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Game on October 10, 2024 at 05:04, 1 player
1. 559 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abcfior   H4    34    34   fabric
 2. egnoruz   4F    38    72   unfroze
 3. ?degiou   F3    65   137   outguide
 4. adeknop   5J    54   191   ponked
 5. deilmnw   M2    52   243   winkled
 6. ablorsy   2I    44   287   bylaws
 7. aegrstt   L7    74   361   targets
 8. aeeiopt   1L    42   403   atop
 9. ?aanuwy  13E    68   471   runaways
10. aceirst  11A    78   549   raciest
11. adejlot  H12    60   609   jade
12. aeinoor  14F    25   634   redon
13. aiilmrs   N8    84   718   similar
14. efmnoox  O12    50   768   oxen
15. aeghimt  A11    42   810   rhime
16. aefhiot  B13    36   846   foh
17. aeegiot   6H    27   873   bito
18. aeeiltv   1D    43   916   veleta

Remaining tiles: giquv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6378 Filefatcat      3 12:40  -357  559     1.6378 fatcat      3 12:40  -357  559 

On 1st draw, FABRIC H4 34 --- FABRIC a woven, felted, or knitted material [n] --- FABRIC to construct [v]
Other moves: FABRIC H7 32, FABRIC H3 28, FABRIC H8 28, FARCI H4 28, FIBRO H4 28
FABRIC H4 34 fatcat

On 2nd draw, UNFROZE 4F 38 --- UNFREEZE to cause to thaw [v]
Other moves: FROZEN 4H 36, ZEBU 6F 35, ZOBU 6F 35, BEZ 6H 34, FORZE 4H 34
BEZ 6H 34 fatcat

On 3rd draw, OU(T)GUIDE F3 65 --- OUTGUIDE to surpass in guiding [v]
Other moves: GOURDIE(R) 7E 62, DOUG(H)IER 7A 61, GOU(R)DIER 7A 61, GUERIDO(N) 7E 61, (B)ODGIE 5J 40
DOZI(N)G K2 32 fatcat

On 4th draw, PONKED 5J 54 --- PONK to smell bad [v]
Other moves: POAKE 5J 50, PONKED M2 50, PONK 5J 48, DANK 5J 45, DOEK 5J 45
DOZEN K2 30 fatcat

On 5th draw, WINKLED M2 52 --- WINKLE to displace, extract, or evict from a position [v]
Other tops: WINKED M2 52
Other moves: WINKLE M2 48, LINKED M2 46, INKED M3 44, INKLED M3 44, ELDIN 6J 43
WINED O1 30 fatcat

On 6th draw, BYLAWS 2I 44 --- BYLAW a secondary law [n]
Other moves: BROADLY O1 42, BLOWSY 2J 40, BRAWLY 2J 40, BROWSY 2J 40, SLOYD O1 39
BRAYS 11B 30 fatcat

On 7th draw, TARGETS L7 74 --- TARGET to make a goal of [v]
Other moves: TARGETS E8 73, TARGETS N7 67, ATES 1L 36, ETAS 1L 36, ETAT 1L 36
GRADES 8J 27 fatcat

On 8th draw, ATOP 1L 42 --- ATOP being on or at the top [adj]
Other moves: ADOPTEE O4 33, APT 1K 33, TAP 1M 33, TIP 1M 33, TOP 1M 33
PATIO 1E 25 fatcat

On 9th draw, (R)UNAWAYS 13E 68 --- RUNAWAY one that runs away [n]
Other moves: DAWN(E)Y O5 36, D(E)AWY O5 33, D(O)WNY O5 33, WAD(D)Y 8K 33, YUAN(S) K8 31
WAD(D)Y 8K 33 fatcat

On 10th draw, RACIEST 11A 78 --- RACY bordering on impropriety or indecency [adj]
Other tops: ATRESIC 11B 78, CRISTAE 11C 78
Other moves: STEARIC N8 76, CRESTA 1D 37, CRISTA 1D 37, RADICES O3 33, REDACTS O3 33
CAST H12 27 fatcat

On 11th draw, JADE H12 60 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: JATO H12 57, JADED 8K 42, JOE 12H 42, JOL 12H 42, JOT 12H 42
JADE H12 60 fatcat

On 12th draw, REDON 14F 25 --- DON to put on [v] --- REDON to don again [v]
Other tops: RADON 14F 25
Other moves: ADORE 14G 24, INDOOR O3 24, ORARION A8 24, ORDAIN O3 24, EA 6J 23
NOW I11 15 fatcat

On 13th draw, SIMILAR N8 84 --- SIMILAR being like but not completely identical to [adj]
Other moves: AIRMAILS B7 82, ARMILS 15J 36, MAYS K11 35, ARMILS A10 33, MIDAIRS O3 33
MAYS K11 35 fatcat

On 14th draw, OXEN O12 50 --- OX a clumsy person [n]
Other moves: ENFORM A7 42, EXON 1G 42, FOXIE D8 38, EXO 1G 34, MOXIE D8 34
OXEN O12 50 fatcat

On 15th draw, RHIME A11 42 --- RHIME a verse with corresponding terminal sounds [n]
Other tops: THAIRM A7 42
Other moves: THARM A8 39, THERM A8 39, HAMATE B10 38, THIRAM A8 36, HAM 1H 35
RIGHT A11 30 fatcat

On 16th draw, FOH B13 36 --- FOH expressing disgust [interj]
Other tops: FAH B13 36, FEH B13 36
Other moves: FECHT C9 34, FICHE C9 34, FEAT K8 31, HEAT K8 31, FAY K11 30
CHAFE C11 26 fatcat

On 17th draw, BITO 6H 27 --- BITO a tree which grows in dry tropical regions [n]
Other tops: BETA 6H 27, BOTA 6H 27
Other moves: GEAT K8 25, GOAT K8 25, EA 6J 23, TA 6J 23, TO 6J 23
IOTA 1F 16 fatcat

On 18th draw, VELETA 1D 43 --- VELETA a dance in waltz time [n]
Other moves: LEVA 1F 25, VELA 1F 25, VITA 1F 25, LEAT K8 22, VIA 1G 22
VITA 1F 25 fatcat

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