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Game on October 10, 2024 at 16:59, 6 players
1. 658 pts Inkey
2. 167 pts LongJump22
3. 82 pts MMMMMM1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aabbemt   H4    26    26   bemata
 2. aehjory   G7    55    81   hejra
 3. aiikltu   I7    43   124   taki
 4. deissuy  12D    42   166   sudsy
 5. aeelnsx  H11    54   220   xylan
 6. deenotu   J6    43   263   detenu
 7. aaeillr  F10    24   287   aldea
 8. ?iopqtu   5A    86   373   postique
 9. eensstv  15A    37   410   events
10. deiprwy   A1    51   461   drippy
11. abgioou   4H    24   485   bugaboo
12. ehimort   C4    64   549   isotherm
13. eiilovw   2A    36   585   rilievo
14. ?efinrz   N2    68   653   bronze
15. adefino   8L    52   705   fido
16. aegiorw  12J    32   737   earwig
17. efginsw  E11    42   779   fun
18. celorsw   1G    91   870   scowler

Remaining tiles: cgino

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7791 FileInkey       4 11:48  -212  658     1.7791 Inkey       4 11:48  -212  658 
  2.5680 FileLongJump22  1  2:43  -703  167            Group: novice
  3.5646 FileMMMMMM1112  0  2:06  -788   82     1.5680 LongJump22  1  2:43  -703  167 
  4.5638 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:19  -829   41     2.5646 MMMMMM1112  0  2:06  -788   82 
  5.5581 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:49  -829   41     3.5638 LLLLLL1112  0  1:19  -829   41 
  6.5581 FileOOOOOO1112  1  0:54  -838   32     4.5581 NNNNNN1112  0  1:49  -829   41 
                                             5.5581 OOOOOO1112  1  0:54  -838   32 

On 1st draw, BEMATA H4 26 --- BEMA a platform in a synagogue [n]
Other moves: ABEAM H8 24, BEMATA H3 22, BEMATA H7 22, BEMATA H8 22, ABEAM H4 20

On 2nd draw, HEJRA G7 55 --- HEJRA the flight of Mohammed from Mecca [n]
Other moves: HAJ G7 53, JAY G7 53, HAJ G5 47, AHOY I6 42, RAJ G5 41
JAY G7 53 Inkey

On 3rd draw, TAKI I7 43 --- TAKI a wild horse [n]
Other moves: TAK I7 42, LITAI I5 34, KAIL I9 32, KALI I9 32, KATI I9 32
TAKI I7 43 Inkey

On 4th draw, SUDSY 12D 42 --- SUDSY foamy [adj]
Other moves: SED J8 34, DEYS 12D 32, DISEUSE 5E 32, DISUSE 12C 32, DYES 12D 32
DYES 12D 32 Inkey

On 5th draw, XYLAN H11 54 --- XYLAN a substance found in cell walls of plants [n]
Other moves: LAX 11C 40, LEX 11C 40, SAX 11C 40, SEX 11C 40, LAXES J4 39
LAX 11C 40 Inkey

On 6th draw, DETENU J6 43 --- DETENU a prisoner [n]
Other moves: ETEN J7 36, TED J8 34, DETENUE 5E 32, NETE J6 32, TENDU J8 31
TED J8 34 Inkey

On 7th draw, ALDEA F10 24 --- ALDEA a Spanish village [n]
Other tops: ALDER F10 24
Other moves: ILLER K3 21, ARD F10 20, ELD F10 20, ALAR K4 19, LAER K4 19
LAIR K4 19 Inkey

On 8th draw, PO(S)TIQUE 5A 86 --- POSTIQUE an imitation [n]
Other moves: PA(R)AQUITO 14E 71, QUIPO(S) 15A 63, QUOIT(S) 15A 51, QUIPO(S) K2 42, PIQU(E) K11 38
QUIPO(S) 15A 63 Inkey

On 9th draw, EVENTS 15A 37 --- EVENT something that occurs [n] --- EVENT to ride in a horse-riding event [v]
Other tops: SEVENS 15A 37
Other moves: NEVES I1 35, EVES I2 34, VEES I2 31, ESNES I1 29, NETES I1 29
EVENTS 15A 37 Inkey

On 10th draw, DRIPPY A1 51 --- DRIPPY very wet [adj]
Other moves: YIPPED A3 45, YIPPER A3 42, DIPPER A3 36, RIPPED A3 36, WIPED K3 34
WIPED K3 34 Inkey

On 11th draw, BUGABOO 4H 24 --- BUGABOO a cause for anxiety [n]
Other moves: BIGOT D1 22, RUBIGO 2A 22, BAGUIO K1 21, GOBO K11 20, OI 6E 19
BIGOT D1 22 Inkey

On 12th draw, I(S)OTHERM C4 64 --- ISOTHERM a line on a map connecting points of equal mean temperature [n]
Other moves: HOMER 5K 40, HOMIE 5K 40, HORME 5K 40, HOMIE 3K 39, HERM 5K 38
HOMIE 5K 40 Inkey

On 13th draw, RILIEVO 2A 36 --- RILIEVO the projection of figures or forms from a flat background [n]
Other moves: LOWE 5K 29, LOW 3K 28, OWL 3L 28, WOE 5K 28, LEW 5K 25
WOE 5K 28 Inkey

On 14th draw, (B)RONZE N2 68 --- BRONZE to colour brown or tan [v]
Other moves: ZIF(F) 1G 56, ZIN(G)ER 1G 56, ZI(F)F 1G 56, Z(A)NIER 1G 56, Z(A)RF 1G 56
Z(A)RF 1G 56 LongJump22
Z(A)IRE 1G 50 Inkey

On 15th draw, FIDO 8L 52 --- FIDO a defective coin [n]
Other tops: FADE 8L 52, FADO 8L 52
Other moves: FAND 8L 51, FEND 8L 51, FIND 8L 51, FOND 8L 51, FANE 8L 48
FADE 8L 52 Inkey
FOINED O7 41 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112

On 16th draw, EARWIG 12J 32 --- EARWIG to insinuate against in secret [v]
Other tops: WAGER 1G 32
Other moves: GOWN 5K 31, WAIN 5K 30, WARN 5K 30, WORN 5K 30, WAGE 1G 29
WAGER 1G 32 Inkey, LongJump22, OOOOOO1112

On 17th draw, FUN E11 42 --- FUN providing enjoyment [adj] --- FUN to act playfully [v]
Other moves: SEWING 1G 38, WIFES 1G 38, WINGES 1G 38, FEIGNS N10 36, GIES O1 35
WIFES 1G 38 LongJump22
WINGES 1G 38 Inkey

On 18th draw, SCOWLER 1G 91 --- SCOWLER one that scowls [n]
Other tops: SCROWLE 1G 91
Other moves: WOES O1 41, SCROWL 1G 38, CLAWER K2 33, ECHOS 8A 33, OCHER 8A 33
SCOWLER 1G 41 Inkey, MMMMMM1112

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