Game on October 8, 2024 at 00:10, 1 player
1. 97 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 64 64 


9B 65 129 


E4 98 227 


14F 83 310 


15L 37 347 


K11 40 387 


12A 45 432 


L8 50 482 


I1 65 547 


4H 78 625 


1D 36 661 


15A 83 744 


N10 36 780 


O8 37 817 


J10 35 852 


J3 38 890 


3M 46 936 


2N 38 974 


13A 29 1003 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sunshine12 2 2:33 -906 97 1.7066 sunshine12 2 2:33 -906 97
On 1st draw, A(U)REOLE H7 64 --- AUREOLE to surround with a halo [v]
Other tops: AERO(G)EL H2 64, AERO(G)EL H3 64, AERO(G)EL H4 64, AERO(G)EL H6 64, AERO(G)EL H7 64, AREOLE(S) H2 64, AREOLE(S) H3 64, AREOLE(S) H4 64, AREOLE(S) H7 64, AREOLE(S) H8 64, AREOL(A)E H2 64, AREOL(A)E H3 64, AREOL(A)E H4 64, AREOL(A)E H6 64, AREOL(A)E H8 64, A(U)REOLE H2 64, A(U)REOLE H4 64, A(U)REOLE H6 64, A(U)REOLE H8 64, EARLO(B)E H2 64, EARLO(B)E H3 64, EARLO(B)E H4 64, EARLO(B)E H6 64, EARLO(B)E H8 64, (A)REOLAE H2 64, (A)REOLAE H3 64, (A)REOLAE H6 64, (A)REOLAE H7 64, (A)REOLAE H8 64, (P)AROLEE H2 64, (P)AROLEE H3 64, (P)AROLEE H6 64, (P)AROLEE H7 64, (P)AROLEE H8 64
Other moves: AERO(G)EL H5 62, AERO(G)EL H8 62, AREOLE(S) H5 62, AREOLE(S) H6 62, AREOL(A)E H5 62
On 2nd draw, DELAYERS 9B 65 --- DELAYER one that delays [n]
Other moves: LYSED I6 30, ALEYED G10 29, ALEYES G10 28, ALEYE G10 27, SADLY 14F 27
On 3rd draw, (D)EFECATE E4 98 --- DEFECATE to discharge faeces [v]
Other moves: EF(F)ECTED B2 88, E(F)FECTED B2 88, (D)EFECTED B2 88, (R)EFECTED B2 88, (R)EDEFECT B7 80
On 4th draw, MESTIZA 14F 83 --- MESTIZA a female mestizo [n]
Other moves: MAZIEST G1 82, MAZIEST I1 82, MAZIEST 14C 77, MESTIZA G1 73, MESTIZA I1 73
On 5th draw, BIDE 15L 37 --- BIDE to wait [v]
Other tops: BEND 15L 37, BIDI 15L 37, BIND 15L 37
Other moves: BEIN 15L 34, BENI 15L 34, BIEN 15L 34, BINE 15L 34, DIEB 15L 32
BEND 15L 37 sunshine12
On 6th draw, BONZA K11 40 --- BONZA very good [adj]
Other moves: FY F5 37, BONY F3 36, FAY 8A 35, FOY 8A 35, ANY F4 33
On 7th draw, WEEKS 12A 45 --- WEEK a period of seven days [n]
Other moves: SKEWER L7 44, RESKEW L7 42, SKEWER D2 40, GEEKS 12A 37, KREWE D2 36
On 8th draw, RADIX L8 50 --- RADIX the root of a plant [n]
Other moves: LAX L10 42, RAX L10 42, XI 13C 42, AX L11 40, RADIX I3 39
On 9th draw, GOURAMI I1 65 --- GOURAMI a food fish [n]
Other moves: GURAMI 15A 34, GURAMI D1 33, MOG J10 28, GURAMI 8J 27, WARM A12 27
On 10th draw, DRANTING 4H 78 --- DRANT to drone [v]
Other moves: DAUNTING 3G 74, DONATING 2H 74, DANGING 1F 36, DANGING 1C 33, DAWING A10 33
On 11th draw, PORING 1D 36 --- PORE to gaze intently [v]
Other tops: PURING 1D 36
Other moves: INGROUP 1G 33, POURING 1C 33, ROUPING 1C 33, INGROUP O2 30, OUPING 1D 30
On 12th draw, LIGULAS 15A 83 --- LIGULA a strap-shaped organ or part [n]
Other tops: LUGSAIL 15A 83
Other moves: LINGUALS N2 72, LINGULAS N2 72, UGALIS J2 29, LIGULA 15A 28, UGALI J2 25
On 13th draw, HOUTED N10 36 --- HOUT to hoot [v]
Other tops: HINTED N10 36, HONIED N10 36, HUNTED N10 36
Other moves: TOUGHEN O1 33, TOUGHIE O1 33, NINTH N2 32, NOUGHT O1 30, THINE 2B 30
On 14th draw, AHINT O8 37 --- AHINT behind [adv]
Other tops: HAINT O8 37, HIANT O8 37
Other moves: HAT M9 32, NINTH N2 32, AHI 13B 30, ANIGHT O1 30, ARIGHT O1 30
On 15th draw, VOW J10 35 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other tops: VOW 8A 35
Other moves: W*PWOP J10 33, COW 8A 32, COW J10 32, POW 8A 32, POW J10 32
On 16th draw, PATY J3 38 --- PATY having narrow arms, but expanding at the ends, heraldry [adj]
Other tops: POINTY N1 38
Other moves: PINNY N2 36, PINY F3 36, PITY F3 36, PONTY N2 36, PONY F3 36
On 17th draw, QI 3M 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 8A 36, ORF 13A 29, FRO 13B 27, RIF 8A 26, FR*GFRIG O1 24
QI M3 22 sunshine12
On 18th draw, JO 2N 38 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JOE G7 37, JOR 8A 35, JO 8A 30, JUROR 2A 30, JUN N6 28
JO 2N 38 sunshine12
On 19th draw, ORF 13A 29 --- ORF a viral infection of sheep [n]
Other moves: FRO 13B 27, FROUNCE C3 26, FEU 13G 24, FON 8A 23, FOR 8A 23
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