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Game on October 9, 2024 at 13:59, 7 players
1. 222 pts LongJump22
2. 72 pts queen66
3. 42 pts MMMMMM1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adenvwz   H4    46    46   wezand
 2. aaehist   8C    62   108   asthenia
 3. ?aefmpw   8A    42   150   myasthenia
 4. ?biloov   5F    74   224   overboil
 5. eimnsuy   6B    37   261   meiny
 6. acdefno   L1    34   295   fancied
 7. aeiilns   A8    83   378   milesian
 8. eirrstu  10F    81   459   rustier
 9. aaeoprt   1L    27   486   frap
10. denoqtv  11K    26   512   devot
11. abegstx   7G    42   554   taxa
12. begijrs  N10    60   614   jobes
13. afgnoor   O6    39   653   forgot
14. agoottu  M11    24   677   vatu
15. inoprty  B10    40   717   irony
16. aiklrtw  C10    39   756   talk
17. deegopr   4A    33   789   porged
18. ceehilw  E10    38   827   chewie
19. gilnoqu   3I    50   877   quinol

Remaining tiles: egnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5715 FileLongJump22  4  4:03  -655  222     1.7501 queen66     2  2:34  -805   72 
  2.7501 Filequeen66     2  2:34  -805   72            Group: novice
  3.5634 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:24  -835   42     1.5715 LongJump22  4  4:03  -655  222 
  4.5535 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:44  -835   42     2.5634 MMMMMM1112  1  1:24  -835   42 
  5.5535 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:48  -838   39     3.5535 NNNNNN1112  1  1:44  -835   42 
  6.  -  FileGGGGGG1144  1  1:58  -844   33     4.5535 OOOOOO1112  1  1:48  -838   39 
  7.5627 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:28  -854   23     5.5627 LLLLLL1112  0  1:28  -854   23 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  GGGGGG1144  1  1:58  -844   33 

On 1st draw, WEZAND H4 46 --- WEZAND the throat [n]
Other tops: WANZED H4 46
Other moves: WANZE H4 42, WANZED H7 42, WEZAND H7 42, WANZED H3 40, WANZED H8 40

On 2nd draw, ASTHENIA 8C 62 --- ASTHENIA a lack of strength [n]
Other moves: ATHEISE 5E 40, HASTA 10F 38, HASTE 10F 38, TAHAS 10D 36, AHIS 10E 35

On 3rd draw, M(Y)ASTHENIA 8A 42 --- MYASTHENIA [n]
Other tops: (S)WAMP 7F 42
Other moves: WAMPE(E) 7G 39, WAMP(E)E 7G 39, (T)AWIE I5 37, WA(S)M 10F 35, WA(S)P 10F 35

On 4th draw, OVE(R)BOIL 5F 74 --- OVERBOIL to boil too long [v]
Other tops: BOILOVE(R) 5B 74
Other moves: OVIBO(S) 10C 35, (C)OLOBI I3 35, OVIBO(S) K3 34, OBII(T) I6 32, VI(S) 10F 32

On 5th draw, MEINY 6B 37 --- MEINY a retinue [n]
Other moves: YAMENS 7G 36, EMYS 10E 35, NYES 10E 35, SNYE 10H 35, SUMY 10H 35

On 6th draw, FANCIED L1 34 --- FANCY to take a liking to [v]
Other moves: CONFIDE L1 32, DEAF 4L 32, CANOED 4A 31, DECAF 4B 31, FACIEND L2 30

On 7th draw, MILESIAN A8 83 --- MILESIAN pertaining to the native people of Ireland [adj]
Other moves: SALINISE D8 68, INISLE 10E 30, AISLE 10F 29, ELSIN 10F 29, INISLE N2 29

On 8th draw, RUSTIER 10F 81 --- RUSTY covered with rust [adj]
Other moves: RUSTIER N3 72, TRUSTIER E8 66, RETURFS 1G 30, RUSTRE 10F 30, SURFEIT 1I 30
RUSTIER 10F 81 LongJump22

On 9th draw, FRAP 1L 27 --- FRAP in sailing, to bind well [v]
Other moves: PEART 2J 26, PRATE 2J 26, OPE(R)A I2 25, AFEAR 1K 24, AFORE 1K 24

On 10th draw, DEVOT 11K 26 --- DEVOT a devotee [n]
Other tops: DEVON 11K 26
Other moves: VOTED 4B 25, ADVENT 14A 24, ADVENT C8 24, DEVON 4B 24, DEVOT 4B 24

On 11th draw, TAXA 7G 42 --- TAXON a unit of scientific classification [n]
Other moves: BOXES N10 40, TAX 7G 39, TAXES O11 39, TEXAS O11 39, TEXTS O11 39
TAXA 7G 42 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112

On 12th draw, JOBES N10 60 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other moves: JIBERS 4A 52, REJIGS 4A 36, JIBES 4B 34, JEST O8 33, REJIG 4B 33
JOBES N10 60 LongJump22

On 13th draw, FORGOT O6 39 --- FORGET to fail to remember [v]
Other tops: FORGAT O6 39
Other moves: FAGOT O7 36, AFOOT O7 33, AGOROT O6 30, FOOT O8 30, FRAT O8 30

On 14th draw, VATU M11 24 --- VATU a monetary unit of Vanuatu [n]
Other moves: TAUTOG 4A 23, TAUTOG E10 22, TOGA B12 22, TATTOO E8 20, VAT M11 20

On 15th draw, IRONY B10 40 --- IRONY like iron [adj] --- IRONY the use of words to express the opposite of what is literally said [n]
Other moves: NITRY B11 31, TINY B11 30, TONY B11 30, POINTY 3I 28, TRIPY E10 28

On 16th draw, TALK C10 39 --- TALK to communicate by speaking [v]
Other moves: TREK L9 34, AREW L9 30, TITLARK E8 30, TREW L9 30, REW L10 28
TALK C10 39 LongJump22, queen66

On 17th draw, PORGED 4A 33 --- PORGE to cleanse by Jewish ritual [v]
Other moves: GORPED 4A 31, GROPED 4A 31, PRONGED 3I 28, DREG L9 24, PERNOD 3I 24
PORGED 4A 33 queen66, GGGGGG1144

On 18th draw, CHEWIE E10 38 --- CHEWIE chewing-gum [n]
Other moves: WHENCE 3I 36, WHIP A1 36, CHEW E10 34, CREW L9 34, CHIP A1 33

On 19th draw, QUINOL 3I 50 --- QUINOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: QUINO 3I 48, QUIPO A1 48, QUIP A1 45, QUOP A1 45, QUA 2J 32

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