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Game on October 8, 2024 at 23:45, 1 player
1. 113 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ehiipt   H4    78    78   pithier
 2. ?efiouw   I3    31   109   wifie
 3. adegnrw   J7    73   182   wranged
 4. eegnruy  13D    65   247   ungreedy
 5. adeoopt   8J    33   280   redtop
 6. aehnort   O6    64   344   hapteron
 7. ceeostu   N2    39   383   estoc
 8. aiinort   M6    78   461   antiriot
 9. abdelnr   L1    33   494   blader
10. aeilnrs   F8    63   557   realigns
11. adegmny  15C    42   599   daysmen
12. aabcioz   E7    57   656   cobza
13. efmosvx  12B    44   700   vox
14. aekmosu   K5    40   740   mose
15. aejllqs  B10    62   802   javel
16. giiqstu   1H    48   850   squib
17. fiiktuu  L11    22   872   ki
18. ailotuu   O1    22   894   lati

Remaining tiles: fgouuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7155 Filesunshine12  0  3:55  -781  113     1.7155 sunshine12  0  3:55  -781  113 

On 1st draw, PITHIE(R) H4 78 --- PITHY concise [adj]
Other moves: PITHIE(R) H2 74, PITHIE(R) H3 74, PITHIE(R) H7 74, PITHIE(R) H8 74, PITHIE(R) H5 72

On 2nd draw, W(I)FIE I3 31 --- WIFIE an endearment for wife [n]
Other tops: WIF(I)E I3 31
Other moves: *fF I7 26, E(L)F G7 26, I(F)F I7 26, O(A)F G7 26, O(F)F I7 26

On 3rd draw, WRANGED J7 73 --- WRANG to wrong [v]
Other moves: DWANG J6 35, GNAWED J6 31, GNAWER J6 30, GRANDE J6 30, DRAWN J6 29

On 4th draw, UNGREEDY 13D 65 --- GREEDY marked by greed [adj] --- UNGREEDY not greedy [adj]
Other moves: GURNEY K4 37, RENEY K5 33, GYRENE K3 32, ENERGY 12J 28, GYRENE 12G 28

On 5th draw, REDTOP 8J 33 --- REDTOP a type of grass [n]
Other tops: PAD G7 33, PATED G7 33, POD G7 33, POOED G7 33, POTED G7 33, TAPED G7 33, TOPED G7 33
Other moves: POTAE G7 32, PATE G7 31, POTE G7 31, TAPE G7 31, TOPE G7 31

On 6th draw, HAPTERON O6 64 --- HAPTERON a plant's organ of attachment [n]
Other moves: HEAR H12 33, HEAT H12 33, HENT H12 33, HERE H12 33, HERN H12 33

On 7th draw, ESTOC N2 39 --- ESTOC a short sword [n]
Other moves: COTES G7 32, COTE G7 31, COT G7 29, CEES H12 27, CEES J2 27
COTS 14L 26 sunshine12

On 8th draw, ANTIRIOT M6 78 --- ANTIRIOT designed to prevent or end riots [adj]
Other moves: TRITONIA M8 68, RATION N10 26, AIRY K10 24, ATONER K4 24, OTARINE K2 24

On 9th draw, BLADER L1 33 --- BLADER one that blades [n]
Other tops: BALDER L1 33, BANDER L1 33
Other moves: BARNED K4 31, BEANED K4 31, BRANLE L1 31, BEAD H12 30, BEDE H12 30
BEAD H12 30 sunshine12

On 10th draw, REALIGNS F8 63 --- REALIGN to align again [v]
Other tops: SALERING F6 63
Other moves: SNARLIE(R) 10A 61, SERAI K7 30, AIRY K10 24, SANER G7 24, SANE G7 23

On 11th draw, DAYSMEN 15C 42 --- DAYSMAN an arbiter [n]
Other moves: DEMY H12 36, GADSMEN 15C 36, MADGES 15A 36, YAMENS 15A 36, YEAD H12 36

On 12th draw, COBZA E7 57 --- COBZA a musical instrument [n]
Other moves: ZOA K3 42, ZOA J2 41, COBZA E4 38, AZO J1 37, ZA E10 37

On 13th draw, VOX 12B 44 --- VOX voice [n]
Other tops: FOX 12B 44, VEX 12B 44
Other moves: EXO O1 41, OXY K11 41, MOSE K5 40, SEX 12B 38, SOX 12B 38

On 14th draw, MOSE K5 40 --- MOSE to have glanders [v]
Other moves: KAM K3 35, AMOVES B9 34, DOEKS L8 34, DOUKS L8 34, KEAS J2 33

On 15th draw, JAVEL B10 62 --- JAVEL a worthless fellow [n]
Other moves: JELABS 1H 45, JELAB 1H 42, JA O1 29, JASS 3K 22, JA 14B 21
LAVES B10 20 sunshine12

On 16th draw, SQUIB 1H 48 --- SQUIB to lampoon [v]
Other moves: QI L11 37, QATS 3K 26, SUITOR 8A 21, GI M3 18, IS 14N 18
QI L11 37 sunshine12

On 17th draw, KI L11 22 --- KI the vital force in Chinese thought [n]
Other tops: KAFS 3K 22
Other moves: IF O1 20, KIT 2F 19, KUTI 6F 18, FIT 2F 16, KAIS 3K 16

On 18th draw, LATI O1 22 --- LAT a former monetary unit of Latvia [n] --- LATS a monetary unit of Latvia [n]
Other tops: ALTO O1 22
Other moves: TAILOR 8A 21, LOTO C9 16, ALTO C7 15, AUTO C7 15, IOTA C7 15

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