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Game on October 8, 2024 at 21:29, 1 player
1. 24 pts Inkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaefott   H4    24    24   fetta
 2. ?ehiill   4B    76   100   helilift
 3. ceinorw   3A    31   131   cow
 4. ?befrsu   J1    79   210   fubsier
 5. bdeeipr   1J    45   255   fibred
 6. aeiostu   2B    34   289   soutie
 7. ademrst   9H    73   362   smarted
 8. elntuvw  10J    28   390   we
 9. degikop  11G    38   428   poked
10. adenrtu   E4    86   514   indurate
11. aimnooy   N9    40   554   dynamo
12. eginruv  H11    36   590   ovine
13. glooruz  M12    45   635   zoo
14. agijnnr   8A    42   677   jagir
15. aelortx  O11    46   723   ax
16. ahilnru  15B    65   788   inhauler
17. aacilps  14A    37   825   spica
18. eglnoqt  13C    22   847   go
19. aeegnnt   1E    22   869   agen
20. eiloqry   N1    34   903   eerily

Remaining tiles: noqtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7791 FileInkey       1  0:45  -879   24     1.7791 Inkey       1  0:45  -879   24 

On 1st draw, FETTA H4 24 --- FETTA a crumbly white cheese [n]
Other moves: FETTA H8 18, FETTA H5 16, FETTA H6 16, FETTA H7 16, FATE H5 14
FETTA H4 24 Inkey

On 2nd draw, HELILIF(T) 4B 76 --- HELILIFT to transport by helicopter [v]
Other moves: HILLIE(R) G8 66, HILLIE(R) I8 66, (G)HILLIE I8 65, HELILI(F)T 6A 64, HILLIE(S)T 6A 64

On 3rd draw, COW 3A 31 --- COW the female of the bovine animals [n] --- COW to intimidate [v]
Other moves: OWE 3B 29, NEW 3A 27, NOW 3A 27, REW 3A 27, ROW 3A 27

On 4th draw, FUBS(I)ER J1 79 --- FUBSY chubby and somewhat squat [adj]
Other moves: REBU(F)FS 9B 75, FIREBUS(H) E3 74, FIREBU(G)S E3 74, RUBIF(I)ES E1 74, FUBS(I)ER 9E 73

On 5th draw, FIBRED 1J 45 --- FIBRED having fibre [adj]
Other tops: BRIEFED 1F 45, DEBRIEF 1D 45
Other moves: PERDIE 2B 44, BEEDI 2B 42, BEEP 2B 38, BEDE 2B 36, P**D 2B 36

On 6th draw, SOUTIE 2B 34 --- SOUTIE an English speaking South African. [n]
Other moves: SAUTE 2B 32, IOTAS 5A 28, TOEAS 5A 28, OAST 2B 26, OATS 2B 26

On 7th draw, SMARTED 9H 73 --- SMART to cause a sharp, stinging pain [v]
Other moves: SMARTED G7 71, SMATTERED 6E 68, SMARTED I8 66, MADRE 1D 47, MEADS 1D 47

On 8th draw, WE 10J 28 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other moves: WEN 8M 26, WET 8M 26, NEW 8M 23, TEW 8M 23, LEV 1F 22

On 9th draw, POKED 11G 38 --- POKE to push or prod [v]
Other tops: PIKED 11G 38
Other moves: KEPI 11I 36, KEP 1F 35, KOP 1F 35, KEP 11I 34, PIKED 11K 34

On 10th draw, INDURATE E4 86 --- INDURATE to make hard [v]
Other moves: DRAUNTED O1 83, NATURED 12B 79, UNRATED 12B 79, UNTREAD 12B 79, DAUNTER 12B 75

On 11th draw, DYNAMO N9 40 --- DYNAMO a generator [n]
Other moves: AYIN 8L 35, MAYOR 8A 33, MAYO 12F 32, MOONY D11 32, MOYA 12F 32

On 12th draw, OVINE H11 36 --- OVINE a sheep or a closely related animal [n]
Other moves: OGIVE H11 33, ERING O11 32, GENU O12 32, GIEN O12 32, GIRN O12 32

On 13th draw, ZOO M12 45 --- ZOO a place where animals are kept for public exhibition [n]
Other tops: LUZ M12 45, ZOL M12 45
Other moves: ZO M12 41, LUTZ 10C 33, ZOOT 10B 33, GOOL O12 32, GOOR O12 32

On 14th draw, JAGIR 8A 42 --- JAGIR a land tax [n]
Other moves: JIRGA D9 39, JANN D9 35, JINN D9 35, NINJA D9 30, AZAN 12L 28

On 15th draw, AX O11 46 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: AXEL 1E 46, EX O11 46, OX O11 46
Other moves: EXO 2M 43, RELAX D11 42, RETAX D11 42, EX 2M 38, LAX 1F 34

On 16th draw, INHAULER 15B 65 --- INHAULER a line for bringing in a sail [n]
Other moves: AHI 1F 25, AHI 9A 25, HAN 1F 25, INHAUL D10 24, UNHAIR D10 24

On 17th draw, SPICA 14A 37 --- SPICA an ear of grain [n]
Other moves: PACA 14B 35, PICA 14B 35, CALPS 12A 34, CAPAS 12A 34, CLAPS 12A 34

On 18th draw, GO 13C 22 --- GO a Japanese board game [n] --- GO to move along [v]
Other tops: NOTCH D11 22, TENCH D11 22
Other moves: QI 13G 21, VOE 12H 19, BELONG 3J 18, BELONG L1 18, ETCH D12 18

On 19th draw, AGEN 1E 22 --- AGEN once more [adv]
Other tops: AGEE 1E 22
Other moves: BANTENG L1 20, GENOME 13J 19, VAE 12H 19, AWEE 10I 18, ENNAGE N1 18

On 20th draw, EERILY N1 34 --- EERIE weird [adv] --- EERILY in an eerie manner [adv]
Other moves: QUILTER 7D 29, QUOITER 7D 29, QUIET 7D 26, QUILT 7D 26, QUIRT 7D 26

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