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Game on October 14, 2024 at 08:33, 5 players
1. 564 pts sunshine12
2. 478 pts babsbedi
3. 107 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adhiprt   H8    26    26   aphid
 2. aeijlnv   8A   107   133   javelina
 3. aeilosu   A8    98   231   jalousie
 4. abdlory  11E    52   283   rabidly
 5. ?abegos   I2    80   363   bodegas
 6. aefnops  10F    34   397   fah
 7. ?eemort   5E    86   483   geometer
 8. aeehiit   6F    30   513   thagi
 9. aeinrsx   4A    46   559   xenias
10. cioptuy   B2    36   595   piety
11. acegrtv   H1    28   623   vag
12. egiklno   C7    34   657   evoking
13. deoosuw   4K    31   688   wooed
14. enoqrrs  13H    26   714   sorner
15. ennrtuu   6A    23   737   tyre
16. einoqtu   O1    42   779   quid
17. eelotwz   A1    37   816   zo
18. demntuu  12L    28   844   mend
19. cefnuuw   O7    36   880   fecund
20. cilrttu  14L    20   900   uric

Remaining tiles: lttw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7189 Filesunshine12  4 15:01  -336  564     1.7189 sunshine12  4 15:01  -336  564 
  2.6884 Filebabsbedi    2 16:38  -422  478     2.7496 GLOBEMAN    3  3:01  -793  107 
  3.7496 FileGLOBEMAN    3  3:01  -793  107            Group: intermediate
  4.  -  Filechunk88     1  1:24  -872   28     1.6884 babsbedi    2 16:38  -422  478 
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:58  -876   24            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     1  1:24  -872   28 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:58  -876   24 

On 1st draw, APHID H8 26 --- APHID any of a family of small, soft-bodied insects [n]
Other tops: THRIP H8 26
Other moves: AIRTH H8 24, APHID H4 24, APHID H5 22, APHID H6 22, APHID H7 22
PADRI H4 22 babsbedi
THIRD H4 20 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, JAVELINA 8A 107 --- JAVELINA a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: JAVELIN G2 71, JAVELIN I2 71, JAVELINA 8G 69, APHIDIAN H8 42, JAVELIN 11C 34
JAVELIN 11C 34 babsbedi
JIVED 12D 32 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, JALOUSIE A8 98 --- JALOUSIE a type of window [n]
Other moves: DOULEIAS 12H 70, SAE I8 33, SAI I8 33, SEA I8 33, SEI I8 33
SAI I8 33 sunshine12
SEA I8 33 babsbedi

On 4th draw, RABIDLY 11E 52 --- RABID affected with rabies [adv] --- RABIDLY in a rabid manner [adv]
Other moves: BOLLARD E5 40, BROD B11 28, BROADLY 12D 26, BROADLY E3 26, DRYABLE D2 26
BROD B11 28 sunshine12
HAY 10H 17 babsbedi

On 5th draw, BO(D)EGAS I2 80 --- BODEGA a grocery store [n]
Other tops: BO(C)AGES I2 80, BO(R)AGES I2 80, GA(Z)EBOS I2 80
Other moves: GA(Z)ABOES B5 76, (P)AGEBOYS K5 76, (N)OSEBAG 13F 73, BOS(C)AGE 13F 72, BOS(K)AGE 13F 72
SA(I)D I8 33 sunshine12
BAH 10F 28 babsbedi

On 6th draw, FAH 10F 34 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other tops: FOH 10F 34, PASEO H1 34
Other moves: FANE H1 32, FANO H1 32, FAP H1 32, FONE H1 32, FOP H1 32
FAH 10F 34 sunshine12
EF 10E 28 babsbedi

On 7th draw, (G)EOMETER 5E 86 --- GEOMETER a specialist in geometry [n]
Other tops: EROTEME(S) 5E 86, E(C)TOMERE 5D 86, O(V)ERTEEM 5D 86, TE(L)OMERE 5D 86, (S)TEREOME 5E 86
Other moves: EROTEME(S) 15A 80, E(C)TOMERE 15A 80, OVERME(L)T C7 78, OVERTE(E)M C7 78, OVERT(A)ME C7 78
METER(S) 13C 27 sunshine12

On 8th draw, THAGI 6F 30 --- THAGI a ruffian [n]
Other moves: HE 6F 28, HI 6F 28, EATH 4L 26, HADE 12F 25, EATHE 4K 24
HE 6F 28 sunshine12
HATER L1 24 babsbedi

On 9th draw, XENIAS 4A 46 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n]
Other moves: APHIDIAN H8 42, UNISEX 12A 41, XENIA 4A 41, NIXERS 13C 40, XENIAS 13C 40
UNISEX 12A 41 babsbedi
SEX 12D 35 sunshine12

On 10th draw, PIETY B2 36 --- PIETY the quality or state of being pious [n]
Other tops: POUTY 4K 36
Other moves: COY H1 33, PIOY 3B 33, PITY 3B 33, CROUPY L4 32, PRICY L4 32
YO J2 30 sunshine12
OY 3A 19 babsbedi

On 11th draw, VAG H1 28 --- VAG a vagrant [n] --- VAG to arrest someone for vagrancy, VAGS, VAGGED, VAGGING [v]
Other moves: CAVER L1 26, CAG H1 25, CARVER L3 24, CRAVER L4 24, OVERACT 3I 24
CRAVER L4 24 babsbedi
VEG 12D 23 sunshine12

On 12th draw, EVOKING C7 34 --- EVOKE to call forth [v]
Other moves: KILERG L1 32, OINK 4L 30, EKING 10J 29, EKING 12K 29, GONGLIKE 3H 28
OINK 4L 30 babsbedi
KEG 12D 25 sunshine12

On 13th draw, WOOED 4K 31 --- WOO to seek the affection of [v]
Other moves: WOODS 4K 29, DOWSE M2 28, WOODS M1 28, DOWSE 4K 27, WOOSE 4K 27
DOWER L1 22 sunshine12

On 14th draw, SORNER 13H 26 --- SORNER one that sorns [n]
Other tops: SNORER 13H 26
Other moves: DRONERS O4 24, NOOSER M2 24, ROOSER M2 24, NOSER M3 22, DERROS O4 21
DRONERS O4 24 babsbedi, sunshine12

On 15th draw, TYRE 6A 23 --- TYRE to furnish with a covering for a wheel [v]
Other moves: DUNNER O4 21, RENT B12 21, TUNDUN O1 21, DRENT O4 18, TENDU O1 18
DUNNER O4 21 sunshine12, babsbedi

On 16th draw, QUID O1 42 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other tops: QUOD O1 42
Other moves: QUIETEN N1 36, QUEINT N2 34, QUEEN N2 32, ANTIQUE 7I 29, QUEEN N1 28
QUID O1 42 sunshine12, babsbedi, GLOBEMAN

On 17th draw, ZO A1 37 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: PLOTZ 2B 36, TOZE 6L 36, TOZE 12L 34, EWE 12K 30, OWE 12K 30
ZO A1 37 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
ZO M3 22 babsbedi

On 18th draw, MEND 12L 28 --- MEND to repair [v]
Other moves: EMU 12K 26, MENT 12L 24, MENU 12L 24, MUNT 12L 24, MUTE 12L 24
MEND 12L 28 sunshine12, babsbedi, GLOBEMAN, chunk88
MENU 12L 24 BadBoyBen

On 19th draw, FECUND O7 36 --- FECUND fruitful [adj]
Other moves: UNFED O8 27, UNWED O8 27, EF B13 24, FEW 14M 24, FEW 6L 23
EF B13 24 sunshine12
WEN 14L 23 babsbedi

On 20th draw, URIC 14L 20 --- URIC pertaining to urine [adj]
Other moves: CIT N6 18, LIRI 3L 17, TITI 3L 17, CRAB 2F 14, TETRI N3 14
CIT N6 18 sunshine12, babsbedi

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