Game on October 13, 2024 at 11:42, 3 players
1. 279 pts Chelsea
2. 135 pts sunshine12
3. 134 pts ArcticFox
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 40 40
2. 5E 32 72
3. G8 71 143
4. H13 33 176
5. J2 68 244
6. I11 23 267
7. D3 29 296
8. C7 89 385
9. B8 32 417
10. E8 70 487
11. K8 77 564
12. A12 57 621
13. L11 23 644
14. M7 28 672
15. 3J 38 710
16. L3 22 732
17. F2 25 757
18. 15L 33 790
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7147 Chelsea 3 9:34 -511 279 1.7147 Chelsea 3 9:34 -511 279
2.7160 sunshine12 2 5:36 -655 135 2.7160 sunshine12 2 5:36 -655 135
3.6974 ArcticFox 1 5:32 -656 134 Group: intermediate
1.6974 ArcticFox 1 5:32 -656 134
On 1st draw, PREZES H4 40 --- PREZ a president [n]
Other moves: PREZES H3 36, PREZES H7 36, PREZES H8 36, PREZES H5 34, PREZES H6 34
On 2nd draw, LOURING 5E 32 --- LOUR to lower [v] --- LOURING the act of scowling [n]
Other moves: OLINGO I7 26, NOLO I6 25, OLIO I7 23, ONO I7 22, POOLING 4H 20
On 3rd draw, PANGRAM G8 71 --- PANGRAM a sentence that includes all the letters of the alphabet [n]
Other moves: PANGRAMS 9A 67, PRAAM 6B 33, PRAM 6C 26, GRAM 6C 25, MAP 6D 25
On 4th draw, HUB H13 33 --- HUB the center of a wheel [n]
Other moves: BAH H13 32, AHI F13 31, BAH 6D 31, AH F13 30, BIGHA 4A 30
On 5th draw, TWANG(L)ED J2 68 --- TWANGLE to make a sharp, vibrating sound [v]
Other moves: WAGG(L)ED 11E 48, GAW(P)ED 6D 37, (D)AWTED 6D 37, (T)AWTED 6D 37, (V)AWTED 6D 37
On 6th draw, DAINE I11 23 --- DAINE to condescend [v]
Other tops: AIDE I12 23, NIDE I12 23, ODEA F12 23, ODEA F8 23
Other moves: ADO I13 22, DINE I12 22, DINO I12 22, DWINE 3I 22, IDE I13 22
On 7th draw, LACIER D3 29 --- LACEY resembling lacework [adj]
Other tops: ECLAIR D4 29
Other moves: AREIC D1 27, ECLAIR 8J 27, ILEAC D1 27, RELIC D1 27, ERICA D2 25
On 8th draw, NOYSOME C7 89 --- NOYSOME noisome [adj]
Other moves: NOYSOME K8 79, NOYSOME F4 36, GOONEYS K5 31, MOORY 8A 30, MONEYS K8 29
On 9th draw, BAITER B8 32 --- BAITER one that baits [n]
Other moves: REBAIT B6 31, BEAUT D11 30, BITER D11 30, BURET D11 30, TAUBE B8 29
BARE B11 22 Chelsea
On 10th draw, AUDITO(R) E8 70 --- AUDITOR one that audits [n]
Other moves: AUDITO(R) K9 67, OUT(L)AID K9 67, OUT(S)AID K9 67, BEAUTI(E)D 15H 33, OUT(E)D D11 30
ABORD 8A 24 Chelsea
On 11th draw, NOVATED K8 77 --- NOVATED
Other moves: DAVEN K8 24, DEVON K8 24, DEVOT K8 24, DOVEN K8 24, WAVED 3J 24
WAVED 3J 24 Chelsea
On 12th draw, HERY A12 57 --- HERY to praise [v]
Other moves: HERE A12 48, HETE A12 48, HERRY 15A 47, RETRY 15A 38, TERRY 15A 38
HERY A12 57 Chelsea
On 13th draw, LITES L11 23 --- LITE to dismount [v]
Other tops: TILES L11 23
Other moves: ENISLE 8J 21, ENLIST 8J 21, ENSILE 8J 21, ISIT L12 19, LITE L11 19
ENLIST 8J 21 Chelsea, ArcticFox
On 14th draw, ISOLEX M7 28 --- ISOLEX a line delineating a geographical region where a vocabulary item is used [n]
Other moves: DESEX 14K 26, DEXES 14K 26, DEXIE 14K 26, ISOLEX 3A 26, LOX F4 26
SOX F4 26 ArcticFox
LOX F4 26 Chelsea
DEXES 14K 26 sunshine12
On 15th draw, WAQF 3J 38 --- WAQF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other moves: SUQ 8M 36, QUA C1 28, QUALE 3A 28, TOQUE 2J 28, FAE N9 21
SUQ 8M 36 sunshine12, ArcticFox
QUALE 3A 28 Chelsea
On 16th draw, QI L3 22 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: IRE I5 20, ONIE N8 18, NORI N7 16, NIE N9 15, ROE N9 15
QI L3 22 Chelsea, sunshine12
On 17th draw, CROOVE F2 25 --- CROOVE a pen or sty [n]
Other moves: CULVER 3B 24, VELCRO 3B 24, VECTOR N4 23, CLOVE 3C 22, VOTE N6 21
CLOVE 3C 22 Chelsea
SOV 8M 18 sunshine12, ArcticFox
On 18th draw, SIJO 15L 33 --- SIJO a Korean verse [n]
Other tops: JOIN N6 33
Other moves: JO N6 27, SINK 15L 24, SKIN 15L 24, SKIO 15L 24, SOUK 15L 24
JOIN N6 33 ArcticFox, sunshine12, Chelsea
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