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Game on October 8, 2024 at 10:00, 8 players
1. 605 pts Inkey
2. 337 pts Chelsea
3. 246 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deirruw   H4    26    26   weird
 2. ?achsuw   9B    79   105   cushaws
 3. degirsv   5E   102   207   diverges
 4. ?fiooqr   6B    60   267   quoif
 5. adeegno   7H    62   329   renegado
 6. aiimstu   8K    43   372   mutis
 7. aefnort   B9    28   400   cantref
 8. aeilors  15B    86   486   foresail
 9. aelrttz   L1    48   534   zeals
10. eeippru   7A    32   566   ripp
11. aeiloox  10E    61   627   axe
12. abeeior   1J    51   678   bezoar
13. ellmouy  11D    40   718   oye
14. aiklmot   3I    32   750   kalam
15. cginouy  13B    30   780   rouncy
16. agijnov  14H    33   813   gajo
17. beinttu  15K    28   841   bitte
18. dennotv   9J    30   871   doven
19. hilnntu  13K    22   893   hint

Remaining tiles: ilntu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7747 FileInkey       9 17:58  -288  605     1.7747 Inkey       9 17:58  -288  605 
  2.7250 FileChelsea     2  9:25  -556  337     2.7250 Chelsea     2  9:25  -556  337 
  3.5692 FileLongJump22  4  2:17  -647  246            Group: novice
  4.5567 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:20  -832   61     1.5692 LongJump22  4  2:17  -647  246 
  5.5495 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:42  -832   61     2.5567 MMMMMM1112  1  1:20  -832   61 
  6.  -  FileGGGGGG1144  1  1:59  -860   33     3.5495 NNNNNN1112  1  1:42  -832   61 
  7.5471 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:22  -861   32     4.5471 OOOOOO1112  1  1:22  -861   32 
  8.5638 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:54  -861   32     5.5638 LLLLLL1112  1  1:54  -861   32 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  GGGGGG1144  1  1:59  -860   33 

On 1st draw, WEIRD H4 26 --- WEIRD destiny [n] --- WEIRD mysteriously strange [adj] --- WEIRD to cause to experience a strange sensation [v]
Other tops: WIDER H4 26, WIRED H4 26, WRIED H4 26
Other moves: WIRER H4 24, WRIER H4 24, WEIRD H8 22, WIRED H8 22, WRIED H8 22
WIRED H4 26 Inkey

On 2nd draw, CU(S)HAWS 9B 79 --- CUSHAW a variety of squash [n]
Other tops: CUSHAW(S) 9F 79
Other moves: CUSHAW(S) 9B 78, CU(M)SHAW 9E 78, CU(S)HAWS 9F 78, WAUCH(T)S 9B 75, (M)AHEWUS 5E 48
CASHEW 5D 28 Inkey

On 3rd draw, DIVERGES 5E 102 --- DIVERGE to move in different directions from a common point [v]
Other moves: DIVERGES 5B 76, DIVERGE 5E 48, GRIEVED 5E 48, DIVERSE 5E 44, GRIEVES 5E 44
DERVISH E3 28 Inkey

On 4th draw, Q(U)OIF 6B 60 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: Q(U)OIF F2 44, F(A)QIR 4K 41, FAQIR F8 37, FAQIR(S) F8 37, FAQ(U)IR F8 37
Q(U)OIF 6B 60 Inkey

On 5th draw, RENEGADO 7H 62 --- RENEGADO a traitor [n]
Other moves: WEANED 4H 31, CONGAED B9 26, CONGEED B9 26, GOAD 10C 26, ADO 10E 25
GOAD 10C 26 Inkey

On 6th draw, MUTIS 8K 43 --- MUTI a South African traditional medicine [n]
Other tops: MITIS 8K 43
Other moves: UMIAQS B2 34, MIAOUS O4 33, OSTIUM O7 33, AIM 8M 32, SAM 8M 32
MITIS 8K 43 Inkey

On 7th draw, CANTREF B9 28 --- CANTREF in early England, a division of a county [n]
Other tops: AFORE 4J 28, TRANQ B2 28
Other moves: FETOR 4K 27, FORTE 4K 27, CONFER B9 26, FORTE 9J 26, TREF 7C 25
FORTE 4K 27 Chelsea
CONFER B9 26 Inkey

On 8th draw, FORESAIL 15B 86 --- FORESAIL the lowest sail on a foremast [n]
Other moves: SHOALIER E8 72, AERO A12 37, SARI A12 37, SORE A12 37, SORI A12 37
FORESAIL 15B 86 LongJump22
AERO A12 37 Chelsea
ARE A13 28 Inkey

On 9th draw, ZEALS L1 48 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other tops: ZETAS L1 48
Other moves: LAZARETS F8 39, LAZE 14H 37, L*Z 14H 36, DITZ N7 34, HAZEL E9 34
ZEALS L1 48 Inkey, LongJump22, Chelsea

On 10th draw, RIPP 7A 32 --- RIPP a handful or grass or corn [n]
Other tops: PEEPER 2J 32
Other moves: PEEPE 2J 30, PIPE 7A 30, PEERIE 2J 28, RIPE 7A 28, PIP 7A 27
TIPPER 12B 20 Chelsea
PRIZE 1I 16 Inkey

On 11th draw, AXE 10E 61 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other tops: EXO 10E 61, OXO 10E 61
Other moves: AX 10E 55, EX 10E 55, OX 10E 55, AXE M1 44, AZOLE 1K 42
OXO 10E 61 Chelsea, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112
AXE 10E 61 Inkey, LongJump22

On 12th draw, BEZOAR 1J 51 --- BEZOAR a gastric mass [n]
Other tops: BRAIZE 1H 51
Other moves: ZERO 1L 39, ZOEA 1L 39, ZORI 1L 39, EARED 8D 35, BEE 11D 32
BEZOAR 1J 51 LongJump22
BRAIZE 1H 51 Inkey
ZERO 1L 39 Chelsea

On 13th draw, OYE 11D 40 --- OYE a grandchild [n]
Other tops: LYE 11D 40
Other moves: MOLLY 2F 39, MULEY 2F 39, YE 11E 38, YLEM 2J 38, LYME 2I 36
LYE 11D 40 Inkey
MOLLY 2F 39 Chelsea

On 14th draw, KALAM 3I 32 --- KALAM a type of Muslim theology [n]
Other moves: AMOK 14D 28, KIAAT 3I 28, MAKO 14E 28, MILK 14E 28, MAKI 14H 26
MAKI 14H 26 Inkey
OAK 14F 21 Chelsea

On 15th draw, ROUNCY 13B 30 --- ROUNCY a riding-horse [n]
Other moves: CRYING 13A 24, GUYING L7 22, TOY 12B 22, ICONIFY F1 21, COY 9J 20
CRYING 13A 24 Chelsea, Inkey

On 16th draw, GAJO 14H 33 --- GAJO a non-gypsy [n]
Other moves: EMOVING K7 26, JAI A10 25, JADING N5 21, JA A10 20, JIAOS O4 20
GAJO 14H 33 GGGGGG1144
JADING N5 21 Chelsea

On 17th draw, BITTE 15K 28 --- BITTE please [interj]
Other tops: BUTTE 15K 28
Other moves: BITTEN 12G 25, BUTTE 9J 25, TUBE 9J 22, BEN 9L 20, BENT 9J 20
BUTTE 15K 28 Inkey

On 18th draw, DOVEN 9J 30 --- DOVEN to utter Jewish prayers [v]
Other moves: OVEN 9K 28, VOTED 9J 28, DOVE 9J 25, NOTED 9J 25, TONED 9J 25
DEVOT 13K 24 Inkey

On 19th draw, HINT 13K 22 --- HINT to suggest indirectly [v]
Other tops: HILT 13K 22, HUNT 13K 22
Other moves: NINTH 13K 21, HIN 13K 20, HIT 13K 20, HUI 13K 20, HUN 13K 20
HUNT 13K 22 Inkey

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