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Game on October 13, 2024 at 10:58, 2 players
1. 564 pts Chelsea
2. 562 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ailmors   H6    74    74   oralism
 2. aiinops  13H    80   154   sinopia
 3. ?iqtuuy  10C    97   251   ubiquity
 4. aaboptz  N10    74   325   zapata
 5. beeinor   O7    47   372   enrobe
 6. aeeghlo  15L    33   405   heal
 7. bceefnr   E5    56   461   benefic
 8. aeginot  12D    31   492   genom
 9. ?adefmn   D2    93   585   infamed
10. eiiorst   N1    70   655   riotise
11. ddilotu  13C    34   689   dido
12. aaenrtu   M3    82   771   naturae
13. eeghist   2C    71   842   eighties
14. aelrvww   H1    42   884   view
15. agjlotw   1L    57   941   jarl
16. acklotu   L8    35   976   lockup
17. adirrtw  15G    39  1015   diarrheal
18. gotvwxy   1A    44  1059   oxy

Remaining tiles: gtvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7167 FileChelsea     2 16:55  -495  564     1.7167 Chelsea     2 16:55  -495  564 
  2.7179 Filesunshine12  3 17:29  -497  562     2.7179 sunshine12  3 17:29  -497  562 

On 1st draw, ORALISM H6 74 --- ORALISM the use of the oral method for teaching the deaf [n]
Other moves: ORALISM H2 70, ORALISM H3 70, ORALISM H4 70, ORALISM H7 70, ORALISM H8 70
MOLARS H4 22 Chelsea

On 2nd draw, SINOPIA 13H 80 --- SINOPIA a red pigment [n]
Other moves: SINOPIAS 11A 70, SINOPIAS 11H 70, SINOPIA G1 66, ISOSPIN 11E 36, PASSION 11E 36
SPAIN 13H 20 Chelsea, sunshine12

On 3rd draw, U(B)IQUITY 10C 97 --- UBIQUITY the state of being everywhere at the same time [n]
Other moves: U(B)IQUITY 10F 73, U(B)IQUITY M8 69, QUIP(P)Y L10 46, (E)QUITY 10E 45, (S)QUINY J9 45
(S)UQ O13 42 sunshine12
QUIT 10F 33 Chelsea

On 4th draw, ZAPATA N10 74 --- ZAPATA denoting a drooping moustache [adj]
Other moves: TOPAZ 12K 68, TOPAZ L11 52, AZO 12J 45, ZOA 12K 45, ZO 12K 41
AZO 12J 45 Chelsea, sunshine12

On 5th draw, ENROBE O7 47 --- ENROBE to dress [v]
Other moves: IRONE O8 36, EBON O8 31, BIRO O7 29, BRIO O7 29, BEAN 15L 27
BOAR 15L 27 sunshine12
BEAR 15L 27 Chelsea

On 6th draw, HEAL 15L 33 --- HEAL to make sound or whole [v]
Other moves: AH O14 32, EH O14 32, OH O14 32, GALAH 15K 30, GOLPE 12K 29
HEAL 15L 33 Chelsea, sunshine12

On 7th draw, BENEFIC E5 56 --- BENEFIC kindly [adj]
Other moves: FUNEBRE C9 32, ERECT 14J 28, FENCER N2 28, FERE 14I 28, NEF 11C 25
FENCER N2 28 sunshine12
REF 11C 25 Chelsea

On 8th draw, GENOM 12D 31 --- GENOM a haploid set of chromosomes [n]
Other moves: AGONE 12A 29, TINGE 12A 29, TOGAE 12A 29, ATONE 12A 27, AGEN 12C 25
TINGE 8A 24 Chelsea, sunshine12

On 9th draw, (I)NFAMED D2 93 --- INFAME to defame [v]
Other tops: (U)NFAMED D2 93
Other moves: (I)NFAMED F2 87, (U)NFAMED F2 87, (I)NFAMED N1 81, (U)NFAMED N1 81, (I)NFAMED M4 77
(U)NDEAF F1 36 sunshine12
FAMED F4 36 Chelsea

On 10th draw, RIOTISE N1 70 --- RIOTISE riot [n]
Other moves: IRONIEST 3A 68, RIOTISE G1 64, RIOTISE I1 64, TRIOSE 13A 33, TOISE 13B 31
ROTIS 13A 29 Chelsea
RISE 13C 29 sunshine12

On 11th draw, DIDO 13C 34 --- DIDO a mischievous act [n]
Other moves: LIDO 13C 32, LUDO 13C 32, OUTDID M5 31, DID 13C 30, DOD 13C 30
DID 13C 30 Chelsea
DOD F4 24 sunshine12

On 12th draw, NATURAE M3 82 --- NATURA nature [n]
Other moves: (I)NAURATE 2D 61, ETNA O1 28, NATURA M3 28, NATURE M3 28, RATAN M7 28
RETURN 1J 21 sunshine12
TENDER 8A 21 Chelsea

On 13th draw, E(I)GHTIES 2C 71 --- EIGHTY a number [n]
Other moves: ETHE O1 42, ETHERS 1J 39, GHEES C1 36, SHERE 1K 36, SHIRE 1K 36
THERE 1K 36 Chelsea
SHIRT 1K 36 sunshine12

On 14th draw, VIEW H1 42 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other tops: WAWE F4 42
Other moves: AWE F5 38, VAW F4 38, WAW F4 38, LAW F4 35, RAW F4 35
VIEW H1 42 Chelsea
WARE 1L 33 sunshine12

On 15th draw, JARL 1L 57 --- JARL a Scandinavian nobleman [n]
Other moves: JAW 1A 44, JOW 1A 44, JAW F4 42, JOW F4 42, JOW L2 41
JARL 1L 57 sunshine12
JAW 1A 44 Chelsea

On 16th draw, LOCKUP L8 35 --- LOCKUP a jail [n]
Other moves: KO C7 27, KO 12K 26, KOLA L8 26, CHALOT F1 25, KAT L8 25
KO C7 27 sunshine12
KO 12K 26 Chelsea

On 17th draw, DIARRHEAL 15G 39 --- DIARRHEAL [adj]
Other moves: DAW F4 36, RAW F4 35, TAW F4 35, AW F5 34, WADDER 8A 33
DAW F4 36 sunshine12
WARDED 8A 33 Chelsea

On 18th draw, OXY 1A 44 --- OXY containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: EXO I2 40, VOW F4 38, VOX 9A 38, WOX 9A 38, YOW F4 38
OXY 1A 44 sunshine12
VOX 9A 38 Chelsea

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