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Game on October 12, 2024 at 07:19, 11 players
1. 484 pts fatcat
2. 363 pts Chelsea
3. 241 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aabiknt   H8    32    32   batik
 2. iloorty   I8    79   111   olitory
 3. ??aeint   8G    80   191   abominate
 4. defhiow   J6    31   222   homed
 5. deiiops   N8    32   254   topside
 6. aeelnor  15K    29   283   leare
 7. abhiitz   7E    44   327   biz
 8. degiltw   8A    34   361   dwile
 9. aeglnsw   C3    78   439   swealing
10. einoorv   4A    30   469   vower
11. acimpsu   L6    78   547   panicums
12. aenotuy   B6    32   579   yaw
13. aemnosu   M6    33   612   omasa
14. aceoruu   A1    30   642   cruve
15. aghinru   1A    95   737   churinga
16. adnnotx   N1    86   823   nontax
17. egortuv   1L    33   856   vent
18. degnoru   3G    76   932   grounden
19. effijqt   F6    31   963   qi

Remaining tiles: effijt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6381 Filefatcat      5 11:25  -479  484     1.7223 Chelsea     4  9:26  -600  363 
  2.7223 FileChelsea     4  9:26  -600  363     2.7547 sicilianc5  2  3:09  -846  117 
  3.5659 FileLongJump22  3  2:54  -722  241     3.7898 moonmonkey  1  0:44  -877   86 
  4.7547 Filesicilianc5  2  3:09  -846  117     4.7385 Mycophot    1  1:05  -877   86 
  5.7898 Filemoonmonkey  1  0:44  -877   86     5.7507 queen66     0  1:51  -913   50 
  6.7385 FileMycophot    1  1:05  -877   86            Group: intermediate
  7.5717 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:35  -913   50     1.6381 fatcat      5 11:25  -479  484 
  8.7507 Filequeen66     0  1:51  -913   50            Group: novice
  9.5677 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:16  -933   30     1.5659 LongJump22  3  2:54  -722  241 
 10.5677 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:35  -933   30     2.5717 MMMMMM1112  0  1:35  -913   50 
 11.5717 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:56  -933   30     3.5677 NNNNNN1112  1  1:16  -933   30 
                                             4.5677 OOOOOO1112  1  1:35  -933   30 
                                             5.5717 LLLLLL1112  1  1:56  -933   30 

On 1st draw, BATIK H8 32 --- BATIK an Indonesian dyed fabric [n] --- BATIK to dye fabric by a particular process [v]
Other tops: BANAK H8 32
Other moves: BANKIT H4 30, BANAK H4 28, BATIK H4 28, KIAAT H4 28, BANKIT H3 26
BANK H6 20 fatcat

On 2nd draw, OLITORY I8 79 --- OLITORY a pot-herb [n]
Other moves: OLITORY I2 69, TOYO I7 27, TROY G6 25, TROY I6 25, KILTY 12H 24
BOOTY 8H 14 fatcat

On 3rd draw, (A)BO(M)INATE 8G 80 --- ABOMINATE [v]
Other tops: ABO(M)IN(A)TE 8G 80
Other moves: IN(U)(S)ITATE 11D 78, NI(C)TITA(T)E 11D 78, NI(C)(T)ITATE 11D 78, N(O)(V)ITIATE 11E 78, TI(T)ANITE(S) 11C 78
RETAIN 13I 12 fatcat

On 4th draw, HO(M)ED J6 31 --- HOME to return to one's home (place of residence) [v]
Other tops: DOWIE 9K 31
Other moves: FEH 7M 29, FEH 9K 29, FEW 7M 29, FEW 9K 29, FOH 9K 29
HO(M)ED J6 31 Chelsea
FE H14 23 fatcat

On 5th draw, TOPSIDE N8 32 --- TOPSIDE the upper portion of a ship [n]
Other moves: IODISE K5 31, ADIPOSE M8 24, APODES M8 24, DEPOSIT N2 24, DOPIEST N2 24
DOPE K3 19 fatcat

On 6th draw, LEARE 15K 29 --- LEARE to teach [v]
Other tops: LEARN 15K 29
Other moves: AERO 15L 26, EARL 15L 26, EARN 15L 26, EORL 15L 26, LARE 15L 26
LEARN 15K 29 fatcat
LARE 15L 26 Chelsea

On 7th draw, BIZ 7E 44 --- BIZ slang for business [n]
Other moves: THIAZIN L2 38, BAIZE L11 32, HAZE L12 32, ZATI K3 31, ZITI K3 31
BIZ 7E 44 fatcat
ZITI K3 31 Chelsea

On 8th draw, DWILE 8A 34 --- DWILE a mop [n]
Other moves: GLIDE 8A 31, TILDE 8A 28, WELDING L3 24, DWILE K2 23, BEWIG E7 22
DAW M7 22 Chelsea
WIDE 13L 16 fatcat

On 9th draw, SWEALING C3 78 --- SWEALING the act of swealing [n]
Other moves: LEWIS K5 30, GALENA 9G 27, BEGNAWS E7 26, WANGLES B8 26, WANGLE K1 25
WAGE K3 21 fatcat, Chelsea

On 10th draw, VOWER 4A 30 --- VOWER one that vows [n]
Other moves: VIER D2 28, INWOVE 4A 26, WIVERN 4C 26, VIE D2 24, VOE D2 24
VOWER 4A 30 Chelsea
ROVE K3 19 fatcat

On 11th draw, PANICUMS L6 78 --- PANICUM a grass [n]
Other moves: SCAMPI K3 35, CAMPI K4 33, IMPIS K5 33, ASPIC 11B 31, CAMIS K5 31
PALES 9G 28 Chelsea
CAMPUS I1 20 fatcat

On 12th draw, YAW B6 32 --- YAW to deviate from an intended course [v]
Other tops: YEW B6 32
Other moves: ONY B4 29, YAE K11 28, YEA K11 28, YOU K11 28, ATONY K2 27
YAW B6 32 Chelsea
NY H14 20 fatcat

On 13th draw, OMASA M6 33 --- OMASUM the third stomach of a ruminant [n]
Other moves: MASON M7 32, AMOVE A1 30, MAUVE A1 30, OUMA M12 29, UNSEAM 11A 29
MAUVE A1 30 fatcat, Chelsea
AMOVE A1 30 LongJump22

On 14th draw, CRUVE A1 30 --- CRUVE a pen or sty [n]
Other tops: CARVE A1 30, CRAVE A1 30, CURVE A1 30
Other moves: OCREA N2 25, BERCEAU E7 22, ERUV A1 21, REO J12 21, CZ(A)R G6 20
CURVE A1 30 Chelsea
CRAVE A1 30 fatcat
CARVE A1 30 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112

On 15th draw, CHURINGA 1A 95 --- CHURINGA a type of amulet [n]
Other moves: ANIGH N2 50, NIGH N3 32, UGH N4 31, NAH N4 30, RAH N4 30
CHURINGA 1A 95 LongJump22
ANIGH N2 50 MMMMMM1112, queen66
NIGH N3 32 fatcat
AHING B10 27 Chelsea

On 16th draw, NONTAX N1 86 --- NONTAX a tax of little consequence [n]
Other moves: OX 6E 55, NOX N4 54, TAX N4 54, AX N5 53, OX N5 53
NONTAX N1 86 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot, sicilianc5
OX 6E 55 fatcat, Chelsea

On 17th draw, VENT 1L 33 --- VENT to provide with a vent (an opening for the escape of gas or liquid) [v]
Other moves: URGENT 1J 27, GOVERN 3I 24, LOUVER D8 23, LOUVRE D8 23, OUVERT D10 23
VENT 1L 33 fatcat

On 18th draw, GROUNDEN 3G 76 --- GRIND to wear, smooth, or sharpen by friction [v]
Other moves: UNDERGO 3E 64, UNGORED 3E 64, ENNOG 9A 27, UNGORD B10 25, BEROUGED E7 24
GROUND 3J 16 fatcat

On 19th draw, QI F6 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: FIFE O12 31
Other moves: JUT J2 26, FETE O12 25, EFT 4L 23, FE H14 23, JIFFY 14E 23
QI F6 31 fatcat
FIFE O12 31 sicilianc5

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