Game on October 8, 2024 at 18:32, 4 players
1. 386 pts sunshine12
2. 365 pts Inkey
3. 187 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 64 64
2. 14H 91 155
3. O11 34 189
4. 8H 92 281
5. 13C 32 313
6. 14B 42 355
7. 11E 36 391
8. N1 78 469
9. 15A 53 522
10. O1 49 571
11. 15K 36 607
12. 12L 28 635
13. M1 33 668
14. E4 74 742
15. D1 33 775
16. 2D 64 839
17. L3 35 874
18. 10B 35 909
19. H1 45 954
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
1.7128 sunshine12 6 11:27 -568 386 1.9965 Pacific 2 3:19 -767 187
2.7767 Inkey 5 7:40 -589 365 Group: advanced
3.9965 Pacific 2 3:19 -767 187 1.7128 sunshine12 6 11:27 -568 386
4. - chunk88 0 1:59 -950 4 2.7767 Inkey 5 7:40 -589 365
Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 1:59 -950 4
On 1st draw, TAI(L)LIE H7 64 --- TAILLIE a tax [n]
Other tops: LAITIE(S) H2 64, LAITIE(S) H3 64, LAITIE(S) H4 64, LAITIE(S) H7 64, LAITIE(S) H8 64, TAIL(L)IE H2 64, TAIL(L)IE H3 64, TAIL(L)IE H4 64, TAIL(L)IE H6 64, TAIL(L)IE H7 64, TAIL(Z)IE H2 64, TAIL(Z)IE H3 64, TAIL(Z)IE H4 64, TAIL(Z)IE H6 64, TAIL(Z)IE H7 64, TAI(L)LIE H2 64, TAI(L)LIE H3 64, TAI(L)LIE H4 64, TAI(L)LIE H6 64, TAI(L)LIE H8 64, (C)ILIATE H2 64, (C)ILIATE H3 64, (C)ILIATE H6 64, (C)ILIATE H7 64, (C)ILIATE H8 64, (F)ILIATE H2 64, (F)ILIATE H3 64, (F)ILIATE H6 64, (F)ILIATE H7 64, (F)ILIATE H8 64
Other moves: LAITIE(S) H5 62, LAITIE(S) H6 62, TAIL(L)IE H5 62, TAIL(L)IE H8 62, TAIL(Z)IE H5 62
On 2nd draw, SAVIO(U)R 14H 91 --- SAVIOUR one who saves [n]
Other tops: SAVIOR(S) 14H 91
Other moves: (S)AVIORS 14H 90, AVERSIO(N) 13F 80, AVIA(T)ORS 8H 80, OVERSAI(L) 13F 80, OVARI(E)S 14B 79
SAVIO(U)R 14H 91 Pacific
On 3rd draw, ADUST O11 34 --- ADUST scorched [adj] --- ADUST to scorch [v]
Other tops: GADSO O11 34
Other moves: DOST O12 31, DUST O12 31, GAST O12 31, GUST O12 31, OAST O12 25
On 4th draw, ANCHORET 8H 92 --- ANCHORET a recluse [n]
Other moves: NOTCHIER 12C 76, CHORTEN N5 74, CHORTEN G2 72, CHORTEN I2 72, NOTCHER I2 69
On 5th draw, BIFACE 13C 32 --- BIFACE a stone tool having a cutting edge [n]
Other moves: ICHABOD K6 30, BIFOCAL 11B 28, BODACH K3 28, BODICE 13C 28, CONF I6 26
On 6th draw, POTED 14B 42 --- POTE to poke [v]
Other moves: NOTED 14B 38, TONED 14B 38, OPULENT 11E 36, TOPED 12B 36, OPED 12C 34
On 7th draw, ENDLONG 11E 36 --- ENDLONG lengthwise [adv]
Other moves: DEG 15A 25, DOG 15A 25, GED 15A 25, GOD 15A 25, DOG 12B 23
On 8th draw, OYSTRIGE N1 78 --- OYSTRIGE a large flightless bird [n]
Other moves: OYSTRIGE E4 74, GORSY 15A 52, ROYST 15A 49, G*YSGOYS 15A 43, TOYS 15A 40
G*YS 15AGOYS 15A 43 Pacific
On 9th draw, WOKS 15A 53 --- WOK a pan used in Chinese cookery [n]
Other moves: KOWS 15A 52, BOKS 15A 50, KOBS 15A 48, BOWS 15A 46, ROKS 15A 44
WOKS 15A 53 Pacific, sunshine12
KOWS 15A 52 Inkey
On 10th draw, HETE O1 49 --- HETE to command [v]
Other tops: HOTE O1 49
Other moves: PEH O1 46, POH O1 46, PUH O1 46, POTE O1 43, HET O1 40
HOTE O1 49 Inkey
POH O1 46 sunshine12
On 11th draw, OX 15K 36 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: OX 13L 36, YUNX 12J 36
Other moves: ANOXIC J3 31, AXION 10A 30, OXY 12K 29, XYST 3L 28, ANY 13K 24
OX 15K 36 sunshine12
OXY 12K 29 Inkey
On 12th draw, QAID 12L 28 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: NAE M1 24, LEA M2 21, QI 9G 21, AIRNED 12J 19, LARNIEST 3H 18
QAID 12L 28 sunshine12, Inkey
On 13th draw, FEE M1 33 --- FEE to pay a fee (a fixed charge) to [v]
Other moves: NEE M1 24, FE M1 20, FEE(L) 10E 20, FRENNE 10A 19, FEREST 3J 18
FEE M1 33 Inkey, sunshine12
On 14th draw, LEVERAGE E4 74 --- LEVERAGE to provide with a an advantage for a certain purpose [v]
Other moves: VEGA L3 23, GAVE L3 21, GRAV L3 21, VAG L3 21, VALE L3 21
VEGA L3 23 Inkey, sunshine12
On 15th draw, WANED D1 33 --- WANE to decrease in size or extent [v]
Other tops: WALED D1 33
Other moves: DEWAR 8A 30, WADER 8A 30, DAWEN D1 28, DEWAN D1 28, WADE D1 28
WALED D1 33 Inkey
WADER 8A 30 sunshine12
On 16th draw, AIRPLANE 2D 64 --- AIRPLANE a winged aircraft propelled by jet engines or propellers [n]
Other tops: PRALINE G1 64
Other moves: PINWALE 1A 36, PRAWLIN 1A 36, PRAWLE 1A 33, LAWNIER 1B 30, PRAWN 1A 30
WIPER 1D 30 Inkey
PRAWN 1A 30 sunshine12
On 17th draw, ZA L3 35 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other tops: ZANTE 4K 35
Other moves: JURA L3 33, JAR L3 31, JUN L3 31, JA L3 29, JAI N10 28
ZA L3 35 Inkey, sunshine12
On 18th draw, JINGO 10B 35 --- JINGO a zealous patriot [n]
Other moves: JIB K4 33, JOB K4 33, JIN K4 29, JOR K4 29, JONG 10B 28
JOB K4 33 Inkey
BROW 1A 27 sunshine12
On 19th draw, BLIMY H1 45 --- BLIMY expressing surprise [interj]
Other moves: BURY M6 22, BY 3I 22, MIRY C4 22, MY 3I 22, BLUR H1 21
BLIMY H1 45 sunshine12
YU 3I 20 Inkey
BI 6M 4 chunk88
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