Game on October 9, 2024 at 22:20, 5 players
1. 209 pts sunshine12
2. 126 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 94 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 80 80
2. G9 63 143
3. 15D 33 176
4. 7E 68 244
5. 8L 45 289
6. E4 98 387
7. D1 37 424
8. M8 74 498
9. 1A 51 549
10. 15L 57 606
11. N1 92 698
12. 1L 33 731
13. G1 38 769
14. 8A 33 802
15. 3I 52 854
16. 5G 34 888
17. 13C 76 964
18. B1 22 986
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7137 sunshine12 0 6:57 -777 209 1.7137 sunshine12 0 6:57 -777 209
2.7514 GLOBEMAN 1 4:34 -860 126 2.7514 GLOBEMAN 1 4:34 -860 126
3.7099 roocatcher 1 3:34 -892 94 3.7099 roocatcher 1 3:34 -892 94
4.7777 bumpkin 0 1:19 -946 40 4.7777 bumpkin 0 1:19 -946 40
5.7974 lazy.lion 0 1:19 -960 26 5.7974 lazy.lion 0 1:19 -960 26
On 1st draw, HOSEME(N) H4 80 --- HOSEMAN a fireman who directs the stream of water [n]
Other moves: HOSEME(N) H8 78, HOSEME(N) H2 74, HOSEME(N) H3 74, HOSEME(N) H7 74, HOSEME(N) H5 72
On 2nd draw, OUTLAIN G9 63 --- OUTLIE to lie beyond [v]
Other moves: LUNATIO(N) 10A 61, LU(N)ATION 10F 61, LATINO G3 24, NOTAL I5 21, INULA I6 20
On 3rd draw, DOWNA 15D 33 --- DOWNA cannot (no inflections) [v] --- DOWNA cannot [coll]
Other moves: ONWARD 15F 30, ROWND 15D 30, VORANT 15C 30, DOWAR G3 27, TOWARD F5 26
On 4th draw, INDEVOUT 7E 68 --- INDEVOUT not devout [adj]
Other moves: VODUN G3 27, DIVOT 14A 23, VIOLD 12D 22, VOID 14B 22, DONUT G3 21
VOID F6 20 sunshine12
On 5th draw, IBEX 8L 45 --- IBEX a wild goat [n]
Other moves: B(O)XEN 8A 44, EX(T)INE 8A 43, (R)EXINE 8A 43, IB(E)X 8L 42, NIXE(D) 8K 41
EXI(T) 8L 36 sunshine12
On 6th draw, BETIMI(N)G E4 98 --- BETIME to betide [v]
Other moves: GAMBITE(D) 13F 80, G(A)MBITED D8 80, BEMETI(N)G N7 78, BETIMI(N)G E2 74, MI(S)BEGOT 5B 74
On 7th draw, FARAD D1 37 --- FARAD a unit of electrical capacitance [n]
Other moves: DARAF D1 35, FORAM 8A 33, FADO D1 32, FARO D1 30, FORA D1 30
On 8th draw, BESOGNIO M8 74 --- BESOGNIO a beggar [n]
Other moves: OOGENIES N2 72, GOONIES C4 70, NOOGIES C4 70, ISOGONE C5 64, OOGENIES N5 63
On 9th draw, KEFFELS 1A 51 --- KEFFEL a horse [n]
Other tops: KEFFELS 1B 51
Other moves: KEFFEL 1A 48, KEFIRS 14J 46, FOLK 15L 45, FORK 15L 45, FLASK 2B 44
On 10th draw, JOLE 15L 57 --- JOLE jowl [n] --- JOLE to bump [v]
Other moves: JO 6J 52, JORAM 8A 45, JAROOL 15J 42, JAIL L11 41, RIOJA 15K 39
On 11th draw, POTLACHE N1 92 --- POTLACHE an Indian winter festival [n]
Other moves: POTLACH 13C 36, EPOCHAL B1 32, POACH D9 32, FLOC C1 31, CHALOTH 4G 30
ETH N8 29 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 12th draw, PAPE 1L 33 --- PAPE a pope [n]
Other tops: APE O1 33, PIPA 1L 33, PIPE 1L 33
Other moves: ERUV K5 31, RAVINE F3 31, AVINE F4 30, PRIVATE 3I 30, RAPPE 1K 30
PIPE 1L 33 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 13th draw, SCRUZED G1 38 --- SCRUZE to squeeze [v]
Other moves: ZONURE J6 37, ZONER J6 36, ZOIC J6 35, COUZIN 5G 34, COZIER 5G 34
ZINS 10J 33 roocatcher
On 14th draw, ASWIM 8A 33 --- ASWIM afloat [adv]
Other moves: QAID D12 28, WO 6J 28, ZOONS 5G 28, ANOW C3 27, WANES 9J 27
WO 6J 28 sunshine12
QATS 3L 26 lazy.lion
On 15th draw, QUINATE 3I 52 --- QUINATE arranged in groups of five [adj]
Other moves: QUAINT 3I 50, QUEINT 3I 50, QUINOA 2J 43, CAIQUE 2G 41, CINQUE 2G 41
QUINO 2J 40 bumpkin, sunshine12
On 16th draw, ZOOEY 5G 34 --- ZOOEY resembling a zoo [adj]
Other moves: ENVOY 14A 30, LEVYING 12G 30, G*YGOY 4J 29, EYEING B1 28, YO 2J 28
YO 2J 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 17th draw, INTRADAY 13C 76 --- INTRADAY occurring within a single day [adj]
Other moves: INTRADAY 13A 74, INTRADAY A4 63, YALD 4L 37, DAINTY 14E 32, YA 2J 28
YA 2J 28 sunshine12
On 18th draw, ERRING B1 22 --- ERR to make a mistake [v] --- ERRING a wandering [n]
Other moves: TIGON 2K 20, ENGIRT B1 18, VIGOR 11J 18, VINY J10 18, GOV 2M 17
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