Game on October 7, 2024 at 23:24, 1 player
1. 307 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 64 64
2. 8H 74 138
3. 11E 86 224
4. 12A 49 273
5. N4 72 345
6. 4H 84 429
7. A12 42 471
8. C9 30 501
9. B5 44 545
10. 3I 54 599
11. 5I 38 637
12. O11 65 702
13. A8 31 733
14. A1 35 768
15. O1 26 794
16. J10 31 825
17. 14J 36 861
18. 7F 45 906
19. 15G 36 942
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7055 sunshine12 3 9:10 -635 307 1.7055 sunshine12 3 9:10 -635 307
On 1st draw, ELUS(I)ON H7 64 --- ELUSION the act of eluding [n]
Other tops: ELUS(I)ON H2 64, ELUS(I)ON H3 64, ELUS(I)ON H4 64, ELUS(I)ON H6 64, ENSOUL(S) H2 64, ENSOUL(S) H3 64, ENSOUL(S) H4 64, ENSOUL(S) H7 64, ENSOUL(S) H8 64, EN(S)OULS H3 64, EN(S)OULS H4 64, EN(S)OULS H6 64, EN(S)OULS H7 64, EN(S)OULS H8 64, LEN(T)OUS H2 64, LEN(T)OUS H3 64, LEN(T)OUS H4 64, LEN(T)OUS H6 64, LEN(T)OUS H7 64, LEN(T)OUS H8 64, LEU(K)ONS H2 64, LEU(K)ONS H3 64, LEU(K)ONS H4 64, LEU(K)ONS H6 64, LEU(K)ONS H7 64, LEU(K)ONS H8 64, LOUN(G)ES H2 64, LOUN(G)ES H3 64, LOUN(G)ES H4 64, LOUN(G)ES H6 64, LOUN(G)ES H7 64, LOU(D)ENS H2 64, LOU(D)ENS H3 64, LOU(D)ENS H4 64, LOU(D)ENS H6 64, LOU(D)ENS H7 64, LOU(D)ENS H8 64, NOUSEL(L) H2 64, NOUSEL(L) H3 64, NOUSEL(L) H4 64, NOUSEL(L) H7 64, NOUSEL(L) H8 64, NOUSE(L)L H2 64, NOUSE(L)L H3 64, NOUSE(L)L H4 64, NOUSE(L)L H6 64, NOUSE(L)L H8 64, NOUSLE(D) H2 64, NOUSLE(D) H3 64, NOUSLE(D) H4 64, NOUSLE(D) H7 64, NOUSLE(D) H8 64, NOUSLE(S) H2 64, NOUSLE(S) H3 64, NOUSLE(S) H4 64, NOUSLE(S) H7 64, NOUSLE(S) H8 64, NOU(R)SLE H2 64, NOU(R)SLE H3 64, NOU(R)SLE H4 64, NOU(R)SLE H6 64, NOU(R)SLE H7 64, NOU(R)SLE H8 64, NOU(S)LES H2 64, NOU(S)LES H3 64, NOU(S)LES H4 64, NOU(S)LES H6 64, NOU(S)LES H7 64, NOU(S)LES H8 64, NO(D)ULES H3 64, NO(D)ULES H4 64, NO(D)ULES H6 64, NO(D)ULES H7 64, NO(D)ULES H8 64, SUL(F)ONE H2 64, SUL(F)ONE H3 64, SUL(F)ONE H4 64, SUL(F)ONE H6 64, SUL(F)ONE H7 64, SUL(F)ONE H8 64, UNLO(O)SE H2 64, UNLO(O)SE H3 64, UNLO(O)SE H4 64, UNLO(O)SE H6 64, UNLO(O)SE H7 64, UNLO(V)ES H2 64, UNLO(V)ES H3 64, UNLO(V)ES H4 64, UNLO(V)ES H6 64, UNLO(V)ES H7 64, UNL(O)OSE H2 64, UNL(O)OSE H3 64, UNL(O)OSE H4 64, UNL(O)OSE H6 64, UNL(O)OSE H7 64, UNL(O)OSE H8 64, UN(C)LOSE H3 64, UN(C)LOSE H4 64, UN(C)LOSE H6 64, UN(C)LOSE H7 64, UN(C)LOSE H8 64, (C)OUNSEL H2 64, (C)OUNSEL H3 64, (C)OUNSEL H6 64, (C)OUNSEL H7 64, (C)OUNSEL H8 64, (Z)ONULES H2 64, (Z)ONULES H3 64, (Z)ONULES H6 64, (Z)ONULES H7 64, (Z)ONULES H8 64
Other moves: ELUS(I)ON H5 62, ELUS(I)ON H8 62, ENSOUL(S) H5 62, ENSOUL(S) H6 62, EN(S)OULS H2 62
On 2nd draw, LARNIES(T) 8H 74 --- LARNEY of clothes, smart [adj]
Other tops: AIR(I)NES(S) 11E 74, AIR(I)NE(S)S 11E 74, AIR(L)(I)NES 11D 74, LAN(C)IERS 8H 74, LA(T)RINES 8H 74, L(U)NARIES 8H 74, RAIN(I)ES(T) 11D 74, REINS(T)AL 8A 74, SNA(I)(L)IER 11E 74, (D)RA(I)SINE 11E 74, (Y)ERS(I)NIA 11D 74
Other moves: AN(G)RIES 14B 73, AR(S)INES 14B 73, A(L)INERS 14B 73, A(V)ENIRS 14B 73, EARIN(G)S 14B 73
ARISEN 14E 17 sunshine12
On 3rd draw, ACU(I)TIES 11E 86 --- ACUITY sharpness [n]
CASTE 14F 22 sunshine12
On 4th draw, JOBED 12A 49 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other moves: JOLED 12A 45, JODEL 12A 44, JODEL 6F 39, BENJ 10K 35, JIBED J10 35
On 5th draw, KOMISSAR N4 72 --- KOMISSAR a Communist party official who enjoined loyalty [n]
Other moves: KOMISSAR N3 68, ROJAKS A10 51, ROMAJIS A8 48, JAKS A12 45, JARK A12 45
On 6th draw, LATHLIKE 4H 84 --- LATHLIKE like a lath [adj]
Other moves: THALLINE K2 72, AHI 13A 34, LETHAL O10 34, JAIL A12 33, JEAT A12 33
On 7th draw, JAFA A12 42 --- JAFA a person from Auckland New Zealand (offensive - just another f**ing Aucklander), cf RONZER [n]
Other tops: JAVA A12 42
Other moves: FADO 13B 36, JADE A12 36, ODEA 13A 32, DEF 13B 30, DOF 13B 30
On 8th draw, HENBIT C9 30 --- HENBIT a perennial herb [n]
Other tops: HOTEN B11 30
Other moves: HIE 5I 29, HE 10J 28, HIE 3I 26, HONE B11 26, HOTE B11 26
On 9th draw, UPGROW B5 44 --- UPGROW to grow up [v]
Other tops: UPGREW B5 44
Other moves: PROW B7 35, GREW B7 34, GROW B7 34, PEW B8 34, POW B8 34
On 10th draw, BECAP 3I 54 --- BECAP to put a cap on [v]
Other moves: PACED 3I 50, APE A8 35, CAPED O1 33, PACED O1 33, QAT J2 32
APE A8 35 sunshine12
On 11th draw, GAIT 5I 38 --- GAIT to train a horse to move in a particular way [v]
Other moves: NAIL 5I 35, TAIL 5I 35, ALTO 5K 32, DELUS(I)ONAL H6 30, TAI 5I 30
GAD 2J 29 sunshine12
On 12th draw, EXUDE O11 65 --- EXUDE to ooze forth [v]
Other moves: SEX 10H 53, SIX 10H 53, REDUX A1 51, REDUX 9E 40, EX B14 39
SEX 10H 53 sunshine12
On 13th draw, ODE A8 31 --- ODE a lyric poem [n]
Other moves: TEREDO O1 28, ONE A8 27, ONO A8 27, RONDO A1 26, TONDO A1 26
ODE A8 31 sunshine12
On 14th draw, GENNY A1 35 --- GENNY a large triangular sail [n]
Other tops: GENTY A1 35, GOETY A1 35
Other moves: TENNY A1 32, TONEY A1 32, TONEY O1 29, YOGEE O1 29, GEY N13 28
GENTY A1 35 sunshine12
On 15th draw, OFTEN O1 26 --- OFTEN frequently [adv]
Other moves: FLIT 12J 25, OOF N13 25, INFOLD 14J 24, OOFS 9K 24, FAN I7 23
OF B1 23 sunshine12
On 16th draw, QI J10 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAID 14L 28, ROQUE 9E 28, ROADEO 12G 27, QUA 9G 26, QAID 6E 24
QI J10 31 sunshine12
On 17th draw, MYRIAD 14J 36 --- MYRIAD a very large number [n]
Other moves: MAY N13 31, MOY N13 31, YAM N13 31, YOM N13 31, AY B14 27
YAM N13 31 sunshine12
On 18th draw, TREZ 7F 45 --- TREZ threepence [n]
Other moves: L*ZLEZ 7G 44, REZ 7G 44, ZO N1 43, ZORI 15G 43, PLOTZ 6B 36
On 19th draw, DOVIE 15G 36 --- DOVIE stupid [adj]
Other tops: VIDEO 15G 36
Other moves: OVERDO 15E 34, VIREO 15G 33, DOVIE 15F 31, DRIVE 15F 31, DROVE 15F 31
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