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Game on October 15, 2024 at 20:21, 7 players
1. 280 pts LongJump22
2. 188 pts OOOOOO1112
3. 188 pts NNNNNN1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??anotw   H7    74    74   outfawn
 2. eiimnsu   9F    63   137   mutinies
 3. acdeeot  13G    76   213   anecdote
 4. aceflot   J4    67   280   falconet
 5. aagprsx  14L    48   328   pax
 6. abegoru  12L    45   373   berg
 7. aainosv  15G    39   412   avians
 8. aeinrtw   5D    94   506   antiwear
 9. aeilovy   8L    44   550   yale
10. eemnopy   8A    48   598   eponym
11. dginrsu   O2    61   659   grundies
12. bdeiklo   4A    42   701   bloke
13. dehiors   B7    82   783   spheroid
14. efiloru   4H    37   820   offer
15. adeijtv   3C    53   873   jade
16. ghiotuu  A12    38   911   thig
17. iiloruz   7E    35   946   ouzo
18. iiqrtuv  14F    34   980   qi

Remaining tiles: ilrtuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.5797 FileLongJump22  4  3:53  -700  280     1.9965 Pacific     1  2:04  -846  134 
  2.5738 FileOOOOOO1112  1  4:04  -792  188            Group: advanced
  3.5657 FileNNNNNN1112  1  4:29  -792  188     1.7583 sicilianc5  0  4:20  -803  177 
  4.5722 FileMMMMMM1112  1  4:50  -792  188            Group: novice
  5.5719 FileLLLLLL1112  1  5:04  -792  188     1.5797 LongJump22  4  3:53  -700  280 
  6.7583 Filesicilianc5  0  4:20  -803  177     2.5738 OOOOOO1112  1  4:04  -792  188 
  7.9965 FilePacific     1  2:04  -846  134     3.5657 NNNNNN1112  1  4:29  -792  188 
                                             4.5722 MMMMMM1112  1  4:50  -792  188 
                                             5.5719 LLLLLL1112  1  5:04  -792  188 

On 1st draw, O(U)T(F)AWN H7 74 --- OUTFAWN to surpass in fawning [v]
Other tops: O(U)T(G)NAW H6 74, WANTO(N)(S) H4 74, WA(I)T(R)ON H4 74, WA(N)TON(S) H4 74, W(H)ATNO(T) H4 74, W(H)A(T)NOT H4 74
Other moves: O(U)T(F)AWN H2 68, O(U)T(F)AWN H4 68, O(U)T(F)AWN H6 68, O(U)T(F)AWN H8 68, O(U)T(G)NAW H2 68
WANTO(N)(S) H4 74 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, MUTINIES 9F 63 --- MUTINY to revolt against constituted authority [v]
Other tops: MUNI(F)IES 10D 63
Other moves: UNMEWS 12D 22, EMUS 14E 21, MISE 14F 21, MUSE 14F 21, SEMI 14H 21
MUTINIES 9F 63 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, ANECDOTE 13G 76 --- ANECDOTE a brief story [n]
Other moves: ANECDOTE J8 65, DACE 8L 34, DECO 8L 34, O(U)T(F)AWNED H7 33, COATEE 8A 31
ANECDOTE 13G 76 LongJump22

On 4th draw, FALCONET J4 67 --- FALCONET a small falcon [n]
Other moves: OLFACT 8J 60, FACE 8L 50, FACT 8L 50, FATE 8L 44, FEAL 8L 44
FALCONET J4 67 LongJump22

On 5th draw, PAX 14L 48 --- PAX a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n]
Other moves: PAX K3 47, RAX K3 43, SAX K3 43, RAX 14L 42, SAX 14L 42
PAX 14L 48 OOOOOO1112, NNNNNN1112, MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112, Pacific

On 6th draw, BERG 12L 45 --- BERG an iceberg [n]
Other tops: BURG 12L 45
Other moves: BURA 12L 41, BEGO 8L 39, BERG 8L 39, BURG 8L 39, BROGUE 8A 37
BOG 15M 33 LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112

On 7th draw, AVIANS 15G 39 --- AVIAN a bird [n]
Other tops: AVIONS 15G 39
Other moves: NOVAS 15H 36, VINAS 15H 36, VINOS 15H 36, SAVING O7 30, NOVA 8L 29

On 8th draw, ANTIWEAR 5D 94 --- ANTIWEAR designed to reduce the effects of long or hard use [adj]
Other moves: WATERING O5 86, TINWARES M2 74, WARIMENT F5 67, WAIN 8L 44, WAIR 8L 44
WATERING O5 86 Pacific

On 9th draw, YALE 8L 44 --- YALE a mythical animal [n]
Other moves: VEALY 10B 42, VEILY 10B 42, LEAVY 10B 36, LOVEY 10B 36, LEVY 10C 33
YA 4D 22 OOOOOO1112, NNNNNN1112
YE 4D 22 MMMMMM1112
YO 4D 22 LLLLLL1112

On 10th draw, EPONYM 8A 48 --- EPONYM a person after whom something is named [n]
Other moves: EPONYM 14B 47, MOPEY 10B 41, MYOPE 4A 40, MONEY 10B 39, PEEOY 10B 39
ME 4D 18 LLLLLL1112
MO 4D 18 MMMMMM1112
PO 4D 18 NNNNNN1112
PE 4D 18 OOOOOO1112

On 11th draw, GRUNDIES O2 61 --- GRUNDIES men's underpants [n]
Other tops: GRUNDIES A2 61
Other moves: DURANTS 11E 32, INDARTS 11E 32, FUSING 4J 26, SOUCING 7G 26, DOUSING C7 24
DAG D4 10 OOOOOO1112, MMMMMM1112
GAD D4 10 NNNNNN1112, LLLLLL1112

On 12th draw, BLOKE 4A 42 --- BLOKE a fellow [n]
Other moves: BILK 4A 38, BOKE 7A 36, PODLIKE B8 36, BIKE 4B 34, BOKE 4B 34
BILK 4A 38 sicilianc5

On 13th draw, SPHEROID B7 82 --- SPHEROID a type of geometric solid [n]
Other moves: HEROISED A7 63, DOSEH 3C 42, HORDES 3C 42, HORSED 3C 42, HOSED 3C 42
HORDES 3C 42 sicilianc5

On 14th draw, OFFER 4H 37 --- OFFER to present for acceptance or rejection [v]
Other moves: FOIBLE A1 33, REIF C10 30, CLEF 7J 29, CORF 7J 29, CURF 7J 29
CORF 7J 29 sicilianc5

On 15th draw, JADE 3C 53 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: JA 3C 43, JAI A12 40, TAJ A10 39, JOTA 12A 38, JA A12 36
JAI A12 40 sicilianc5

On 16th draw, THIG A12 38 --- THIG to beg [v]
Other moves: THIO A12 35, THOU A12 35, COTH 7J 29, HOG A13 29, HOOT C7 29
HOG 2F 28 sicilianc5

On 17th draw, OUZO 7E 35 --- OUZO a Greek liqueur [n]
Other moves: ZOA G11 28, RIZA 11E 26, ZIG 2M 26, ZILA 11E 26, ZOIC 7G 26

On 18th draw, QI 14F 34 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: CURT 7J 17, QUBIT A2 16, QUID 6L 16, QUASI M6 15, THRU 9A 15

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