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Game on October 8, 2024 at 13:51, 10 players
1. 283 pts LongJump22
2. 245 pts Inkey
3. 96 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deinptt   H4    24    24   pitted
 2. adeegrs   8A    83   107   degrease
 3. ?aehlos   5E    90   197   hemiolas
 4. ?ainory   A1    86   283   pyranoid
 5. adeoqtz   4J    53   336   azoted
 6. beforsu   6H    43   379   tefs
 7. egimnox   6D    58   437   mix
 8. bdefiot   B6    35   472   foetid
 9. eeijnor   O1    36   508   jeed
10. agoorsu  A10    30   538   gouras
11. aehortu   I9    66   604   outhear
12. aacerru  11E    90   694   arcature
13. eiknopt  15H    48   742   prink
14. aennnvw   4D    37   779   vaw
15. bilnotw   2J    34   813   blowie
16. beilmnt  J10    29   842   muil
17. einnqty  12L    26   868   tiny
18. ceilnov   O7    42   910   convey
19. begilnu   O7    54   964   conveying

Remaining tiles: belnqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5692 FileLongJump22  4  4:09  -681  283     1.7750 Inkey       2  7:02  -719  245 
  2.7750 FileInkey       2  7:02  -719  245     2.7509 HollyIvy    2  1:40  -868   96 
  3.7509 FileHollyIvy    2  1:40  -868   96     3.7501 queen66     2  2:29  -896   68 
  4.7501 Filequeen66     2  2:29  -896   68     4.7654 moonmonkey  1  0:55  -938   26 
  5.5535 FileOOOOOO1112  0  0:43  -927   37     5.7400 Mycophot    1  1:16  -938   26 
  6.5535 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:07  -927   37            Group: novice
  7.5598 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:31  -927   37     1.5692 LongJump22  4  4:09  -681  283 
  8.5662 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:59  -931   33     2.5535 OOOOOO1112  0  0:43  -927   37 
  9.7654 Filemoonmonkey  1  0:55  -938   26     3.5535 NNNNNN1112  0  1:07  -927   37 
 10.7400 FileMycophot    1  1:16  -938   26     4.5598 MMMMMM1112  0  1:31  -927   37 
                                             5.5662 LLLLLL1112  0  1:59  -931   33 

On 1st draw, PITTED H4 24 --- PIT to mark with cavities or depressions [v]
Other moves: DIPNET H4 22, PIEND H4 22, PINED H4 22, PITTED H7 22, PITTEN H4 22
PITTED H4 24 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, DEGREASE 8A 83 --- DEGREASE to remove the grease from [v]
Other moves: DRAGEES 3B 80, PRESAGED 4H 78, ASPERGED 4F 74, GREASED 3D 71, DISAGREE 5G 70
DEGREASE 8A 83 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, HE(M)IOLAS 5E 90 --- HEMIOLA a rhythmic alteration in music [n]
Other tops: A(R)SEHOLE E5 90, SHOELA(C)E E5 90
Other moves: E(N)HALOES B8 86, SHOALE(D) 3H 86, SHOALE(R) 3H 86, (C)OALSHED A1 86, (G)ALOSHED A1 86
HE(M)IOLAS 5E 90 LongJump22

On 4th draw, (P)YRANOID A1 86 --- PYRAN a chemical compound [adj] --- PYRANOID pertaining to a pyran [adj]
Other moves: GYRA(T)ION C8 80, OR(G)ANITY 6B 79, AGRI(M)ONY C7 76, ORGANI(T)Y C6 76, (F)ORAYING C1 74
(P)YRANOID A1 86 LongJump22

On 5th draw, AZOTED 4J 53 --- AZOTE nitrogen [adj] --- AZOTED having azote [adj]
Other moves: ZETAS L1 48, ZOEAS L1 48, AZOTE 4J 45, AZO 4J 41, ZED 4K 41

On 6th draw, TEFS 6H 43 --- TEF a cereal grass [n]
Other moves: FETUS 6F 39, TUBS 6H 37, BOEUF B6 36, BOEUF N2 36, BUFO 3L 35

On 7th draw, MIX 6D 58 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other moves: GOX 6D 57, GOX B4 57, NIX 6D 56, NOX 6D 56, EX 6E 55

On 8th draw, FOETID B6 35 --- FOETID stinking [adj]
Other moves: DEF B4 33, DOF B4 33, DEFI 3L 32, TEF B4 31, BIDE 3L 29

On 9th draw, JEED O1 36 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other tops: JIRD O1 36
Other moves: REJOIN I8 30, REJON I8 28, ROJI I8 27, REJOIN 3A 26, REJOIN D8 26

On 10th draw, GOURAS A10 30 --- GOURA a pigeon [n]
Other tops: AGORAS 4A 30
Other moves: RAGS 4C 27, RUGS 4C 27, GOAS 4C 26, GOURAS 3C 26, GUAR 4C 26

On 11th draw, OUTHEAR I9 66 --- OUTHEAR to surpass in hearing [v]
Other moves: RAH 4D 31, HEAR 4C 30, HEAT 4C 30, HOAR 4C 30, THAR 4C 30

On 12th draw, ARCATURE 11E 90 --- ARCATURE a small arcade [n]
Other moves: AURAE H11 36, CARAP 4D 35, AREA H12 31, UREA H12 31, AREACH 12D 28

On 13th draw, PRINK 15H 48 --- PRINK to dress or adorn in a showy manner [v]
Other tops: PRONK 15H 48
Other moves: PINKER 15D 45, POKIER 15D 45, TRONK 15H 42, KETONE 2J 40, PERKIN 15G 39
POKIER 15D 45 Inkey

On 14th draw, VAW 4D 37 --- VAW the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: NAW 4D 31, NAVEW C10 30, ANEW 12L 26, NAEVE N2 26, WANE 3L 26
VAW 4D 37 Inkey

On 15th draw, BLOWIE 2J 34 --- BLOWIE a blowfly [n]
Other tops: WINTLE 2J 34
Other moves: BOLINE 2J 28, BOWLINE 2I 28, BOWEL L8 26, BOWET L8 26, BOWLINE 13C 26
BOWEL L8 26 Inkey

On 16th draw, MUIL J10 29 --- MUIL a backless slipper [n]
Other moves: AMBIENT 14A 26, BE 3L 26, BI 3L 26, LIMB 12L 26, NIMB 12L 26
BE 3L 26 Inkey

On 17th draw, TINY 12L 26 --- TINY a small child [n] --- TINY very small [adj]
Other moves: QI 12D 24, TENNY C10 24, NE 3L 20, NINETY L8 20, TYIN 12L 20
TINY 12L 26 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
QI 12D 24 Inkey

On 18th draw, CONVEY O7 42 --- CONVEY to transport [v]
Other moves: COVEY O8 39, LENVOY O7 36, ENVOY O8 33, LOVEY O8 33, NICE 3L 33
CONVEY O7 42 queen66, HollyIvy
ENVOY O8 33 Inkey

On 19th draw, CONVEYING O7 54 --- CONVEY to transport [v]
Other moves: PRINKING 15H 45, BEGUIN C10 28, ABLING 14A 26, BE 3L 26, BEGIN C10 26
CONVEYING O7 54 Inkey, HollyIvy

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