Game on October 14, 2024 at 11:42, 8 players
1. 271 pts Chelsea
2. 179 pts LongJump22
3. 166 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 22 22
2. 5E 40 62
3. 10C 70 132
4. 6J 53 185
5. 7E 23 208
6. 8A 47 255
7. 11I 72 327
8. 8K 47 374
9. O10 39 413
10. C1 70 483
11. 12D 82 565
12. A1 89 654
13. D1 26 680
14. 14J 70 750
15. 15G 40 790
16. N10 35 825
17. 14C 33 858
18. 13H 27 885
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7168 Chelsea 2 6:49 -614 271 1.7168 Chelsea 2 6:49 -614 271
2.5852 LongJump22 4 1:54 -706 179 2.7968 moonmonkey 2 3:30 -719 166
3.7968 moonmonkey 2 3:30 -719 166 3.7525 HollyIvy 1 2:30 -789 96
4.7525 HollyIvy 1 2:30 -789 96 Group: novice
5.5754 MMMMMM1112 1 1:12 -832 53 1.5852 LongJump22 4 1:54 -706 179
6.5666 NNNNNN1112 1 1:30 -832 53 2.5754 MMMMMM1112 1 1:12 -832 53
7.5742 OOOOOO1112 1 1:46 -832 53 3.5666 NNNNNN1112 1 1:30 -832 53
8.5768 LLLLLL1112 1 1:39 -845 40 4.5742 OOOOOO1112 1 1:46 -832 53
5.5768 LLLLLL1112 1 1:39 -845 40
On 1st draw, BOATIE H4 22 --- BOATIE a boating enthusiast [n]
Other moves: BIOTA H4 20, BOITE H4 20, BOATIE H3 18, BOATIE H7 18, BOATIE H8 18
BOATIE H4 22 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, U(N)WOOED 5E 40 --- UNWOOED not wooed [adj] --- WOO to seek the affection of [adj]
Other moves: MEOW(E)D G6 34, MEOW G6 32, MEOW(S) G6 32, M(E)OWED G6 31, M(E)OWED I3 31
U(N)WOOED 5E 40 LongJump22, LLLLLL1112
WOM(B)ED I3 31 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, C(A)GIEST 10C 70 --- CAGY shrewd [adj]
Other tops: GUC(K)IEST E4 70, GUIC(H)ETS E4 70
Other moves: GE(N)ETICS J2 66, GE(N)ETICS J4 66, GE(N)ETICS 9G 65, EG(O)ISTIC 8E 63, G(E)(N)ETICS F3 63
C(A)GIEST 10C 70 LongJump22
C(A)GES 10D 20 Chelsea
On 4th draw, XI 6J 53 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: POXING 4J 43, PIX 4C 33, POX 4C 33, COXING C10 32, XI 11D 32
XI 6J 53 Chelsea, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
On 5th draw, ELATION 7E 23 --- ELATION a feeling of great joy [n]
Other tops: ELUTION 7E 23
Other moves: INOCULA C7 22, ULTION 7F 22, AINE 11D 19, AUNE 11D 19, EINA 11D 19
CLEAN C10 14 Chelsea
On 6th draw, GONKS 8A 47 --- GONK a soft toy [n]
Other tops: GOOKS 8A 47
Other moves: NOOKS 8A 44, GONKS 8K 39, GOOKS 8K 39, SNOOK 8K 35, KN(A)GS D8 28
GONKS 8A 47 LongJump22, moonmonkey
COOKS C10 22 Chelsea
On 7th draw, ENVIRON 11I 72 --- ENVIRON to encircle [v]
Other moves: VIGNERON A6 63, OVINE 8K 41, ENVOI 8K 32, NEVI 8J 27, VENIN 4A 26
OVINE 8K 41 moonmonkey
COVIN C10 20 Chelsea
On 8th draw, SHLEP 8K 47 --- SHLEP to schlep [v]
Other tops: SHAPE 8K 47, SHOPE 8K 47
Other moves: EPHAS 8K 44, OPAHS 8K 44, SHALE 8K 41, SHEAL 8K 41, SHEOL 8K 41
SHAPE 8K 47 Chelsea, moonmonkey
On 9th draw, UNWARE O10 39 --- UNWARE wary [adj]
Other moves: GNAWER O10 33, AWE 10M 31, TAW 10L 31, TEW 10L 31, AW 10M 28
AWE 10M 31 Chelsea
TEW 10L 31 moonmonkey
On 10th draw, LEGATION C1 70 --- LEGATION the sending of an official envoy [n]
Other tops: GELATION C1 70
Other moves: TALEGGIO A3 61, TALEGGIO A4 61, GOAL N10 23, GOAT N10 23, GOOL N10 23
On 11th draw, BROCADE 12D 82 --- BROCADE to weave a silky fabric with a raised design [v]
Other moves: BROCADE 12C 81, BALDER 1A 33, BOLDER 1A 33, COLDER 1A 33, DOLCE 1A 33
BOLDER 1A 33 Chelsea
On 12th draw, FERULING A1 89 --- FERULE to fit with a metal cap to prevent splitting [v]
Other moves: FLUIER 14J 34, FURLER 14J 34, FILLER 1A 30, FULLER 1A 30, FLAUNE 4A 29
On 13th draw, ARID D1 26 --- ARID extremely dry [adj]
Other moves: ADIT D1 25, DID D2 22, DAD N13 20, AID D2 19, RAT B2 19
On 14th draw, ZOSTER 14J 70 --- ZOSTER a Greek waist-belt [n]
Other moves: ZEP N13 47, OOZE N11 46, POTZER 14J 46, LAZOES 1C 45, ZO N13 37
On 15th draw, RENAY 15G 40 --- RENAY to renounce [v]
Other moves: TRAY 15H 37, TYRAN 15G 37, YENTA 15F 35, YEAN 15H 34, YEAR 15H 34
TYRAN 15G 37 HollyIvy
On 16th draw, MOATED N10 35 --- MOAT to surround with a moat (a water-filled trench) [v]
Other moves: HADITHS L8 28, HM 13G 26, MOA N10 26, AMU 10M 23, EMERITA 2A 22
HM 13G 26 HollyIvy
On 17th draw, THUJA 14C 33 --- THUJA an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: FETCH G9 30, JUT 14F 30, JA 14F 27, HATFUL M3 26, VATFUL M3 26
THUJA 14C 33 HollyIvy
On 18th draw, MY 13H 27 --- MY the possessive form of the pronoun I [pron]
Other moves: IMP 15C 26, QI 13B 26, PYE 9F 25, VIM 15B 23, EVERY 2A 22
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