Game on October 10, 2024 at 13:59, 5 players
1. 240 pts LongJump22
2. 66 pts NNNNNN1112
3. 40 pts OOOOOO1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 66 66 


I6 34 100 


12G 72 172 


O6 85 257 


K5 86 343 


N1 39 382 


M9 32 414 


2H 62 476 


H1 63 539 


15H 90 629 


14J 65 694 


L1 38 732 


3C 34 766 


D1 46 812 


5B 34 846 


11A 72 918 


1A 51 969 


F7 36 1005 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: novice
LongJump22 2 4:51 -765 240 1.5680 LongJump22 2 4:51 -765 240
NNNNNN1112 0 3:07 -939 66 2.5611 NNNNNN1112 0 3:07 -939 66
OOOOOO1112 0 1:43 -965 40 3.5611 OOOOOO1112 0 1:43 -965 40
LLLLLL1112 0 0:50 -970 35 4.5642 LLLLLL1112 0 0:50 -970 35
MMMMMM1112 0 1:21 -970 35 5.5646 MMMMMM1112 0 1:21 -970 35
On 1st draw, TOOTERS H7 66 --- TOOTER one that toots [n]
Other tops: TOOTERS H2 66, TOOTERS H3 66, TOOTERS H4 66, TOOTERS H6 66, TOOTERS H8 66
Other moves: TOOTERS H5 64, OTTERS H3 14, OTTERS H4 14, OTTERS H7 14, OTTERS H8 14
TOOTERS H4 66 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, FEHME I6 34 --- FEHM a medieval German criminal court [n]
Other tops: FEHME G6 34
Other moves: FEHME I11 33, RHEME I8 33, FEHM I11 32, FEHM G6 31, FEHM I6 31
FEH I9 29 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, ERGA(T)IVE 12G 72 --- ERGATIVE a certain grammatical inflection [n] --- ERGATIVE denoting a certain grammatical case [adj]
Other tops: AG(G)RIEVE 12E 72, A(G)GRIEVE 12E 72, VER(B)IAGE 12F 72
Other moves: E(N)VISAGE 13D 63, GE(N)EVA J10 29, G(L)AIVE J10 29, G(L)EAVE J10 29, G(R)EAVE J10 29
VER(B)IAGE 12F 72 LongJump22
On 4th draw, INPOUR(S) O6 85 --- INPOUR to pour in [v]
Other moves: PRIN(T)OU(T) K5 82, PUR(L)OINS 13A 73, IN(G)ROUP G2 72, PRIN(T)OU(T) K8 66, PUNI(T)OR(Y) K8 66
PUR(L)OINS 13A 73 LongJump22
On 5th draw, CENTOIS(T) K5 86 --- CENTOIST a poem manufacturer [n]
Other moves: SECTIONS 13A 75, NOTICES J1 73, SECTION N3 73, ICESTONE 11A 72, STENO(T)IC K7 68
On 6th draw, BEHIND N1 39 --- BEHIND the buttocks [n]
Other moves: BEHINDS 13B 35, HONIED N1 35, HONED N2 33, BONED N2 31, OBIED N2 31
On 7th draw, WAIVER M9 32 --- WAIVER the act of waiving something [n]
Other moves: AWA M1 31, AWE M1 31, AIRWAVE M7 30, WAIVE M9 30, ARE O1 28
AWE M1 31 NNNNNN1112
On 8th draw, PROLINES 2H 62 --- PROLINE an amino acid [n]
Other moves: OPSIN 15K 43, ORPINS 15H 40, PRIONS 15H 40, PRISON 15J 40, PROINS 15H 40
On 9th draw, APEX H1 63 --- APEX the highest point [n]
Other moves: OXTERS 14I 58, SEXTO 1D 51, BABE 1L 48, BOBA 1L 48, SAX 15M 43
On 10th draw, GUANASE 15H 90 --- GUANASE an enzyme [n]
Other moves: GUANASES 13A 73, GUANAS 15H 37, NAUSEA 15J 34, SABE 1L 32, SUBA 1L 32
On 11th draw, FIERY 14J 65 --- FIERY intensely hot [adj]
Other moves: FRY 14L 33, FY G8 33, FIER 14J 32, LUBE 1L 32, FEY G3 31
On 12th draw, JILT L1 38 --- JILT to discard a lover [v]
Other moves: LOBI 1L 32, JOINTS 13C 31, DJIN 4L 26, ISO O1 26, NODI M2 25
On 13th draw, REMAKE 3C 34 --- MAKE to cause to exist [v] --- REMAKE to make over again [v]
Other moves: YARK G3 33, YERK G3 33, YAK G3 32, MARKETS 13B 31, TRYKES 13C 31
On 14th draw, ZOEA D1 46 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: ZOBO 2B 40, ZABRA F2 38, ZAMBO E1 36, AZOTE 10E 34, BEZOAR D2 34
On 15th draw, WILCO 5B 34 --- WILCO used to indicate that a message received will be complied with [interj]
Other moves: CLOW 5C 32, WOULD 5A 32, CLOUD 5C 30, COULD 5A 30, DOLCI 5B 30
On 16th draw, INDAGATE 11A 72 --- INDAGATE to investigate [v]
Other moves: DITZ 1A 42, ADNATE G7 31, ANA M1 30, AND G7 25, ANTA G7 25
On 17th draw, TOUZY 1A 51 --- TOUZY shaggy [adj]
Other moves: YUTZ 1A 48, LUTZ 1A 39, RUBY G6 38, BUOY G6 36, BUY 10D 36
On 18th draw, BURQA F7 36 --- BURQA a coverall worn by Muslim women [n]
Other moves: BLUID A8 30, DUB 10D 28, QUAD D9 28, BRUTE G8 25, BUTE 10F 25
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