Game on October 12, 2024 at 19:39, 8 players
1. 543 pts Mycophot
2. 478 pts sunshine12
3. 212 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 64 64
2. 8A 83 147
3. 13C 26 173
4. G7 36 209
5. I8 39 248
6. 12A 31 279
7. E4 82 361
8. 4D 80 441
9. H1 33 474
10. 3J 39 513
11. A10 48 561
12. B6 37 598
13. N1 28 626
14. 1L 33 659
15. O5 35 694
16. 14I 72 766
17. K8 70 836
18. 5H 38 874
19. 15F 48 922
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7464 Mycophot 9 13:21 -379 543 1.7464 Mycophot 9 13:21 -379 543
2.7174 sunshine12 6 13:59 -444 478 2.7174 sunshine12 6 13:59 -444 478
3.5659 LongJump22 3 2:37 -710 212 3.7586 queen66 3 8:21 -745 177
4.7586 queen66 3 8:21 -745 177 Group: novice
5.5743 MMMMMM1112 1 1:19 -886 36 1.5659 LongJump22 3 2:37 -710 212
6.5677 OOOOOO1112 1 1:55 -886 36 2.5743 MMMMMM1112 1 1:19 -886 36
7.5677 NNNNNN1112 0 1:44 -893 29 3.5677 OOOOOO1112 1 1:55 -886 36
8.5755 LLLLLL1112 1 1:55 -896 26 4.5677 NNNNNN1112 0 1:44 -893 29
5.5755 LLLLLL1112 1 1:55 -896 26
On 1st draw, (I)NULASE H7 64 --- INULASE an enzyme [n]
Other tops: AN(G)ELUS H3 64, AN(G)ELUS H4 64, AN(G)ELUS H6 64, AN(G)ELUS H7 64, AN(G)ELUS H8 64, ELUAN(T)S H2 64, ELUAN(T)S H3 64, ELUAN(T)S H4 64, ELUAN(T)S H6 64, ELUAN(T)S H8 64, LAN(G)UES H2 64, LAN(G)UES H3 64, LAN(G)UES H4 64, LAN(G)UES H6 64, LAN(G)UES H7 64, LAN(G)UES H8 64, LAUN(C)ES H2 64, LAUN(C)ES H3 64, LAUN(C)ES H4 64, LAUN(C)ES H6 64, LAUN(C)ES H7 64, LA(C)UNES H3 64, LA(C)UNES H4 64, LA(C)UNES H6 64, LA(C)UNES H7 64, LA(C)UNES H8 64, LA(G)UNES H3 64, LA(G)UNES H4 64, LA(G)UNES H6 64, LA(G)UNES H7 64, LA(G)UNES H8 64, LUNA(T)ES H2 64, LUNA(T)ES H3 64, LUNA(T)ES H4 64, LUNA(T)ES H6 64, LUNA(T)ES H7 64, NE(B)ULAS H3 64, NE(B)ULAS H4 64, NE(B)ULAS H6 64, NE(B)ULAS H7 64, NE(B)ULAS H8 64, SEN(S)UAL H2 64, SEN(S)UAL H3 64, SEN(S)UAL H4 64, SEN(S)UAL H6 64, SEN(S)UAL H7 64, SEN(S)UAL H8 64, UNLAS(T)E H2 64, UNLAS(T)E H3 64, UNLAS(T)E H4 64, UNLAS(T)E H6 64, UNLAS(T)E H8 64, UNLA(C)ES H2 64, UNLA(C)ES H3 64, UNLA(C)ES H4 64, UNLA(C)ES H6 64, UNLA(C)ES H7 64, UNLA(D)ES H2 64, UNLA(D)ES H3 64, UNLA(D)ES H4 64, UNLA(D)ES H6 64, UNLA(D)ES H7 64, UNLEAS(H) H2 64, UNLEAS(H) H3 64, UNLEAS(H) H4 64, UNLEAS(H) H7 64, UNLEAS(H) H8 64, UNLEA(D)S H2 64, UNLEA(D)S H3 64, UNLEA(D)S H4 64, UNLEA(D)S H6 64, UNLEA(D)S H8 64, UNSEAL(S) H2 64, UNSEAL(S) H3 64, UNSEAL(S) H4 64, UNSEAL(S) H7 64, UNSEAL(S) H8 64, UNS(C)ALE H2 64, UNS(C)ALE H3 64, UNS(C)ALE H4 64, UNS(C)ALE H6 64, UNS(C)ALE H7 64, UNS(C)ALE H8 64, UNS(H)ALE H2 64, UNS(H)ALE H3 64, UNS(H)ALE H4 64, UNS(H)ALE H6 64, UNS(H)ALE H7 64, UNS(H)ALE H8 64, UN(B)ALES H3 64, UN(B)ALES H4 64, UN(B)ALES H6 64, UN(B)ALES H7 64, UN(B)ALES H8 64, UN(H)EALS H3 64, UN(H)EALS H4 64, UN(H)EALS H6 64, UN(H)EALS H7 64, UN(H)EALS H8 64, UN(S)EALS H3 64, UN(S)EALS H4 64, UN(S)EALS H6 64, UN(S)EALS H7 64, UN(S)EALS H8 64, UN(W)EALS H3 64, UN(W)EALS H4 64, UN(W)EALS H6 64, UN(W)EALS H7 64, UN(W)EALS H8 64, U(P)LEANS H2 64, U(P)LEANS H4 64, U(P)LEANS H6 64, U(P)LEANS H7 64, U(P)LEANS H8 64, (C)ENSUAL H2 64, (C)ENSUAL H3 64, (C)ENSUAL H6 64, (C)ENSUAL H7 64, (C)ENSUAL H8 64, (F)LAUNES H2 64, (F)LAUNES H3 64, (F)LAUNES H6 64, (F)LAUNES H7 64, (F)LAUNES H8 64, (I)NSULAE H2 64, (I)NSULAE H3 64, (I)NSULAE H6 64, (I)NSULAE H7 64, (I)NSULAE H8 64, (I)NULASE H2 64, (I)NULASE H3 64, (I)NULASE H6 64, (I)NULASE H8 64, (M)ENSUAL H2 64, (M)ENSUAL H3 64, (M)ENSUAL H6 64, (M)ENSUAL H7 64, (M)ENSUAL H8 64, (S)ENSUAL H2 64, (S)ENSUAL H3 64, (S)ENSUAL H6 64, (S)ENSUAL H7 64, (S)ENSUAL H8 64
Other moves: AN(G)ELUS H2 62, AN(G)ELUS H5 62, ELUAN(T)S H5 62, ELUAN(T)S H7 62, LAN(G)UES H5 62
UNLEAS(H) H4 64 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, COUNTIAN 8A 83 --- COUNTIAN a resident of a county [n]
Other moves: CAUTIONS 12A 76, ANTICOUS 12A 72, AUCTIONS 12A 72, AUCTION I1 65, CAUTION I1 63
COUNTIAN 8A 83 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, ALLICES 13C 26 --- ALLICE a fish of the shad family [n]
Other moves: LAWS G11 24, WALLIES 13C 24, LAW G11 23, ALLICE 13C 22, AWLS 14E 22
On 4th draw, MAYAN G7 36 --- MAYA the power to produce illusions, in Hindu philosophy [adj] --- MAYAN pertaining to maya [adj]
Other moves: FAME 12A 34, MAYA G7 33, FEALTY D10 32, FELTY D11 30, MAY G7 30
MAYAN G7 36 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, Mycophot, OOOOOO1112
YEA 7C 23 sunshine12
On 5th draw, SPAG I8 39 --- SPAG (of a cat) to scratch with the claws [v] --- SPAG an Italian person [n]
Other moves: UPSTAIR E5 36, SPA I8 33, GUITARS E5 32, PARIS F10 29, PRIGS I4 28
SPAG I8 39 sunshine12
PARIS F10 29 LongJump22, Mycophot, queen66, NNNNNN1112
On 6th draw, WADE 12A 31 --- WADE to walk through water [v]
Other tops: WIDE 12A 31
Other moves: WAID 14C 28, WATE 12A 28, WETA 12A 28, WITE 12A 28, WAILED D10 24
WADE 12A 31 Mycophot, queen66, sunshine12
On 7th draw, SUETTIER E4 82 --- SUETTY resembling suet [adj]
Other moves: ESURIENT D2 66, RENAGUES 11E 36, RENAGUE 11E 32, SUETIER E5 28, TERTIUS E5 28
SUETTIER E4 32 Mycophot
REWETS A10 27 sunshine12
On 8th draw, ISOLEXE(S) 4D 80 --- ISOLEX a line delineating a geographical region where a vocabulary item is used [n]
Other moves: OXLI(K)E 14I 58, WEXE A12 42, X(Y)LOSE 4A 40, WEX(E) A12 39, W(E)XE A12 39
OXLI(K)E 14I 58 Mycophot
(S)ILEX D1 35 sunshine12
On 9th draw, WAVER H1 33 --- WAVER to move back and forth [v]
Other tops: WIVER H1 33
Other moves: WAVE H1 30, WIVE H1 30, WAB 3H 28, VIBE H1 27, VROUW B6 27
WIVER H1 33 sunshine12
WAB 3H 28 Mycophot, queen66
On 10th draw, PIZED 3J 39 --- PIZED
Other moves: GIZMO B4 37, MAIZE 2G 36, PEIZE J3 36, MZEE J1 35, PIZE 3J 35
PIZED 3J 39 Mycophot, queen66
ZEA 2F 32 sunshine12
On 11th draw, HOWKER A10 48 --- HOWKER small fishing-vessel [n]
Other tops: HAWKER A10 48
Other moves: HONKER 5J 38, AWOKE A11 36, AWORK A11 36, HANKER 14I 35, HARKEN 14I 35
HAWKER A10 48 Mycophot, sunshine12, queen66
On 12th draw, VROOM B6 37 --- VROOM to run an engine at high speed [v]
Other moves: JUVE 6B 30, JURE 6B 27, JUTE 6B 27, MOA B10 26, ROOM B7 25
VROOM B6 37 Mycophot
JURE 6B 27 sunshine12
On 13th draw, BEDRID N1 28 --- BEDRID confined to bed [adj]
Other moves: BIB 2M 24, BIDDER N1 24, BED 2M 22, BID 2M 22, DEB 2M 21
BEDRID N1 28 Mycophot
BIB 2M 24 sunshine12
On 14th draw, BABE 1L 33 --- BABE a baby [n]
Other tops: DEBAG O5 33
Other moves: QAID 3A 31, QADI M5 30, QAID M5 29, ABBE 1L 27, ABIDE O6 27
BABE 1L 33 Mycophot
DEBAG O5 33 sunshine12
On 15th draw, TOFF O5 35 --- TOFF a dandy [n]
Other tops: TEFF O5 35
Other moves: FOUET O5 32, FOUNT O5 32, ATONE 2H 30, *FFEFF O6 30, OFF O6 30
TEFF O5 35 Mycophot
TOFF O5 35 sunshine12
On 16th draw, TONDINI 14I 72 --- TONDINO a circular moulding [n]
Other moves: TINED 2K 28, DINE 2K 25, DITE 2K 25, DOITIT 5J 24, NINE 2K 23
TINED 2K 28 sunshine12
TONDINI 14I 22 Mycophot
On 17th draw, NEGATING K8 70 --- NEGATE to nullify [v]
Other tops: AGENTING K8 70
Other moves: AGENE 2J 35, AGATE 2H 31, AGE 2J 30, ANE 2J 28, ANI 2J 28
AGGIE O11 27 Mycophot, sunshine12
IN N13 2 queen66
On 18th draw, RUTH 5H 38 --- RUTH compassion [n]
Other moves: THEIR O11 36, HEIR O12 33, HERE 2K 29, HETE 2K 29, HORE L9 28
THEIR O11 36 sunshine12
HIT M13 12 Mycophot
On 19th draw, JOEY 15F 48 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other moves: JOY 15G 45, JOY 9M 35, EYER 2L 29, EYE 2L 26, JOY L6 26
JOEY 15F 48 Mycophot
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