Game on October 16, 2024 at 02:20, 1 player
1. 452 pts Papa_Sloth
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 68 68
2. 14H 46 114
3. G1 69 183
4. 1D 36 219
5. 12F 74 293
6. 13F 46 339
7. M9 48 387
8. 14B 55 442
9. 10B 66 508
10. I1 76 584
11. E4 86 670
12. 1A 51 721
13. A1 92 813
14. D1 34 847
15. 15A 39 886
16. 15K 41 927
17. N8 35 962
18. F1 32 994
19. O5 45 1039
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6970 Papa_Sloth 2 15:53 -587 452 1.6970 Papa_Sloth 2 15:53 -587 452
On 1st draw, LO(Z)ENGE H7 68 --- LOZENGE a small, often medicated candy [n]
Other tops: ENGLO(B)E H2 68, E(R)ELONG H6 68, E(U)GENOL H2 68
Other moves: ENGLO(B)E H3 66, ENGLO(B)E H4 66, ENGLO(B)E H6 66, ENGLO(B)E H8 66, E(R)ELONG H2 66
On 2nd draw, DOZY 14H 46 --- DOZY drowsy [adj]
Other moves: D(O)ZY 14H 45, OOZ(E)D 14D 43, DOZ(E) 14H 42, DOZ(Y) 14H 42, FOOZ(L)ED 13C 42
On 3rd draw, TOHUNGA G1 69 --- TOHUNGA a Maori priest [n]
Other tops: TOHUNGA I1 69
Other moves: HOUNGAN 11E 44, AUGHT 15K 35, OUGHT 15K 35, TOUGHEN 13C 35, UNHAT 15K 32
HOA 15I 27 Papa_Sloth
On 4th draw, FORTE 1D 36 --- FORTE a strong point [n]
Other moves: FRONTER 1C 33, REFRONT 1A 33, FRORE I7 31, ONER H1 31, TROVER 1G 30
TROVE 1G 24 Papa_Sloth
On 5th draw, WAGONERS 12F 74 --- WAGONER one who drives a waggon [n]
Other moves: WAR(Z)ONES 9E 62, AWNER 15K 41, OWNER 15K 41, OWRES 15K 41, OWSEN 15K 41
On 6th draw, OXEN 13F 46 --- OX a clumsy person [n]
Other moves: DEX 13G 44, SEX 13G 40, DOUX 15I 39, EX 13H 35, OXO I12 35
OXEN 13F 46 Papa_Sloth
On 7th draw, QUASS M9 48 --- QUASS a Russian beer [n]
Other moves: QUOPS 14B 44, OPAQUES 10C 38, OPAQUE 10C 37, QUEANS 10F 37, QUENAS 10F 37
QUEANS 10F 37 Papa_Sloth
On 8th draw, THIEF 14B 55 --- THIEF one that steals [n]
Other moves: METIF 14B 53, TREIF 14B 49, RHIME N7 39, HIM N8 35, RIME N8 35
TRIM N7 33 Papa_Sloth
On 9th draw, LEVANTED 10B 66 --- LEVANT to avoid a debt [v]
Other moves: LEAD 15A 33, TAED 15A 33, TEAD 15A 33, ELVAN 15K 32, LEANT 15A 30
DEAN 15A 28 Papa_Sloth
On 10th draw, DESCALE I1 76 --- DESCALE to remove scales from fish [v]
Other moves: CLEANSED 5C 72, DESCALE I2 68, CADELLES B5 63, CANDLES 5E 40, ECADS 15K 38
On 11th draw, INTEGRAL E4 86 --- INTEGRAL a total unit [n]
Other moves: GENITAL E5 32, REGINAL E5 32, REIGN N7 30, RENIG N6 30, LERING N6 29
TRIG N7 27 Papa_Sloth
On 12th draw, COMFORTED 1A 51 --- COMFORT to soothe in time of grief [v]
Other moves: C(O)MFORTED 1A 48, CO(M)FORTED 1A 42, (C)OMFORTED 1A 42, CAMO(S) 15A 40, CAMO 15A 39
CR(I)M N7 33 Papa_Sloth
On 13th draw, CREMI(N)IS A1 92 --- CREMINI a brown mushroom [n]
Other moves: C(A)SIMIRE A1 86, (D)IMERISE K5 86, MIS(F)IRE N5 79, (P)ISMIRE N5 79, MERI(S)IS N4 77
RIME N8 35 Papa_Sloth
On 14th draw, FIRK D1 34 --- FIRK to whip [v]
Other tops: KEIR D4 34, KIER D4 34
Other moves: TIED 15A 33, BEAK 11K 30, BRIK D12 30, DIEB 13A 30, VERBID D10 30
On 15th draw, BEAD 15A 39 --- BEAD to adorn with round balls of glass, wood or plastic [v]
Other moves: ABIDE 15K 38, TAED 15A 33, TEAD 15A 33, TIED 15A 33, BAIT 15A 31
BAIT 15A 31 Papa_Sloth
On 16th draw, OWRIE 15K 41 --- OWRIE dingy [adj]
Other moves: RAW 13A 33, AW 13B 31, WEAR 11K 26, WIRE N8 26, WAIR N7 24
RAW 13A 33 Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, TIPI N8 35 --- TIPI a conical tent of the North American Indians [n]
Other tops: YIP N8 35
Other moves: RYA F1 32, TIP N8 32, AY F5 31, PITY N8 31, AY 13C 29
YIP N8 35 Papa_Sloth
On 18th draw, RYA F1 32 --- RYA a Scandinavian handwoven rug [n]
Other moves: AY F5 31, PYA O6 30, AY 13C 29, PITA O5 24, PTUI O5 24
PYA O6 30 Papa_Sloth
On 19th draw, JUBA O5 45 --- JUBA a lively dance [n]
Other moves: JAI O6 36, JA O7 33, BUAT 13A 31, AJIVA 5I 30, JUBATE K7 30
JA O7 33 Papa_Sloth
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