STENOSIS a narrowing of a bodily passage [n]
Other tops: SONSIEST O8 77
Other moves: SONTIES 10A 72, STONIES 10A 72, NOSIEST 13A 70, SONTIES 13A 70, STONIES 13A 70
On 13th draw, VISAGED 13A 84 --- VISAGE the face of facial expression of a person [adj] --- VISAGED having a visage [adj]
Other moves: VAG K11 32, AVISED 13B 30, GIVED 13C 30, VAE K11 30, VAS K11 30
AD 1H 18 sunshine12
On 14th draw, BEVOR A11 33 --- BEVOR a piece of armor for the lower face [n]
Other moves: REB F12 31, BOEP 1I 28, BOP 12B 28, REB N12 28, REP N12 28
OB 1H 22 sunshine12
On 15th draw, FETID B10 46 --- FETID having an offensive odor [adj]
Other moves: FAD K11 32, FAD 12D 30, FAE K11 30, FAT K11 30, FUD 12D 30
FAD K11 32 sunshine12
On 16th draw, FORAM K7 36 --- FORAM a marine protozoan [n]
Other moves: MARQUE 5C 34, QUARE 6J 34, FUM 12D 33, QORMA D9 32, FAR K11 30
QORMA D9 32 sunshine12
On 17th draw, CAPITANO D8 82 --- CAPITANO a head-man [n]
Other moves: COAPTING E6 76, APO 1H 29, CAPITAN D8 28, CAPITA D8 26, COPITA D8 26
APO 1H 29 sunshine12
On 18th draw, ZINCY 8A 57 --- ZINCY resembling zinc [adj]
Other moves: ZO C9 50, ZINCO 8A 48, ZINC 8A 45, ZOIC 8A 45, ZO 1L 44
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