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Game on October 9, 2024 at 06:34, 6 players
1. 509 pts fatcat
2. 286 pts LongJump22
3. 81 pts NNNNNN1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?illoww   H7    82    82   willows
 2. aabeiot   G5    20   102   abate
 3. beinosy   H1    44   146   obeys
 4. ?eilnpt  11E    86   232   linotype
 5. aeinotu   F4    21   253   aeon
 6. adghior   3G    34   287   headrig
 7. eemqstx  10D    53   340   sex
 8. adinnry  13A    76   416   innyards
 9. aeimnsv   M1    65   481   veganism
10. adeootv  A12    36   517   vied
11. degirtu   K1    70   587   turgider
12. cfiloru  10J    36   623   furol
13. chimosu  15A   110   733   dochmius
14. aceorrt   O9    95   828   reactor
15. aeioptu  12K    33   861   optic
16. aefijou   4A    40   901   feijoa
17. aegkqtz  N14    46   947   za
18. aeegntu   A4    33   980   fanteeg

Remaining tiles: kqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6384 Filefatcat      2 12:41  -471  509     1.6384 fatcat      2 12:41  -471  509 
  2.5675 FileLongJump22  2  4:27  -694  286            Group: novice
  3.5535 FileNNNNNN1112  0  3:13  -899   81     1.5675 LongJump22  2  4:27  -694  286 
  4.5634 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:21  -923   57     2.5535 NNNNNN1112  0  3:13  -899   81 
  5.5535 FileOOOOOO1112  0  0:56  -956   24     3.5634 MMMMMM1112  0  1:21  -923   57 
  6.5627 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:18  -956   24     4.5535 OOOOOO1112  0  0:56  -956   24 
                                             5.5627 LLLLLL1112  0  1:18  -956   24 

On 1st draw, WILLOW(S) H7 82 --- WILLOW to clean textile fibers with a certain machine [v]
Other tops: WILLOW(S) H4 82, WILLOW(Y) H4 82, WILLOW(Y) H7 82
Other moves: WILLOW(S) H2 76, WILLOW(S) H3 76, WILLOW(S) H8 76, WILLOW(Y) H2 76, WILLOW(Y) H3 76
WILLOW H4 32 fatcat

On 2nd draw, ABATE G5 20 --- ABATE to reduce in degree or intensity [v]
Other tops: ABA G7 20, ABET I10 20, BIOTA G5 20, BIOTA I5 20, OBA G7 20, OBE G7 20
Other moves: BATE G6 19, BETA I6 19, BOITE G11 19, BOITE I11 19, BOTA G6 19
WAITE 12H 16 fatcat

On 3rd draw, OBEYS H1 44 --- OBEY to follow the commands or guidance of [v]
Other tops: INBYE H1 44
Other moves: BONEY H1 38, EBONY H1 38, SYBOE H1 35, NOISY H1 32, NOSEY H1 32
SLOB 10G 20 fatcat

On 4th draw, LINOT(Y)PE 11E 86 --- LINOTYPE to set type with a machine [v]
Other tops: LEPTONI(C) 11D 86, PILOT(M)EN 11E 86, (U)NPOLITE 11E 86
Other moves: PENLITE(S) 3G 76, PET(A)LINE 3G 76, PLENTIE(S) 3F 72, (S)PLINTE(D) 13H 72, (S)PLINTE(R) 13H 72
WIPE(S) 12H 18 fatcat

On 5th draw, AEON F4 21 --- AEON a vast age [n]
Other tops: NEAT F4 21
Other moves: ATONE 12K 20, EAN F5 20, EAT F5 20, ENTIA 12K 20, EON F5 20
BOATIE 2H 10 fatcat

On 6th draw, HEADRIG 3G 34 --- HEADRIG a headland in a ploughed field [n]
Other moves: HAIRDO M8 32, ODAH 10C 31, DAH 10D 30, HARD 12L 30, RAH 10D 29
HARD 12L 30 fatcat

On 7th draw, SEX 10D 53 --- SEX to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v]
Other tops: TEX 10D 53
Other moves: EX 10E 52, EXEMES L7 46, EXES 12K 44, EX 12K 40, EXEEM L11 34
TEX 10D 53 fatcat

On 8th draw, INNYARD(S) 13A 76 --- INNYARD the courtyard surrounding an inn [n]
Other tops: INNYARD M6 76, INNYARDS D3 76
Other moves: INNYARD M5 74, NONDAIRY 1G 63, RANDY E1 35, RINDY E1 35, DANNY E1 34
DRAY 12L 30 fatcat

On 9th draw, VEGANISM M1 65 --- VEGANISM the practice of eating only plant products [n]
Other moves: MAVIES A10 45, MAVINS A10 45, VIMINA A10 42, INSEAM N1 41, MAIN 12A 39
VINE A12 33 fatcat

On 10th draw, VIED A12 36 --- VIE to strive for superiority [v]
Other tops: VIDE A12 36
Other moves: DATIVE A10 33, VIAE A12 33, VITA A12 33, VITE A12 33, WOOED 12H 31
DIVE A12 30 fatcat

On 11th draw, TURGIDER K1 70 --- TURGID swollen, having a laboured writing style [adj]
Other moves: GIVED 1K 33, GRIMED 8J 33, GRIVET 1J 33, REASTED 5E 32, DIVER 1K 30
TURGIDER K1 70 LongJump22
TIMED 8K 27 fatcat

On 12th draw, FUROL 10J 36 --- FUROL a liquid obtained from bran and acid [n]
Other moves: FLIC 12L 34, FLOC 12L 34, FOIL N6 34, FOUL N6 34, FOUR N6 34
FOUR N6 34 LongJump22
OF 12C 28 fatcat

On 13th draw, DOCHMIUS 15A 110 --- DOCHMIUS a foot of five syllables [n]
Other moves: MISCH O8 57, SMOUCH O10 51, OHMIC 12K 47, CHUMS O6 45, MOCHS O6 45
DOCHMIUS 15A 110 LongJump22
MUCH 12L 40 fatcat

On 14th draw, REACTOR O9 95 --- REACTOR one that reacts [n]
Other moves: CREATOR O8 89, ACROTER O5 86, RECREATOR L7 85, ACROTERS D3 72, CREATORS D3 72
CREATORS D3 72 LongJump22
TORC 12L 24 NNNNNN1112
CARROTS D4 20 fatcat

On 15th draw, OPTIC 12K 33 --- OPTIC an eye [n]
Other moves: IODATE J1 27, OPE 12K 25, OPT 12K 25, TAP E3 24, OP 12K 23
TAP E3 24 OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
EPIC 12L 22 fatcat

On 16th draw, FEIJOA 4A 40 --- FEIJOA a green edible fruit [n]
Other moves: JA N14 38, JO N14 38, FEIJOAS D4 36, JOBE 2F 36, JUBA 2F 36
JO N14 38 fatcat

On 17th draw, ZA N14 46 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: GEEZ B3 34, KAZI C1 34, TEAZE B3 34, ATOK E2 32, QAT J5 32
ZA N14 46 fatcat

On 18th draw, FANTEEG A4 33 --- FANTEEG fantigue [n]
Other moves: FEAGUE A4 30, UNDATE J1 27, NEAFE A1 24, AGNATE 4J 23, TEAT M12 23
GOT E3 16 fatcat

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