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Game on October 13, 2024 at 22:19, 5 players
1. 173 pts sunshine12
2. 115 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 69 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??adnot   H7    66    66   tornade
 2. cegghiu  12B    30    96   chugged
 3. aadeors  B10    26   122   decors
 4. aaeprtt   A6    31   153   attrap
 5. alnnopv  A13    27   180   poa
 6. aeiklns   E7    76   256   linkages
 7. befortw  C11    41   297   whot
 8. eeijnot   B2    32   329   jeton
 9. eilrstu   8H    77   406   outliers
10. aehiruu   K5    40   446   haulier
11. defoowy   C3    50   496   foody
12. ailmnuv  J10    37   533   maulvi
13. eefgnrw  15J    39   572   infere
14. cginosx   M8    46   618   exonic
15. abegiir   N8    33   651   riba
16. adeeiin   J2    24   675   eaned
17. beilqrw   D8    44   719   qi
18. eirsvwy   1J    58   777   wivers
19. begilmy   3H    30   807   beamily

Remaining tiles: gz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7196 Filesunshine12  1  6:31  -634  173     1.7196 sunshine12  1  6:31  -634  173 
  2.7496 FileGLOBEMAN    1  3:34  -692  115     2.7496 GLOBEMAN    1  3:34  -692  115 
  3.7158 Fileroocatcher  0  1:28  -738   69     3.7158 roocatcher  0  1:28  -738   69 
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   1  1:12  -768   39            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:27  -783   24     1.  -  BadBoyBen   1  1:12  -768   39 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  1:27  -783   24 

On 1st draw, TO(R)NAD(E) H7 66 --- TORNADE a thunderstorm [n]
Other tops: AD(J)O(I)NT H3 66, ANT(H)O(I)D H6 66, A(S)TON(E)D H6 66, A(S)TO(U)ND H6 66, DANTO(N)(S) H4 66, DA(L)TON(S) H4 66, DA(N)TON(S) H4 66, DA(U)NTO(N) H4 66, DA(U)(N)TON H4 66, DOAT(I)N(G) H4 66, DONAT(E)(D) H4 66, DONAT(E)(S) H4 66, DONAT(O)(R) H4 66, DON(N)AT(S) H4 66, DON(N)A(R)T H4 66, DOTAN(T)(S) H4 66, DO(N)NAT(S) H4 66, DO(N)NA(R)T H4 66, DO(P)ANT(S) H4 66, DO(R)(M)ANT H4 66, DO(T)ANT(S) H4 66, D(I)AT(R)ON H4 66, D(O)NATO(R) H4 66, NA(N)OD(O)T H8 66, NA(N)(O)DOT H8 66, NODAT(E)(D) H2 66, NOTA(N)D(A) H7 66, NOTA(T)(E)D H6 66, NOT(A)(N)DA H7 66, NOT(E)(P)AD H6 66, NO(D)AT(E)D H6 66, NO(T)AT(E)D H6 66, NO(V)AT(E)D H6 66, OD(O)NAT(E) H3 66, OD(O)(R)ANT H3 66, ONDAT(R)(A) H2 66, OND(A)T(R)A H2 66, ON(S)T(E)AD H6 66, O(U)T(L)AND H6 66, TAN(G)O(E)D H6 66, TA(C)NOD(E) H7 66, TA(L)ON(E)D H6 66, TON(E)(P)AD H6 66, TO(R)NAD(O) H7 66, T(O)(R)NADO H7 66, T(R)O(L)AND H6 66, (B)ATON(E)D H6 66, (C)ANTDO(G) H8 66, (C)OT(L)AND H6 66, (D)ONAT(E)D H6 66, (F)ANTOD(S) H7 66, (N)ANOD(O)T H8 66, (N)AN(O)DOT H8 66, (N)OTAND(A) H7 66, (N)OT(A)NDA H7 66, (O)DONAT(E) H3 66, (O)DO(R)ANT H3 66, (P)(I)NTADO H7 66, (R)OT(U)NDA H7 66, (Z)ONAT(E)D H6 66
Other moves: AD(J)O(I)NT H4 64, AD(J)O(I)NT H6 64, AD(J)O(I)NT H7 64, ANT(H)O(I)D H2 64, ANT(H)O(I)D H3 64

On 2nd draw, CHUGGED 12B 30 --- CHUG to move with a dull explosive sound [v]
Other moves: CHIGGA 11C 26, GAUCHE 11G 24, HUGGED 12C 24, ICHED 12D 22, ECHING 10D 20

On 3rd draw, DECORS B10 26 --- DECOR style or mode of decoration [n]
Other moves: DACES B10 24, DASHER C9 24, DECOR B10 24, DECOS B10 24, SARCODE B9 24

On 4th draw, ATTRAP A6 31 --- ATTRAP to adorn with trappings [v]
Other moves: SPATTER 15B 30, PATTER A6 29, ATTAP A7 28, PATERA A5 27, PEA A13 27

On 5th draw, POA A13 27 --- POA a type of plant [n]
Other tops: PHO C11 27
Other moves: LOOP 13A 26, NOOP 13A 26, OOP 13B 24, PAVAN 11G 24, POON 13A 24

On 6th draw, LINKAGES E7 76 --- LINKAGE the act of linking [n]
Other moves: LINKAGES F7 75, ALKINES G1 70, ALKINES G2 68, ALKINES I2 68, ALKINES C4 67
LIKES 14D 26 sunshine12

On 7th draw, WHOT C11 41 --- WHOT hot [adj]
Other moves: WHO C11 36, TWOFER B1 32, FROW B3 31, HOB C12 31, WOE B6 31
FROW B3 31 sunshine12

On 8th draw, JETON B2 32 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other tops: EEJIT B2 32, EEJIT F4 32, JOINT B2 32
Other moves: JIN F6 30, JOT F6 30, TAJINE 11G 28, AJEE 6A 27, JO F6 27
JETON B2 32 sunshine12

On 9th draw, OUTLIERS 8H 77 --- OUTLIER some part detached from the main portion [n]
Other moves: RUTILES D2 71, OUTLIERS 5B 66, LUSTIER I2 64, RULIEST G2 64, RUTILES G2 64
SUITER 14H 15 sunshine12

On 10th draw, HAULIER K5 40 --- HAULIER a hauler [n]
Other moves: AHI C2 33, HARE C3 31, HIRE C3 31, RAH C1 31, AH C2 29
RAH C1 31 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 11th draw, FOODY C3 50 --- FOODY an enthusiast for food and its preparation [n]
Other moves: WOOFY J10 45, FOODY J10 43, WOODY J10 43, WOOFED L1 42, DEFY C3 41
WOOFY J10 45 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 12th draw, MAULVI J10 37 --- MAULVI a teacher of Islamic law [n]
Other moves: MAUVIN L1 35, MAUVIN J10 31, LINUM J2 30, MAVIN J10 30, RUMINAL N8 30
MANI J10 24 roocatcher
MAIN J10 24 chunk88

On 13th draw, INFERE 15J 39 --- INFERE together [adv]
Other tops: FEERING 15F 39, FEERING L4 39, FREEING 15F 39, GRIEF 15H 39, REEFING 15F 39
Other moves: FEEING 15G 36, FEIGNER 15H 36, FRINGE 15H 36, WEEING 15G 36, REEF J3 33

On 14th draw, EXONIC M8 46 --- EXON within a nucleic acid, a sequence which codes for protein synthesis [adj] --- EXONIC pertaining to an exon [adj]
Other moves: COX L4 38, GOX L4 36, XI D8 36, NIX L4 34, NOX L4 34
COX L4 38 sunshine12

On 15th draw, RIBA N8 33 --- RIBA the charging of interest, forbidden by Islam [n]
Other moves: RIB N8 30, AGGRI F10 28, GRAB J3 28, BAGIE L1 27, BARGE L1 27

On 16th draw, EANED J2 24 --- EAN to give birth [v]
Other moves: IDEA F7 22, DAINE L1 21, DIENE L1 21, NEED J3 21, NIED J3 21

On 17th draw, QI D8 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: BLEW 1G 37, BREW 1G 37, WIRABLE 3G 34, LIBER 1H 33, QI F6 33

On 18th draw, WIVERS 1J 58 --- WIVER in heraldry, a dragon with wings, the tail of a snake and two legs [n]
Other moves: VIEWY 1F 52, VIEWY 1G 52, VIEWS 1G 43, WIVERS 1E 43, SWEY 1G 40

On 19th draw, BEAMILY 3H 30 --- BEAMILY in a beamy manner [adv]
Other tops: BALMY 3I 30, MAYBE 3I 30
Other moves: BEY I3 29, BAILEY 3I 28, BLEY I2 28, GAMELY 3I 28, GAMILY 3I 28

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