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Game on October 8, 2024 at 07:46, 7 players
1. 352 pts Chelsea
2. 190 pts LongJump22
3. 146 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eikpty   H8    36    36   pikey
 2. ceoorst  13H    89   125   scooter
 3. ?deeenq   I3    88   213   queened
 4. efiilrs   L8    82   295   filister
 5. beilmoz  11A    92   387   embolize
 6. ?aeeint  15H   113   500   interage
 7. aegoost  I11    32   532   sac
 8. aachity   M2    87   619   cyathia
 9. dginopt   5E    44   663   pidgeon
10. aaeimrt   6A    78   741   amirate
11. eginnrv   A9    45   786   reeving
12. abdjort   C9    44   830   jabot
13. adllotu   8K    27   857   afald
14. efhnoos   N1    39   896   ohone
15. abortwx   O1    55   951   wab
16. norruwx   J5    53  1004   oxo
17. fglsuuw  D10    33  1037   wof
18. dlnrsuu   A1    27  1064   undular
19. grstuuv   4L    26  1090   vans

Remaining tiles: grtuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7284 FileChelsea     1  8:57  -738  352     1.7284 Chelsea     1  8:57  -738  352 
  2.5692 FileLongJump22  3  2:18  -900  190     2.7065 sunshine12  1  4:28  -944  146 
  3.7065 Filesunshine12  1  4:28  -944  146            Group: novice
  4.5638 FileLLLLLL1112  1  3:28  -952  138     1.5692 LongJump22  3  2:18  -900  190 
  5.5567 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:08 -1051   39     2.5638 LLLLLL1112  1  3:28  -952  138 
  6.5495 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:30 -1051   39     3.5567 MMMMMM1112  1  1:08 -1051   39 
  7.5471 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:55 -1051   39     4.5495 NNNNNN1112  1  1:30 -1051   39 
                                             5.5471 OOOOOO1112  1  1:55 -1051   39 

On 1st draw, PIKEY H8 36 --- PIKEY derogatory word for a gypsy or vagrant [n]
Other tops: KE(L)PY H4 36, KE(M)PY H4 36, KYPE(S) H4 36, PIKEY(S) H8 36, PI(N)KEY H7 36, (S)PIKEY H7 36
Other moves: KE(L)PY H8 34, KE(M)PY H8 34, PE(A)KY H8 34, PE(C)KY H8 34, PE(R)KY H8 34

On 2nd draw, SCOOTER 13H 89 --- SCOOTER a two-wheeled vehicle [n]
Other moves: COOTERS 13B 85, SCOOTER 7H 78, COOTERS 7B 76, CREOSOTE 11A 70, CREOSOTE 11F 70

On 3rd draw, Q(U)EENED I3 88 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other moves: Q(U)ERN N10 66, Q(U)EENED 11E 64, DEE(R)E 14J 34, D(I)ENE 14J 34, Q(U)EENY 12C 34

On 4th draw, FILISTER L8 82 --- FILISTER a groove in a window frame [n]
Other moves: F(U)SILIER 4H 80, FRISE 14J 55, FILERS O8 40, FIRIES O8 40, FLIERS O8 40

On 5th draw, EMBOLIZE 11A 92 --- EMBOLIZE to cause an embolism [v]
Other tops: EMBOLIZE 5B 92
Other moves: EMBOLIZE 6B 75, BRIZE 15K 48, ZOMBIE M3 45, ZOMBIE K3 43, ZOMBI K4 41

On 6th draw, INTERA(G)E 15H 113 --- INTERAGE including persons of various ages [adj]
Other tops: AN(K)ERITE 15H 113, AT(H)ERINE 15H 113, (S)TEARINE 15H 113
Other moves: ETE(S)IAN M3 74, (D)ETAINEE A5 74, ANTIME(R)E B7 72, A(Y)ENBITE C7 72, ETAMINE(S) B8 72
Q(U)EEN 3I 26 Chelsea

On 7th draw, SAC I11 32 --- SAC a pouchlike structure in an animal or plant [n]
Other tops: GOATEES 5E 32, SEC I11 32, SOC I11 32
Other moves: GOATEES A6 27, GOATEES A7 27, STAGE J5 26, TOGAS K7 26, TOGES J6 26
FAGS 8L 24 Chelsea

On 8th draw, CYATHIA M2 87 --- CYATHIUM the flower of the spurge plant [n]
Other tops: CYATHIA K3 87
Other moves: CYATHIA G2 75, AYAH 12A 46, YACHTIE A5 45, CYMATIA B9 44, AYAH 10C 42
HAY 10B 41 Chelsea

On 9th draw, PIDGEON 5E 44 --- PIDGEON a type of business affair [n]
Other moves: PIDGEON A7 36, PINGED A7 36, POINTED A6 36, PONGED A7 36, INGOTED A6 33
PONGED A7 36 Chelsea

On 10th draw, AMIRATE 6A 78 --- AMIRATE the rank of an amir [n]
Other moves: MAAR 12A 37, MAIR 12A 37, AMATE 10A 35, REAM 12A 33, REMATE A10 33
REMATE A10 33 Chelsea

On 11th draw, REEVING A9 45 --- REEVE to fasten by passing through or around something [v]
Other moves: GRIEVE A8 42, AVENGER A6 36, EVENING A9 36, GRAVEN A4 36, REGIVE A10 36
VINER A8 27 Chelsea

On 12th draw, JABOT C9 44 --- JABOT a decoration on a shirt [n]
Other tops: JABOT D8 44
Other moves: JAB 10D 39, RAJ N8 32, TAJ N8 32, BRACT 2J 30, JAB 5A 29
JABOT D8 44 LongJump22
JOB D10 24 Chelsea

On 13th draw, AFALD 8K 27 --- AFALD one-fold [adj]
Other tops: ALOD D9 27
Other moves: FADO 8L 24, ODAL N6 23, ODA N6 22, DOAT N4 21, FALL 8L 21
FALL 8L 21 sunshine12

On 14th draw, OHONE N1 39 --- OHONE expressing lamentation [interj]
Other tops: SHONE N1 39
Other moves: HONE N2 37, HOSE N2 37, FEHS 7C 36, OHONE D9 36, FOHNS 4A 35
SHONE N1 39 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
SHOE N1 35 Chelsea

On 15th draw, WAB O1 55 --- WAB a web [n]
Other moves: EXO 6I 53, OXO J5 53, AX 10E 52, WAX 7E 51, EX 6I 50
WAB O1 55 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112
OXO J5 53 Chelsea

On 16th draw, OXO J5 53 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other tops: EXO 6I 53
Other moves: NOX J4 52, EX 6I 50, OX J5 50, WOX D10 49, NOX D10 40
OXO J5 53 Chelsea
NOX J4 52 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112, sunshine12

On 17th draw, WOF D10 33 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: FUGUS 4A 31, GULFS 4A 27, FANS 4L 26, WANS 4L 26, LOW D10 24
WOF D10 33 sunshine12

On 18th draw, UNDULAR A1 27 --- UNDULAR undulating [adj]
Other tops: SUNDRA A1 27
Other moves: SURD 14C 24, ULANS 4K 24, DANS 4L 22, DURNS 4A 21, NUS 14A 21
SURD 14C 24 sunshine12

On 19th draw, VANS 4L 26 --- VAN to transport in a van (a type of motor vehicle) [v]
Other moves: GANS 4L 22, GUVS O10 22, NUS 14A 21, TANS 4L 20, VUGS O10 20
VIGS F10 16 sunshine12

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