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Game on October 13, 2024 at 12:26, 5 players
1. 460 pts sunshine12
2. 407 pts Inkey
3. 363 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cdilnu   H2    74    74   include
 2. aeejlps   6F    32   106   jaups
 3. ?aeeott   4G    68   174   ecostate
 4. aeilnoo   7E    25   199   lande
 5. aentuwy   N1    40   239   tweeny
 6. beinrtt   M6    68   307   bittern
 7. aaekpru   8A    50   357   parka
 8. aeghiir   1L    33   390   hate
 9. adilosw  13I    46   436   woads
10. behimnr  14H    32   468   reh
11. deiosvx  15G    58   526   vex
12. bceilru   A6    65   591   republic
13. ggiloru  12K    22   613   lingo
14. adefinz   2C    77   690   nazified
15. moosuuy   1A    36   726   soom
16. agimorv   3A    40   766   groma
17. dnostuu  14A    37   803   stound
18. efgioru   8K    36   839   ofter
19. egiiquv   9I    31   870   quiet

Remaining tiles: giiivy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7175 Filesunshine12  6 15:04  -410  460     1.7175 sunshine12  6 15:04  -410  460 
  2.7788 FileInkey       4  9:52  -463  407     2.7788 Inkey       4  9:52  -463  407 
  3.7028 FileArcticFox   2 14:18  -507  363     3.7028 ArcticFox   2 14:18  -507  363 
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:59  -849   21            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:26  -861    9     1.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:59  -849   21 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  1:26  -861    9 

On 1st draw, INCLUD(E) H2 74 --- INCLUDE to take in as part of a whole [v]
Other tops: INCUD(A)L H2 74, NUCLID(E) H2 74, UNC(H)ILD H2 74
Other moves: DULCI(A)N H4 72, INCLUD(E) H7 72, INCUD(A)L H8 72, NUCLID(E) H7 72, UNC(H)ILD H6 72

On 2nd draw, JAUPS 6F 32 --- JAUP to splash [v]
Other moves: JAILS 2F 30, LAPJES 5H 30, JAUP 6F 29, JASPE 9F 28, LAPJE 5H 28

On 3rd draw, ECO(S)TATE 4G 68 --- ECOSTATE having no ribs [adj]
Other tops: (D)ENOTATE 3F 68
Other moves: DETO(N)ATE 7H 67, OPE(R)ETTA I5 67, O(U)TEATEN 3A 66, ETIO(L)ATE 2F 59, E(C)OSTATE J3 59

On 4th draw, LANDE 7E 25 --- LANDE a sandy tract in France [n]
Other moves: AIDE 7F 24, LOOIE 5H 23, ONLOAD 7C 21, ALIEN 3K 20, ALIEN 5K 20

On 5th draw, TWEENY N1 40 --- TWEENY a housemaid [n]
Other moves: WEENY N2 38, TAWNY 3E 37, AWNY 3F 36, YAWN 3L 34, TEENY N2 32

On 6th draw, BITTERN M6 68 --- BITTERN a wading bird [n]
Other moves: BITE 1L 27, BITT 1L 27, BE(E)N 8F 25, BE(E)R 8F 25, BE(E)T 8F 25
BITE 1L 27 sunshine12

On 7th draw, PARKA 8A 50 --- PARKA a wind-proof coat [n]
Other moves: UPTAK 8K 42, KATA 1L 39, KETA 1L 39, KUTA 1L 39, APEAK L9 34
PARKA 8A 50 sunshine12

On 8th draw, HATE 1L 33 --- HATE to despise [v]
Other tops: GRAITH 1J 33
Other moves: HEAR N10 32, GARTH 1K 30, GATH 1L 30, GIRTH 1K 30, GRITH 1K 30
HATE 1L 33 sunshine12, Inkey, ArcticFox

On 9th draw, WOADS 13I 46 --- WOAD a blue dye [n]
Other tops: WADIS 13I 46, WALDS 13I 46, WILDS 13I 46, WOLDS 13I 46
Other moves: WAILS 13I 44, WALIS 13I 44, DOWLAS 13H 42, DOWLS 13I 42, WALDOS 13H 42
WILDS 13I 46 Inkey, ArcticFox
WALDS 13I 46 sunshine12

On 10th draw, REH 14H 32 --- REH salt or Indian soil [n]
Other tops: HIE 14J 32, HM 14J 32
Other moves: EH 14I 31, HINTER 8J 30, KIRBEH D8 30, HEM 14H 29, EH N9 28
REH 14H 32 sunshine12
EH 14I 31 Inkey
HEM 14H 29 ArcticFox

On 11th draw, VEX 15G 58 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other moves: EXO 15H 55, DEX 15G 52, EX N9 52, OX N9 52, DOXIE 15D 51
VEX 15G 58 Inkey, sunshine12
OX N9 52 ArcticFox

On 12th draw, REPUBLIC A6 65 --- REPUBLIC a constitutional form of government [n]
Other moves: BEIN 12J 28, BLIN 12J 28, CUITER 8J 27, CULTER 8J 27, LUETIC 8J 27
CULTER 8J 27 sunshine12, ArcticFox
CUTIE 8K 24 Inkey

On 13th draw, LINGO 12K 22 --- LINGO strange or incomprehensible language [n]
Other moves: GUIRO L7 19, AGIO B8 18, INGO 12L 18, LING 12K 18, LONG 12K 18
CORGI 13A 16 ArcticFox, Inkey
TUG 8M 12 sunshine12

On 14th draw, NAZIFIED 2C 77 --- NAZIFY to cause to be like a nazi [v]
Other moves: ENZIAN 3G 55, REPUBLICAN A6 48, ZEATIN 8J 48, AZIDO O8 45, DIAZO O8 45
REPUBLICAN A6 48 ArcticFox, Inkey
ZONAE O11 42 sunshine12

On 15th draw, SOOM 1A 36 --- SOOM to swim [v]
Other tops: SOUM 1A 36
Other moves: SOMY O6 35, SUMY O6 35, SOMY 14A 33, SUMY 14A 33, YOS B10 33
SOUM 1A 36 sunshine12
SOOM 1A 36 Inkey
SUMO 3B 31 ArcticFox

On 16th draw, GROMA 3A 40 --- GROMA a surveying instrument [n]
Other moves: ROMA 3B 36, VAGROM O8 36, MORA 3B 34, MOORVA O10 33, VAROOM O8 33
VIGORO O7 30 Inkey
OM N9 22 ArcticFox
TAV 8M 18 sunshine12

On 17th draw, STOUND 14A 37 --- STOUND to ache [v]
Other moves: SOUND 14A 27, STOND 14A 27, SOUND O6 26, STOND O6 26, SNOD 14A 25
SOUND 14A 27 Inkey
STUD 14A 25 sunshine12
SOT 14A 21 BadBoyBen
COUNTS 13A 16 ArcticFox
TOT 8M 9 chunk88

On 18th draw, OFTER 8K 36 --- OFT often [adv]
Other moves: ZARF E2 32, FEG N10 30, FOREGO O7 30, FOUTER 8J 30, FOUTRE 8J 30
FEG N10 30 ArcticFox
FOREGO O7 30 Inkey
ROOFIE O10 27 sunshine12

On 19th draw, QUIET 9I 31 --- QUIET making little or no noise [adj] --- QUIET to cause to be quiet [v]
Other moves: QUINE E11 28, QI 1F 27, VOGIE O11 27, VOGUE O11 27, VOUGE O11 27
QUINE E11 28 Inkey
VOGIE O11 27 sunshine12
ZAG E2 13 ArcticFox

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