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Game on October 9, 2024 at 04:57, 1 player
1. 589 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aejnoo   H4    38    38   jeton
 2. bddekor   4H    34    72   joked
 3. fginoos   6E    65   137   footings
 4. beioprs   5A    32   169   probes
 5. deimqst   A4    30   199   spited
 6. acdegtv   B9    35   234   advect
 7. cehilrt   C2    85   319   chlorite
 8. aehttuv  C12    32   351   thae
 9. ?biinoy  A12    43   394   boil
10. aaeimnu   2A    32   426   aecium
11. ilnoruz   1A    68   494   zo
12. aeglprv   1E    34   528   gavel
13. egilouw   5K    30   558   gowl
14. airruwy   N1    40   598   warily
15. adprstu   O6    88   686   updarts
16. aemnnqr   1L    36   722   mawn
17. aeinqty  10J    37   759   qintar
18. eeflnry  D10    35   794   free
19. aelnuxy   7K    35   829   yex
20. ailnnru  11F    27   856   uranin

Remaining tiles: ilu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6373 Filefatcat      5 10:50  -267  589     1.6373 fatcat      5 10:50  -267  589 

On 1st draw, JE(T)ON H4 38 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other tops: JANE(S) H4 38, JEAN(S) H4 38, JONE(S) H4 38, JO(M)ON H4 38
Other moves: ENJO(Y) H4 24, JE(T)ON H8 24, JO(M)ON H8 24, (B)ANJO H8 24, (C)AJON H8 24
JEAN(S) H4 38 fatcat

On 2nd draw, JOKED 4H 34 --- JOKE to say something amusing [v]
Other moves: BODED I3 32, JOKER 4H 32, BORED I3 30, JOBED 4H 30, KEB G7 30
JOKED 4H 34 fatcat

On 3rd draw, FOO(T)INGS 6E 65 --- FOOTING a foundation [n]
Other moves: FIGOS 5K 31, FIGO 5K 29, FIGS 5K 29, FINOS 5K 29, FOGS 5K 29
FIGS 5K 29 fatcat

On 4th draw, PROBES 5A 32 --- PROBE to investigate or examine thoroughly [v]
Other tops: EBRIOSE 5B 32, REBOP 5B 32
Other moves: BOEP 5C 30, PROB 5C 30, BOP 5D 28, PEISE 5D 28, POISE 5D 28
PROBES 5A 32 fatcat

On 5th draw, SPITED A4 30 --- SPITE to treat with malice [v]
Other moves: QIS 7C 28, SPIDE A4 27, SPIED A4 27, MODE 7G 26, SMOTE 7F 26
QIS 9F 25 fatcat

On 6th draw, ADVECT B9 35 --- ADVECT to convey or transport by the flow of a fluid [v]
Other moves: EGAD 5J 33, GAVE 5K 30, GAD 4C 28, GATED 5K 28, GADE 5K 26
DATE 3K 16 fatcat

On 7th draw, CHLORITE C2 85 --- CHLORITE a mineral group [n]
Other moves: TELECHIR 12A 80, TROCHIL C3 39, CHORTLE C3 33, HERETIC 12A 32, HIC C13 32
HIT C13 28 fatcat

On 8th draw, THAE C12 32 --- THAE these; those [adj]
Other tops: THAT C12 32
Other moves: HEAVE 12A 30, HEVEA 12A 30, THE C12 30, HAE C13 28, HAT C13 28
HEAVE 12A 30 fatcat

On 9th draw, BOI(L) A12 43 --- BOIL to vaporize liquid [v]
Other tops: BOI(S) A12 43
Other moves: BI(E)N A12 42, BO(U)N A12 42, B(E)IN A12 42, INCO(N)Y 2A 36, I(N)CONY 2A 36
BOY 3K 23 fatcat

On 10th draw, AECIUM 2A 32 --- AECIUM a spore-producing organ of certain fungi [n]
Other moves: MAE D11 31, NAE D11 27, AE D12 25, MIB D3 25, ACUMEN 2B 24
MENU 3K 19 fatcat

On 11th draw, ZO 1A 68 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: RIZ 5K 36, ZA A1 33, ZORINO I3 33, RIZ 3K 29, RIZ 3E 28
ZO 1A 68 fatcat

On 12th draw, GAVEL 1E 34 --- GAVEL to signal for attention or order by use of a gavel (a small mallet) [v]
Other moves: VAE D11 33, GAVEL 5K 32, EGAL 5J 31, GAPER 1E 31, GAVE 1E 31
PAVER 3K 27 fatcat

On 13th draw, GOWL 5K 30 --- GOWL to cry [v]
Other moves: EGO 5J 29, GOEL 5K 24, GOLE 5K 24, OWE D10 24, WOE D10 24
WOKEN J2 20 fatcat

On 14th draw, WARILY N1 40 --- WARILY in a wary manner [adv]
Other moves: RAWLY N2 38, YAW 3K 32, YARR 3K 28, YAR 3K 26, AWRY 3L 25
YAK J2 18 fatcat

On 15th draw, UPDARTS O6 88 --- UPDART to dart up [v]
Other moves: UPDARTS G8 66, UPDARTS I8 66, PAWS 1L 36, SUPRA O5 35, UPDART O6 32
PAWS 1L 36 fatcat

On 16th draw, MAWN 1L 36 --- MAW to mow [v]
Other tops: MAWR 1L 36
Other moves: EM O1 31, MAE D11 31, NAE D11 27, AE D12 25, RAWN 1L 24
EM O1 31 fatcat

On 17th draw, QINTAR 10J 37 --- QINTAR a monetary unit of Albania [n]
Other moves: YAE D11 33, NAE D11 27, TAE D11 27, QATS 12L 26, AE D12 25
QINTAR 10J 37 fatcat

On 18th draw, FREE D10 35 --- FREE not subject to restriction or control [adj] --- FREE to set at liberty [v]
Other tops: FLEE D10 35
Other moves: FEE D11 33, FY 11K 31, ENFREE 15C 30, FENNY L8 30, ONEYER 7H 30
FEE 11K 26 fatcat

On 19th draw, YEX 7K 35 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: EUTAXY M8 34, AXLE 2I 33, LYNXES 12J 32, XYLANS 12J 32, YUNXES 12J 32
FAX 10D 29 fatcat

On 20th draw, URANIN 11F 27 --- URANIN a sodium [n]
Other moves: LARI 4C 25, LAIN 11H 23, NAIN 11H 23, RAIN 11H 23, RUIN 11H 23
RAIN 11H 23 fatcat

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