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Game on October 8, 2024 at 00:56, 1 player
1. 65 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?degruu   H6    70    70   augured
 2. eopqrsy   G9    29    99   yores
 3. abdelty  F10    44   143   belay
 4. aehinpw   I6    46   189   whip
 5. hlnopsu  11E    52   241   hereupon
 6. acddelm  12K    32   273   maced
 7. ?eegoot  15D    31   304   geste
 8. aalossx   N9    28   332   axles
 9. dnnoors   O4    29   361   doorns
10. adegktw   N3    46   407   gawk
11. aeilnot   D9    30   437   antilog
12. abeiijr   M7    41   478   jibe
13. deflnot   C3    83   561   tenfold
14. aeinoqr   B2    24   585   qi
15. ciimnot   4C    76   661   emiction
16. aaeinrt   A3    24   685   taenia
17. aeeirsu   K2    25   710   easier
18. aiortvv   2F    28   738   votive
19. aefrruz   1G    55   793   zea

Remaining tiles: frru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7066 Filesunshine12  1  1:37  -728   65     1.7066 sunshine12  1  1:37  -728   65 

On 1st draw, (A)UGURED H6 70 --- AUGUR to foretell from omens [v]
Other tops: U(N)URGED H6 70, U(N)URGED H8 70, (A)UGURED H2 70
Other moves: U(N)URGED H2 68, U(N)URGED H4 68, U(N)URGED H7 68, (A)UGURED H3 68, (A)UGURED H7 68

On 2nd draw, YORES G9 29 --- YORE time past [n]
Other moves: PORES I7 28, POSER I7 28, QUERY 7G 28, QUERY 9G 28, QUEYS 7G 28

On 3rd draw, BELAY F10 44 --- BELAY to fasten a rope [v]
Other moves: BELADY F10 42, BALED F10 38, BATED F10 38, DELAY F10 38, ABET F9 36

On 4th draw, WHIP I6 46 --- WHIP to strike with a whip (an instrument for administering corporal punishment) [v]
Other moves: HIP I7 38, NIPA I7 33, WHINEY 14A 30, WHINY 14B 28, HEAPY 14B 26

On 5th draw, HEREUPON 11E 52 --- HEREUPON immediately following this [adv]
Other moves: SHOP 15F 38, SOPH 15F 38, PEREONS 11E 36, PLUSH G3 35, SHULN 15F 35
SOPH G4 33 sunshine12

On 6th draw, MACED 12K 32 --- MACE to attack with a clublike weapon [v]
Other moves: DECAD 12K 29, MACLE 12K 28, DECALED 12B 27, MEDALED 12B 27, CANDLED L9 26
MACED 12K 32 sunshine12

On 7th draw, GE(S)TE 15D 31 --- GESTE a feat [n]
Other moves: GE(N)TOO D8 30, GO(A)TEE D8 30, GE(M)OTE D7 28, GE(S)TE D8 28, GOET(Y) D8 28

On 8th draw, AXLES N9 28 --- AXLE a shaft upon which a wheel revolves [n]
Other tops: AXELS N10 28
Other moves: AXLE N9 27, CALX M12 26, COAX M12 26, COXA M12 26, COX M12 24

On 9th draw, DOORNS O4 29 --- DOORN a thorn [n]
Other tops: DONORS O4 29
Other moves: RONDOS O4 26, DROOLED 12B 23, RONDO M6 23, SORDO M6 23, ODORS O11 22

On 10th draw, GAWK N3 46 --- GAWK to stare stupidly [v]
Other tops: DAWK N3 46
Other moves: EWK N4 44, KAWED D9 43, DAWK D9 41, GAWK D9 41, WAKE M7 41

On 11th draw, ANTILOG D9 30 --- ANTILOG the number corresponding to a given logarithm [n]
Other moves: LENTI D8 26, LENTO D8 26, TOING D11 26, ENTAILED 12A 25, ENTOILED 12A 25

On 12th draw, JIBE M7 41 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other moves: JA C9 36, JAB M2 36, RAJ C7 36, BAJRI 14H 34, JIBE C7 33

On 13th draw, TENFOLD C3 83 --- TENFOLD an amount ten times as great as a given unit [n]
Other moves: TENFOLD G1 78, TENFOLD E3 75, ENFOLD G2 27, FOODY 14B 27, FELONY 14A 26

On 14th draw, QI B2 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: TRANQ 3C 24
Other moves: ADORE O11 22, ADORN O11 22, RAINE B4 22, EOAN D4 21, NEAR D4 21

On 15th draw, EMICTION 4C 76 --- EMICTION the discharge of urine [n]
Other tops: MICTION E3 76
Other moves: COMING 3I 28, COOMY 14B 28, IDIOM O11 28, CITING 3I 24, COTING 3I 24

On 16th draw, TAENIA A3 24 --- TAENIA a headband worn in ancient Greece [n]
Other tops: ANTIAR A3 24, RATINE A3 24, RETAIN A3 24, RETINA A3 24
Other moves: ART M3 22, TAEING 3I 21, TARING 3I 21, TEAING 3I 21, ARNA L9 20

On 17th draw, EASIER K2 25 --- EASY not difficult [adj]
Other tops: RESEAU K2 25
Other moves: AESIR K2 23, ARISE K1 23, EASER K2 23, ERASE K1 23, RAISE K1 23

On 18th draw, VOTIVE 2F 28 --- VOTIVE a small squat candle [n] --- VOTIVE performed in fulfillment of a vow [adj]
Other moves: DIVA O12 26, RATO L6 26, IVORY 14B 24, VOAR M1 24, VOLVAS 13B 24

On 19th draw, ZEA 1G 55 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZA 1G 50, FAZE 14H 41, FUZE 14H 41, FEZ 14H 40, RAZURE 14H 37

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