Game on October 10, 2024 at 20:04, 7 players
1. 629 pts Inkey
2. 281 pts LongJump22
3. 235 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 24 24 


10H 70 94 


N8 76 170 


O4 75 245 


15L 60 305 


M2 76 381 


I4 73 454 


2J 34 488 


1H 33 521 


1N 32 553 


L4 54 607 


4D 40 647 


E4 86 733 


2B 82 815 


8A 36 851 


F9 72 923 


15D 45 968 


K5 30 998 


1A 38 1036 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Inkey 6 15:41 -407 629 1.9965 Pacific 4 4:48 -801 235
LongJump22 4 3:07 -755 281 Group: advanced
Pacific 4 4:48 -801 235 1.7801 Inkey 6 15:41 -407 629
MMMMMM1112 1 0:51 -976 60 Group: novice
NNNNNN1112 1 1:10 -976 60 1.5680 LongJump22 4 3:07 -755 281
OOOOOO1112 1 1:27 -976 60 2.5675 MMMMMM1112 1 0:51 -976 60
LLLLLL1112 1 1:45 -976 60 3.5581 NNNNNN1112 1 1:10 -976 60
4.5581 OOOOOO1112 1 1:27 -976 60
5.5638 LLLLLL1112 1 1:45 -976 60
On 1st draw, QIS H8 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QIS H6 24, QIS H7 24
Other moves: QI H7 22, QI H8 22, LILOS H4 12, LILOS H8 12, LILTS H4 12
QIS H6 24 Pacific
On 2nd draw, SURPLICE 10H 70 --- SURPLICE a loose-fitting vestment [n]
Other moves: PIRLICUE 9G 67, PIRLICUE 9D 66, PICUL G9 22, PUCER G9 22, PULIER G9 21
SURPLICE 10H 70 LongJump22
PUCER G9 22 Inkey
On 3rd draw, ACCRUING N8 76 --- ACCRUE to come as an increase or addition [v]
Other tops: CINGULAR L5 76
Other moves: ANERGIC O8 36, EUCAIN O10 33, GRECIAN O8 33, AREIC O8 30, CUEING O8 30
ACCRUING N8 76 LongJump22
CRINGE O5 27 Inkey
On 4th draw, ADMIX O4 75 --- ADMIX to mix [v]
Other moves: MAX O6 63, MAXED O4 63, MIX O6 63, MIXED O4 63, ADMIXT O3 60
ADMIX O4 75 Inkey, LongJump22, Pacific
On 5th draw, JOGS 15L 60 --- JOG to run at a slow, steady pace [v]
Other moves: JONGS 15K 42, JOLES L8 40, JOGGLES L6 36, EGGNOGS 15I 33, JOGGED 5J 32
JOGS 15L 60 Inkey, LongJump22, Pacific, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
On 6th draw, TOASTER M2 76 --- TOASTER a device for toasting [n]
Other tops: ROTATES M2 76
Other moves: SEATROUT 12H 70, RETOTALS L4 68, ROSTRATE J6 60, ARETTS M3 24, ASTERT M3 24
TOASTER M2 76 Pacific
TOASTER M2 26 Inkey
On 7th draw, TENUIOU(S) I4 73 --- TENUIOUS slender [adj]
Other moves: E(R)UPTION K7 68, (R)ITENUTO 2G 68, TENUIOU(S) 12H 66, E(L)UTIONS 5F 64, OUT(L)INES 5F 64
NITE L1 18 Inkey
On 8th draw, HANTLE 2J 34 --- HANTLE a large amount [n]
Other tops: H**L*HAOLE L1 34
Other moves: HELIO H1 32, LOHAN H1 32, ELHI L2 30, HAEN L4 30, HAIL L1 30
HELIO H1 32 Inkey
On 9th draw, AWA(T)O 1H 33 --- AWATO (Maori) a wormlike fungus [n]
Other tops: GOWLA(N) 1F 33, LOGWA(Y) 1F 33
Other moves: AW 1N 32, A(N)GOLA 1G 31, A(V)OWAL 1F 31, GOWA(N) H1 31, GOWA(N) 1G 30
AW 1N 32 Inkey
On 10th draw, EH 1N 32 --- EH to say 'Eh' [v] --- EH used to express doubt or surprise [interj]
Other moves: HEIR L4 30, HIE L4 26, HYPER K8 26, HYEING 6E 25, GRIPEY K7 24
EH 1N 32 Inkey
On 11th draw, ZEIN L4 54 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other moves: MISWEEN 5E 48, WINZES 2C 40, WIZEN 2D 39, WIZES 2D 39, MIZEN 2D 38
WIZEN 2D 39 Inkey
On 12th draw, KONFYT 4D 40 --- KONFYT a South African jam [n]
Other moves: FY J5 34, FROE K5 32, YEUK 12L 32, YOUK 12L 32, ONY J4 31
FY J5 34 Inkey
On 13th draw, OUTLEADS E4 86 --- OUTLEAD to surpass in leading [v]
Other moves: SALUTED 2B 73, AULDEST 2B 72, UNSALTED F3 65, SAUT J4 31, SEAT J4 31
SEAT J4 31 Inkey
On 14th draw, PAWNAGE 2B 82 --- PAWNAGE the act of pawning [n]
Other moves: PAWNEE 8A 36, PAEAN D8 34, AGAPE 8A 33, WENGE 8A 33, APAGE 8A 30
PAWNEE 8A 36 Inkey
On 15th draw, REIVE 8A 36 --- REIVE to plunder [v]
Other tops: RIEVE 8A 36, TROVE 8A 36
Other moves: VETO 3A 32, VETOER 8A 30, EVITE 8A 27, REVIE 8A 27, TIRO 3A 26
TROVE 8A 36 Inkey
On 16th draw, DOTTIER F9 72 --- DOTTY crazy [adj]
Other moves: REDO 3A 30, DERO 3A 28, DROIT F8 27, RIOTED F8 27, DIET F8 26
REDO 3A 30 Inkey
On 17th draw, FERRY 15D 45 --- FERRY to transport by ferry (a type of boat) [v]
Other tops: FIRRY 15D 45
Other moves: YIRRED 15D 42, BERRY 15D 39, DERBY 15D 39, FIBRED 15C 39, FIRED 15D 39
FERRY 15D 45 Inkey
On 18th draw, BLED K5 30 --- BLEED to lose blood [v]
Other moves: GLEBE 14B 25, DEB 3A 24, DIB 3A 24, GIB 3A 24, VEG 3A 24
VIDE 14C 16 Inkey
On 19th draw, GOBO 1A 38 --- GOBO a device used to shield a microphone from extraneous sounds [n]
Other moves: GOBO 3A 36, OBO 3B 32, MOB 1A 29, VIM 3A 28, BIOME 14B 27
GOBO 1A 38 Inkey
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