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Game on October 10, 2024 at 09:32, 5 players
1. 216 pts LongJump22
2. 96 pts OOOOOO1112
3. 59 pts MMMMMM1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. agiopvy   H6    20    20   pogy
 2. ?abeeew   G7    37    57   wab
 3. ainsssz   F8    46   103   nazis
 4. emrsstu   E2    73   176   estrums
 5. dehlort   1C    52   228   tholed
 6. aeklprt  12F    80   308   sparklet
 7. ceinors   2H    83   391   orceins
 8. ?inottv   N2    62   453   stotinov
 9. adeoruv   4C    82   535   outraved
10. aefgllu   8L    33   568   flog
11. aceinou  13J    22   590   aine
12. deeinru  14F    77   667   uredine
13. ceehimo  15H    59   726   home
14. aadeiru   M2    23   749   naiad
15. ?eefqtw  15A    38   787   fewest
16. ceilooy   3A    29   816   cloys
17. agiinor   A3    30   846   congii
18. abeijru  B10    42   888   bajree

Remaining tiles: aiqux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5680 FileLongJump22  4  4:28  -672  216     1.5680 LongJump22  4  4:28  -672  216 
  2.5611 FileOOOOOO1112  2  4:50  -792   96     2.5611 OOOOOO1112  2  4:50  -792   96 
  3.5646 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:41  -829   59     3.5646 MMMMMM1112  1  1:41  -829   59 
  4.5611 FileNNNNNN1112  0  0:47  -860   28     4.5611 NNNNNN1112  0  0:47  -860   28 
  5.5642 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:18  -867   21     5.5642 LLLLLL1112  0  1:18  -867   21 

On 1st draw, POGY H6 20 --- POGY a marine fish [n]
Other tops: GAPY H5 20, GAPY H6 20, GAPY H7 20, GAPY H8 20, POGY H5 20, POGY H7 20, POGY H8 20
Other moves: GYP H6 18, GYP H7 18, GYP H8 18, IGAPO H4 18, IGAPO H8 18

On 2nd draw, WAB G7 37 --- WAB a web [n]
Other tops: WAB(S) G7 37
Other moves: W(A)B G7 35, BE(D)EW I3 29, BE(S)AW I3 29, W(O)E I7 27, BE(D)EW G9 26

On 3rd draw, NAZIS F8 46 --- NAZI a type of fascist [n]
Other moves: NAZI F8 45, SAZ F8 44, SPAZ 6G 44, ZAS F8 35, ZA F8 32

On 4th draw, ESTRUMS E2 73 --- ESTRUM the period of heat in female mammals [n]
Other tops: MUSTERS E2 73, STUMERS E2 73
Other moves: ESTRUMS I9 71, STUMERS I9 71, MISTERS 11E 36, MISUSER 11E 36, SISTRUM 11E 36

On 5th draw, THOLED 1C 52 --- THOLE to endure [v]
Other tops: HOLDER 1D 52
Other moves: HOLED 1D 49, HORDE 1D 49, HOTEL 1D 46, LITHOED 11E 44, DOETH 1D 43

On 6th draw, SPARKLET 12F 80 --- SPARKLET a small spark [n]
Other moves: TRAPLIKE 11A 78, SPARKLET 3E 70, KELP E11 34, KEPT E11 34, PEAK I4 34

On 7th draw, ORCEINS 2H 83 --- ORCEIN a reddish brown dye [n]
Other tops: ORCINES 2H 83
Other moves: COINERS N6 82, CRONIES N6 82, COINTERS 4A 78, CRONIES I2 78, ORCEINS I2 78

On 8th draw, STOTIN(O)V N2 62 --- STOTIN a monetary unit of Slovenia [n]
Other tops: ST(O)TINOV N2 62
Other moves: VI(S)ON N10 44, VI(S)TO N10 44, (P)OTHOLED 1A 33, OVI(S)T N9 29, VI(S) N10 27

On 9th draw, OUTRAVED 4C 82 --- OUTRAVE to surpass in raving [v]
Other moves: VAUD(O)O 8J 30, VR(O)U 8L 30, OUTRAVE 4C 28, VEDUTA 4A 28, RAVED H11 27

On 10th draw, FL(O)G 8L 33 --- FLOG to beat with a whip or rod [v]
Other moves: FL(O)E 8L 30, EF O7 29, FAE O6 28, FEU O6 28, EF I6 26

On 11th draw, AINE 13J 22 --- AINE elder (masculine form) [adj]
Other tops: ENIAC 11K 22
Other moves: CANOE H11 21, CAINS 3A 20, CIONS 3A 20, COINS 3A 20, ICONS 3A 20

On 12th draw, UREDINE 14F 77 --- UREDINE pertaining to uredo [adj]
Other moves: UREDINE 14D 71, ENDER 14J 35, RINSED 3B 31, REINED 14H 28, RUINED 14H 28
UREDINE 14F 77 LongJump22

On 13th draw, HOME 15H 59 --- HOME to return to one's home (place of residence) [v]
Other tops: HEME 15H 59
Other moves: CHEMO 15E 58, HEM 15H 52, HIM 15H 52, HOM 15H 52, HEME 15F 49
HEME 15H 59 MMMMMM1112, LongJump22

On 14th draw, NAIAD M2 23 --- NAIAD a water nymph [n]
Other moves: AD 11K 21, AIRDATE 5I 21, EARD 3I 21, RADIATE 5I 21, NADA M2 19
AD 11K 21 LLLLLL1112

On 15th draw, FEWE(S)T 15A 38 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other moves: EWFTE(S) 15A 37, FEWTE(R) 15A 37, WEFTE(S) 15A 37, FEW(M)ET 15A 35, Q(U)EUE 6B 35
FEWE(S)T 15A 38 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112

On 16th draw, CLOYS 3A 29 --- CLOY to gratify beyond desire [v]
Other moves: COLEY C3 28, COOEY C3 28, COOLIE B10 28, COOLY C3 28, COYS 3B 27

On 17th draw, CONGII A3 30 --- CONGIUS an ancient unit of measure [n]
Other tops: ARCING A1 30, CARING A3 30, CORING A3 30, RACING A1 30, RICING A1 30
Other moves: INCOG A1 27, INGO L2 24, IRON 14A 24, ORCIN A1 24, RACON A1 24

On 18th draw, BAJREE B10 42 --- BAJREE a type of millet [n]
Other moves: ABJURE B10 34, ABJURE D10 30, BAJREE D10 30, PUJA 6H 29, BAJRI 11B 28
BAJREE B10 42 LongJump22

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