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Game on October 8, 2024 at 04:46, 1 player
1. 516 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehilnop   H4    80    80   pinhole
 2. ?aceent   5E    86   166   echinate
 3. ?degors  11E    95   261   gorsedd
 4. abeilsy   K1    63   324   beastily
 5. enrsuuy   9B    67   391   unsurely
 6. bekoort   B8    82   473   outbroke
 7. adeefor   A4    48   521   fared
 8. aeiiotz  15A    72   593   teaze
 9. eiiillt   8K    27   620   yitie
10. aejlnot   2J    56   676   jeton
11. aiinotu   1K    31   707   bunia
12. aaimnsv   A1    42   749   misfared
13. adgilpr   4K    28   777   sprag
14. acdgilx   J5    50   827   ax
15. aaefilr   N7    76   903   filariae
16. aeiiotv   4A    24   927   fovea
17. ghioqtu  13I    56   983   quotha
18. dgiimow  14H    33  1016   dim
19. dginovw  13A    28  1044   wooding

Remaining tiles: clvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6370 Filefatcat      3 11:13  -528  516     1.6370 fatcat      3 11:13  -528  516 

On 1st draw, PINHOLE H4 80 --- PINHOLE a small hole made by a pin [n]
Other moves: PINHOLE H2 76, PINHOLE H3 76, PINHOLE H6 76, PINHOLE H7 76, PINHOLE H8 76

On 2nd draw, EC(H)INATE 5E 86 --- ECHINATE spiny [adj]
Other tops: CENTIA(R)E 5D 86, (P)ATIENCE 5E 86
Other moves: CETANE(S) 11B 78, TENACE(S) 11B 78, C(A)TENAE I1 74, PAT(I)ENCE 4H 74, PENTAC(L)E 4H 74
CHEAT 7G 14 fatcat

On 3rd draw, GORSE(D)D 11E 95 --- GORSEDD a meeting of bards and druids [n]
Other tops: GORSED(D) 11E 95, GROS(S)ED 11E 95
Other moves: GRO(S)SED 11E 94, O(V)ERDOGS 8H 83, (B)ODGERS M3 81, (C)ODGERS M3 81, (D)ODGERS M3 81
DREGS 11D 27 fatcat

On 4th draw, BEASTILY K1 63 --- BEASTILY bestially [adv]
Other moves: BAYLES 4J 40, BELAY 10B 40, BELAYS 6J 39, BIALYS 6J 39, ABSEY 4K 38
BAY 10D 32 fatcat

On 5th draw, UNSURELY 9B 67 --- SURELY certainly [adv] --- UNSURELY in an unsure manner [adv]
Other moves: BYRES 1K 42, BREYS 1K 33, BUYER 1K 33, YINS 6J 30, YIN 6J 29
BUYER 1K 33 fatcat

On 6th draw, OUTBROKE B8 82 --- OUTBREAK to burst forth [v]
Other moves: BEAK J3 42, BOAK J3 42, KEBOB 1G 39, YBORE 8K 39, YOKER 8K 39
BROKE 1K 36 fatcat

On 7th draw, FARED A4 48 --- FARE to get on or succeed [v]
Other tops: FREED A4 48
Other moves: YFERE 8K 45, DEAFER 15A 42, FEARED A3 42, FORBADE 1H 42, REEFED 15A 42
FEEDER 15A 36 fatcat

On 8th draw, TEAZE 15A 72 --- TEAZE to make fun of [v]
Other moves: BAIZE 1K 51, ZOAEA 3I 48, ZETA 15A 42, ZOECIA F2 39, RIOTIZE F9 38
ZOA B2 29 fatcat

On 9th draw, YITIE 8K 27 --- YITIE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other moves: ELITE L1 25, BLITE 1K 24, ELL F13 20, ILL F13 20, TEL F13 20
BLITE 1K 24 fatcat

On 10th draw, JETON 2J 56 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other moves: BANJO 1K 45, JELAB 1G 42, JANTEE 2F 31, JOINT N6 30, NOTABLE 1G 30
BANJO 1K 45 fatcat

On 11th draw, BUNIA 1K 31 --- BUNIA a Hindu merchant [n]
Other tops: BATON 1K 31, BINIT 1K 31, BITOU 1K 31
Other moves: UNITION C3 20, FAINT 4A 18, FITNA 4A 18, FOUAT 4A 18, FOUNT 4A 18
FAINT 4A 18 fatcat

On 12th draw, MISFARED A1 42 --- MISFARE to fare badly [v]
Other moves: ATAVISM M7 28, MINAS 6J 27, MINIS 6J 27, SAVIN L11 27, SAMAN L11 25
VAIN N6 15 fatcat

On 13th draw, SPRAG 4K 28 --- SPRAG a device used to prevent a vehicle from rolling backward [n] --- SPRAG to prop [v]
Other tops: SPALD 4K 28, SPARD 4K 28, SPRAD 4K 28, SPRIG 4K 28
Other moves: DIAL B2 25, DIAPIR 6J 24, PAD F13 24, PIA C13 24, SAPID 4K 24
DRIP 12A 18 fatcat

On 14th draw, AX J5 50 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: XI 6J 50
Other moves: RADIX 12B 38, OXALIC 13B 36, AXIL 14E 29, COXAL 13A 28, FAIX 4A 28
AX J5 50 fatcat

On 15th draw, FILARIAE N7 76 --- FILARIA a parasitic worm [n]
Other moves: FIAR B2 33, FIER B2 33, FRIZ D12 32, FIE B2 29, FAA C13 28
FLARE 4A 18 fatcat

On 16th draw, FOVEA 4A 24 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other moves: IOTA B1 23, TAV O13 22, VROT 12A 22, TOEA B2 21, VITAE M6 21
FOVEA 4A 24 fatcat

On 17th draw, QUOTHA 13I 56 --- QUOTHA used to express surprise or sarcasm [interj]
Other moves: QUIZ D12 44, QUITE 14J 34, QUOTE 14J 34, HIN 6F 30, HON 6F 30
QUIZ D12 44 fatcat

On 18th draw, DIM 14H 33 --- DIM obscure [adj] --- DIM to reduce the light of [v]
Other moves: IDIOM B1 32, WIG 14H 29, MIG 14H 28, DIG 14H 27, DOOM B2 26
DIM 14H 33 fatcat

On 19th draw, WOODING 13A 28 --- WOOD to furnish with wood (the hard, fibrous substance beneath the bark of a tree or shrub) [v]
Other tops: VROW 12A 28
Other moves: OVOID F11 27, DOVING C2 26, VOW 12D 26, VOWING 13A 26, VID F13 25
GROW 12A 20 fatcat

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